
Hortensia is a tree-like tree and its miraculous anti-stress abilities

In the natural environment, there are 35 different species of hydrangeas that grow in South and North America, in South and East Asia, some varieties have become well established in the central part of Russia and one of them is a hydrangea tree that is native to North America. In a natural habitat, the plant reaches a height of 2 meters, in culture - 1.5 meters. The leaves of the hydrangea are large and beautiful, oval in shape, with a bright green color and bluish - on the inside. But the special charm of this plant in its flowers is very beautiful, but barren with a diameter of one and a half to two centimeters, which are collected in fifteen-centimeter inflorescences. The flowering period is quite long - from June to September.

In the climatic conditions of the Moscow Region, the hydrangea tree is successfully grown, tolerates winter cold without additional shelter, in case of frost - the bushes are subject to very rapid recovery, thanks to the developed root system, grow and re-start to blossom.

In well-lit areas with hydrated rich soil, the hydrangea tree looks spectacular, both in combination with others, and alone. This sort of hydrangea differs from the others in the good tolerability of calcareous soils.

Hortensia tree is divided into the following varieties:

Annabelle - the height of the shrub reaches from one to one and a half meters, the diameter of its crown - up to three meters. Large leaves of bright green color do not lose color even in the autumn period (do not turn yellow). Large inflorescences with white flowers reach 25 cm. The flowering period begins in June and ends in September. Hortensia tree-like Annabel is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful plants of its kind.

Grandiflora (Grandiflora) - a spreading tall bush is literally strewn with amazing inflorescences up to twenty centimeters in a creamy white hue that blossom all summer and early autumn. Hortensia tree-shaped Grandiflora begins to bloom at the age of 4 years.

Sterilis - branches, covered with huge inflorescences at first whitish-green, and later pure white, bend under their weight down to the ground. The shrub is characterized by a delightful abundance of flowering lasting from time to time, from July to October.

About hydrangeas ...

Hortensia is usually considered a plant that brings stability to family life. It is endowed with the ability to smooth out confrontation between elements, thereby, skilfully, controlling home energy. In those houses where the energy is positive - the hydrangea is abundantly flowered, otherwise it looks poorly developed, frail, very rarely and blossom. To successfully influence the hormonal background of the inhabitants of the house hydrangeas should be located in the south-western zone, which is interesting - this place provides a good feeling for the plant itself.

To attract material prosperity and good luck in a home or work place, the hydrangeas are used to attract positive energy and redirect it to places where it is most needed at a certain moment. For this mission, varieties of abundantly flowering hydrangeas are suitable, having globular large inflorescences.

In order to avoid conflict situations and misunderstandings in the family, the hydrangea should be placed near the center of luck. Well, when a house where there is a person weakened by a long illness, a hydrangea grows. Also, it is recommended to people who have exhausted their strength, they are tired of fighting melancholy and depression, often fall into stressful situations. A flower like a hydrangea will help get rid of the troubles of such a plan, because this plant alone can provoke cheerfulness and joy.

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