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Herpes: types, symptoms, treatment

Almost the entire population of the planet is infected with herpes. Half of the symptoms may not appear throughout life. But the second part knows firsthand how the disease manifests itself. Activated virus often causes an exacerbation of the disease, which is characterized by the appearance on the skin of different parts of the body of unpleasant formations.

What is herpes

This disease, which occurs as a result of infection with the herpes virus and is characterized by damage to the skin, mucous membranes, central nervous system and other organs. This disease is considered the most common. It is transmitted in various ways and always has a chronic course. To date, almost all types of herpes virus have been described in medicine. In total, there are about 200 varieties.

Ways of infection

Most often, primary and repeated infection with herpes occurs with direct contact, through hygiene and everyday items, as well as by airborne droplets. In addition, scientists have proven the transmission of the disease by genital, orogenital, transplant ( organ transplantation) and transfusion (blood transfusion) by. Once in the body, the virus remains there for life. In the environment, the causative agent of the disease is able to exist - under normal humidity and temperature - not more than 24 hours. But at low rates herpesviruses can last much longer.

Ways of penetration of the virus into the body

Causative herpes simplex type I and II enters the body through microtraumas on the mucous membranes and skin. Then he reaches the nerve cells and settles in the nerve plexuses, waiting for the moment to activate.

Favorable factors influencing the "awakening" of herpes are stresses, emotional disorders, menstruation, hypothermia, weakening of immunity, etc. Reactivated virus is sent back to the skin or mucous, re-causing the disease.

Symptoms and stages of the disease

Although there are many types of herpes, the symptoms of each are approximately the same. At first the disease can be manifested by minor pain, itching, burning and tingling at the site of the future rash. Sometimes a person can complain of a general malaise. This stage lasts about 6 hours. The next stage is redness and condensation of the skin or mucosa. In a day, bubbles filled with a clear liquid begin to form. When a person is infected, herpes is seen as an acne. They last up to 3 days, depending on the size and severity. Then the formation bursts, and in their place remain jazvochki. They are painful and are the focus of infection. Therefore, during this period of illness, it is very easy to infect others with a virus. A few days later, the ulcers begin to heal, crusts are formed. They create a cosmetic defect, but the patient is no longer contagious. Very rarely, herpes is manifested only by pain without rash or vice versa - a painless rash.

Types of herpesvirus

Despite the many varieties, there are 8 main types of pathogens:

1. Simple herpes simplex 1 - this group includes all types of herpes on the lips, as well as a rash in the tongue, the sky and cheeks. At the site of infection there is swelling, redness with a group of blisters containing serous fluid. Within a week the patient feels discomfort, pain, burning sensation. The main signs of infection in the beginning of the disease are fever, chills, muscle aches. This is the most common type that can be diagnosed in any person, regardless of age and sex. With colds and a slight overcooling, the virus quickly activates. How can you recognize this and other types of herpes? The photos presented in the article illustrate the external manifestations of the disease.

2. Simple herpes of type 2 - manifested by a rash on the genitals. For this reason, it is often called genital. Infection occurs solely with sexual intercourse. There are primary and secondary genital herpes. Species differ in clinical manifestations. With the contact of a healthy person with a patient, primary genital herpes develops. The disease manifests itself by abundant eruptions on the genitals, deterioration of the general condition, pain and burning in the affected areas. Secondary genital herpes is characterized by a recurring course and may become worse several times a year.

3. Herpes on the body (type 3) - shingles. In children, he can cause chicken pox. In adults under 35 this type of herpes affects spinal and cranial nerve fibers. Inflammatory processes are localized in places where large nerves pass. For example, the lateral part of the trunk or half of the face. The illness worries the patient for a month. At the sites of inflammation, a lot of vesicles are formed, which "girdle" the trunk. Hence the name of the disease. The defeat of the mucous membranes is very rare. All types of herpes on the body are characterized by the following symptoms: head and neurologic pain, high fever, general weakness, itching and burning on the affected areas of the skin. Unpleasant sensations persist for the entire period of the disease, and the temperature normalizes with the appearance of skin rashes. Eruptions on the body - a symptom that is characterized by virtually all types of herpes. Photo of the herpes zoster is placed below.

