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How and what to treat dry cough in an adult

Before treating a dry cough in an adult, it is necessary to understand what caused it. This will also depend on therapy. It is important to know that cough itself is not a disease, but a symptom. So our body tries to get rid of viruses, sputum, and even foreign objects in the respiratory tract. Doctors recognize two types of cough. One of them is productive, we call it wet, damp. As a result, the body is cleansed of phlegm. The second type is dry, barking, or, in the language of medicine, an unproductive cough. The term itself indicates that the body can not get rid of pathological contents. Consequently, such a symptom is more in need of treatment.

Than dry cough is dangerous

When the body coughs up phlegm, it is on the mend. Wet cough is also treated. In this case, drugs are taken to thin phlegm. In the initial stage of acute respiratory disease and influenza, the inflammatory process only affected the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. That is, there is no sputum, and there is nothing to expectorate. What can I do to treat a dry cough in an adult? After all, it is unproductive in the first days of the disease, does not bring relief to the body, and can only cause a number of side illnesses, such as pneumomediastinum or pneumothorax. It is necessary to take drugs that suppress, soften the irritation of cough receptors.

Than to treat a dry cough in an adult with flu and colds

In viral and infectious diseases, therapy should be directed primarily at eliminating the pathogen, for example, the influenza strain. But do not neglect and symptomatic treatment. The drugs that suppress the cough reflex are divided into two types. The first type affects the brain. These are various medicinal compositions based on codeine, ethylmorphine, glaucine, oxeladine, dextromethorphan or prenoxdiazine. They are sold in tablets, powders, syrups, teas. Medications of the peripheral type act on the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and throat. They to some extent contain acetylaminonitropropoxybenzene. Ask the pharmacist what can be given from a dry cough to an adult with ARI. As a rule, the choice is very wide: dragon "Falimint", syrups "Bronchicum", "Bronchitis", "Butamirat", Teas "Ferveks", "Coldrex" and others.

Than to treat a dry cough in an adult with angina

Once again, it is superfluous to recall that self-medication can harm the body. After all, a dry cough can be caused not only by a cold or flu. This may be a symptom of pneumonia, the onset of tuberculosis and even cancerous lesions. In any case, listening to the doctor, or even better, fluorography - will not do harm, but only benefit. Sometimes a specialist needs help, for example, an ENT. After all, tonsillitis and inflamed tonsils can also cause barking cough. In this case, drugs are taken to soften the mucous throat. In pharmacies there is always a large selection of cough drops. You can drink hot milk with honey, rinse regularly and lubricate the throat with enveloping preparations (lugol solution, rotokan).


Human experience has accumulated a considerable arsenal of means to combat coughing. If the latter is accompanied by pain in the throat, take a tincture of eucalyptus, sea buckthorn oil. Mucolytic folk remedies, such as radish with honey, onions or garlic, will help convert into a wet dry chest cough. Than to treat a flu and cold? Of course, raspberries, cranberry jam, tea from Ledum, bitter wormwood, thyme.

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