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Hirudotherapy in Moscow: where to turn. Prices for hirudotherapy in clinics in Moscow, reviews

The oldest, but effective way to get rid of many problems is still relevant. Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches, which contain in their secretions a lot of useful components. This method has a positive effect on our body. When bitten into the patient's blood, biologically active components are injected, which are of natural origin. It is worth noting that such therapy is in great demand. So, where is this method of treatment applied, and is training in hirudotherapy available in Moscow?

Med 4 you

This health facility was established 15 years ago. During this time, many sessions of hirudotherapy were held here. According to the specialists of this clinic, the diseases are formed over the years and they can be cured by only one procedure, it is simply impossible. Therefore, a special program has been created here, which is called "Therapeutic leech". The clinic hirudotherapy in Moscow Med 4 you has won the trust of its customers with quality service. The "Leech Leach" program created here consists of:

  1. Free consultations with girudotherapists before and after completing the full course of treatment.
  2. 10 wellness treatments. Their periodicity is appointed by the attending physician.
  3. Instructions for taking care of those places where the bite was made. This supplement was created by the specialists of the clinic.
  4. Fence analysis, which is made after the fifth or sixth procedure. This will allow the doctor to see if there has been an improvement. It is worth noting that the analysis includes everything: ESR, fibrinogen, thrombin time, index and so on.

In addition, all the consumables - absorbent films, alcohol napkins, plaster, sheets and medical leeches - are provided by the clinic. The Med 4 you clinic is full and high-quality hirudotherapy in Moscow.

Addresses of health centers: Paliha street, 13/1; Sadovnicheskaya Street 11/2.

Amrita is the center of oriental medicine

A health care institution also conducts hirudotherapy in Moscow. Such treatment here includes three factors:

  1. Biological.
  2. Mechanical.
  3. Reflex.

In their work, the specialists of this center apply the most ancient knowledge, which were obtained from Jewish, Persian, Chinese and Indian scriptures. In addition, it uses the achievements of modern Aesculapius. Thanks to this combination, the specialists of this wellness institution are perfectly fighting with many ailments, using "live needles" - medical leeches.

Features of treatment with leeches in the center of "Amrita"

Hirudotherapy in Moscow is quite a popular method of treating certain diseases. To achieve the best result, specialists of the center "Amrita" try to arrange the leech in such a way that it bites the patient's skin exactly in the place where the reflexogenic point is located. In such places, needles are stuck with acupuncture. Leeches have a medical effect on the blood flow. In this case, their saliva enters our body. But it contains more than 100 useful components, which are harmless natural medicines. According to experts of the center, such substances are able to normalize the work of almost all organs of the human body.

Specialists of the clinic "Amrita" plant leeches in such a way that all factors work simultaneously. In this case, the biological is based precisely on the effect on the active points of the body, which are responsible for the normal functioning of certain organs. The mechanical factor stimulates the activation of blood flow precisely in the zone where it is necessary to relieve the regional circulation. In addition, the flow of blood significantly improves near the affected organs. As for the biological factor, according to the experts of the center, it is the most important. After all, it is based on the effect of saliva leech medical on the body as a whole. At the same time, "living needles" perfectly cleanse the blood.

The clinic "Tibet"

Hirudotherapy in Moscow is carried out by many health institutions, but recently the popularity of the clinic "Tibet" has increased. After all, only here is a combination of several unique techniques. In combination with hirudotherapy, acupuncture is also performed here. In addition, the clinic performs a procedure such as bloodletting. Leeches medical allows you to make recovery more effective. After all, this therapy has a lot of effects: it destroys blood clots, cleans vessels, normalizes blood pressure, has antitumor, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating effect.

The main advantages of the clinic

Center hirudotherapy in Moscow, "Tibet" conducts the procedure, taking into account the active points of the human body. This fully corresponds to the Tibetan knowledge of the treatment of diseases through the energy meridians of the nervous system and internal organs.

