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How are activities and human needs related? The need, activity, motive of activity

A lot has been said about how activities and needs are linked. There are whole scientific works devoted to this topic. It is really very interesting and diverse. It's difficult to discuss it all, because the essence concerns the most unknown being in the world - a person. But I would like to note the basic concepts with attention.

General Provisions

How are human activities and needs related? Before answering this question, it is necessary to determine the concepts. Activity - this is a certain type of activity of a person, which is aimed at achieving a certain result. He suggests a motive for it. He is a kind of motivator - what makes a person act. Hence the word "motivation". In the end, everything leads to the achievement of a goal that gives one or another result.

Need, in turn, is characterized by many scientists as a need or deficiency of something that is necessary for a person. We have a lot of them. They fall into categories. There are spiritual, material, social, psychological, biological needs. And they are all natural, as their satisfaction fully contributes to the harmonious worldview of man and his full-fledged existence in society.

Intellectual component

You can tell a lot about how activities and needs are related. And you need to turn first to the mind. Or rather, to the intellectual activity of man. It implies the acquisition of information, its processing and assimilation. Man is a subliminal creature. And from any information received it is quite capable to gain for itself the benefit. It is also human nature to learn. Many people go to universities and get education. Engaged in self-development: read, learn languages. What for? Because we have a need for self-assertion. It is important for a person to feel valuable, useful, necessary, possessing certain skills (maybe even unique to some extent). This is the motive for intellectual activity.


Speaking about the way activities and needs are connected, it is impossible not to raise the attention of such a topic as money. They are necessary for everyone. Because only money gives us the opportunity to buy a home, clean water, food, clothes, a bed for a healthy sleep. And the need for all of the above is our biological needs. Free of what we need, we can only get air. You have to pay for everything else.

And we get money only for work and work. It is a reward for the benefit brought to the state, society or organization. By the way, work is also a source of satisfaction of some social needs. Everyone wants sometimes to feel himself in the spotlight, to receive praise, approval, respect and share of admiration. Well, all this can be obtained if we try and overfulfill the plan, for example. Or achieve other success at work. Perhaps even write such a nice soul and a purse "trifle", as a bonus.

Scientific view

They say that the activities and needs of a person are connected with value orientations. It is from them that determines the motive of the individual. Because values are the basis for everything. And beliefs. These are stable principles, ideals and views of the world. If you think about it, it is values with convictions that determine not only our activity, but also, in fact, the needs.

An example is a simple situation. A person likes a rich life. For him, the main value is an impressive material condition. And in order to achieve wealth, he will work, plan the business, develop it and think about how to earn even more. He is motivated by the result, which is the state. In principle, this situation shows how the activities and needs of a person are related.


As it was already possible to understand, all previously mentioned concepts are related directly to each other. The need, activity, motive of activity is an inseparable triangle in which one comes from the other.

It is important to note that everything has a purposeful character. Whether it is the needs of economic activity or creative. In any case, human activity is aimed at achieving one or another goal. It is a fact. Because aimless activity is not an activity. And just pastime.

It is also worth noting that human activity is characterized by a creative, creative, productive character. You can draw a parallel with animals. The activity shown by our smaller brothers has a consumer basis. And nothing new is ultimately created. Only what is already provided and given by nature. And in the end, human activity is connected with spiritual culture. Individuals tend to develop. This is one of the basic needs. It is a pity, however, that in our time many people forget about it.

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