In addition, complex therapy is provided here, which consists not only of using leeches, but also of other procedures, among them: acupressure, application of phytopreparations, stone therapy, moxotherapy, acupuncture and others. According to specialists of the clinic "Tibet", this combination of several methods of healing allows to increase the effect, completely cure the disease, and also to rejuvenate and restore the body as a whole.

For the procedures here are used leeches of several types: cosmetic, small and standard. Each type has its own advantages. In addition, leeches in the clinic "Tibet" are used only once. This avoids possible infection with the infection.

Where is it taught

Training hirudotherapy in Moscow is carried out mainly in medical institutions of education. But if there is a desire to receive invaluable knowledge, then it is possible to attend special courses that are conducted by a highly qualified specialist in this field. This training lasts at least 72 hours. But after the course is completed, knowledge will be gained about:

  1. How is professional hirudotherapy performed in Moscow?
  2. How to use medical leeches correctly.
  3. How "living needles" affect our body.
  4. What is the biology of leeches, what substances are contained in their saliva.
  5. How to lead patients who are undergoing hirudotherapy, and so on.

What are the courses on hirudotherapy?

Many are trying to learn the methods of treatment themselves leeches. However, no one can explain the necessary material as well as a real expert in this field. After completing the course at the hirudotherapist, you will be able to:

  1. It is correct to put leeches.
  2. Qualitatively, competently and quickly solve the problems of patients with hirudotherapy.
  3. To create individual courses for each patient for more effective treatment.
  4. Apply this method of treatment for the recovery of patients after ailments.
  5. Use medical leeches with all sorts of diseases and even with serious enough pathologies.

When choosing suitable courses, you should be especially careful not to get to scammers. After all, not only the wallet, but also the health of people will suffer from this.

Hirudotherapy: prices in Moscow

This method of treatment is used by many clinics. The cost of one procedure depends on several factors. A major role is played by the disease, which must be cured. So, for example, the rate hirudotherapy, consisting of five leeches, costs about 2800 rubles, reflexotherapy is the facial area lasting for 30 minutes, 2500 rubles.

If homeosyniatry is performed, the cost of the procedure will be only 1,700 rubles. As for complex reflex therapy, for one procedure lasting 30 minutes the patient will pay 2300 rubles. In some clinics, a consultation with a hirudotherapist is also paid. For it you need to give about 1000 rubles.

Hirudotherapy: reviews

Based on the feedback of specialists, there are several main advantages of this method of treatment. First of all, the positive aspects of hirudotherapy are:

  1. Complete absence of side effects and negative consequences.
  2. Accelerated process of recovery.
  3. The minimum of contraindications.
  4. And also the complex effect on the whole organism of the active components that are part of the saliva of leeches.

Among the contraindications to the hirudotherapy, specialists note the presence of certain diseases: cachexia, malignant tumors, anemia, persistent hypotension, thrombocytopenia, and hemophilia.

As for those who have completed the full course of treatment, they also respond well to this method of treatment. Hirudotherapy in Moscow, reviews of which are mostly positive, takes a special place in the treatment of certain ailments. As the patients of leading clinics say, after the first procedure there is a pleasant lightness in the whole body, pain and discomfort disappear. The first day of the bite site bleeds a little, but this phenomenon completely disappears for the next 24 hours. Among the shortcomings, patients report severe itching, which occurs about three days after the procedure. This sensation is much stronger than after a mosquito bite. To escape from unpleasant sensations helps a hot shower or ointment "Rescuer". It's worth remembering that you can not take a shower while the bleeding bleeds. In addition, some patients have left scars on their skin, someone is completely without trace. However, this can take about 6 months.

Another significant drawback of the procedure is the cost. Hirudotherapy - treatment with leeches, which were specially grown. And the price of the procedure because of this greatly increases. And not everyone is able to afford this.


Hirudotherapy is a very effective method of treatment. However, specialists do not recommend conducting such procedures at home using leeches that live in a nearby pond. After all, this material is a carrier of quite dangerous diseases. For recovery and rejuvenation of the body, it is better to contact special centers, since highly qualified personnel work here. If there was a desire to master the hirudotherapy independently, then it is worthwhile to attend the courses, which are conducted only by professionals in their field.

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