4. Type 4 herpes, or Epstein-Barr virus - provokes the development of severe angina, as well as an increase in lymph nodes. The main symptoms of the disease: dizziness, sore throat, weakness, general malaise and high fever, which persists for more than a week. The main sign of the disease is the formation on the palatine tonsils of characteristic bubbles filled with liquid.

5. Type 5 herpes - cytomegalovirus - a very common disease that can occur both asymptomatically and with severe lesions of internal organs and the central nervous system. In general, infection with the virus occurs during sexual intercourse or when used in common with sick subjects. Infection also occurs during labor, with breast milk and with blood transfusions. When a person has strong immunity, the virus remains for a long time in an inactive state. With weak protection of the immune system, the infection propagates and spreads, which affects the internal organs: lungs, liver, kidneys, pancreas.

6. Type 6 herpes - provokes the development of lymphosarcoma, lymphomas, hemocytoblastoma. Often the occurrence of sudden eczema is associated with precisely this ailment.

7. Type 7 herpes viruses cause chronic fatigue syndrome. They can persist in the human body even from an early age, without any manifestation at all. Under the influence of factors reducing immunity, pathogens become more active. In this case, the number of lymphocytes in the blood can be normal, but because of the effects of viruses, they can not function fully. As a consequence, a person feels tired, which does not last a very long time, even after rest. Over time, there is a violation of sleep, intelligence, memory, there is excessive irritability and depression. Also there is an increase in lymph nodes, general health is disturbed.

8. Simple type 8 herpes - to determine the infection is possible only by the method of detecting its DNA in the polymerase chain reaction. The main indications for the examination are the development of Kaposi's sarcoma, organ transplants and the presence of lymphomas in HIV-infected people. This type of virus is found in the prostate gland and cells of the genitourinary system.

Herpes in children

Infection with herpes of children is considered very dangerous. This especially applies to newborns and toddlers of the first year of life. Often, infection occurs even in utero (through the placenta) or when passing through the genital tract. In the latter case, pathologies can be minor. Many types of herpes in children cause dangerous complications. In infants, they can provoke visual and hearing impairment, the development of cardiovascular diseases, internal organs damage, and neurological abnormalities.

Manifestation of the disease in childhood

The main specific manifestation of herpes is a group of small bubbles with a transparent liquid that form on the child's body. They occur primarily in the nasolabial triangle and the mucosa of the mouth. Children often develop stomatitis, angina and labial herpes. Types of this ailment can be conditionally referred to the group of herpes of younger age.

Children's Herpes: Species

Herpes stomatitis mainly occurs before the age of 3 years. During the illness, mucous cheeks, lips and tongue are affected. The main signs of the disease: the appearance of a characteristic rash, fever, itching, burning and pain when eating.

Older children are more likely to suffer from such pathology as labial herpes. The species described above also sometimes occur. But shingles are more common. At first, the disease resembles chickenpox, but then there is no doubt - it's herpes. The main signs of the disease: the formation of a rash on the reddened skin; Burning pain in the affected areas, which is often worse at night; nausea; Vomiting; headache. In severe form, neoplasms penetrate even deeper into the skin. In this case, after the bubbles dry up, scars may remain.

Sometimes the virus can affect the cornea of the eye, causing herpes keratitis. Most of the sources of infection are many types of herpes on the face. Therefore, it is very important that parents monitor the hygiene of the baby and prevent the spread of the virus to other organs. Herpes keratitis is manifested by photophobia, pain and redness in the eyes.

In childhood, many types of herpes develop, and their treatment practically does not differ from adult therapy.

Treatment of herpes

Despite the fact that herpes always has a chronic form, the disease necessarily requires treatment. To effectively combat this disease, a comprehensive approach is used, including the use of antimicrobials, antipyretics and local anesthetic creams. The only medicine that would completely eradicate this unpleasant disease has not yet been developed. But nevertheless there are means which allow to strengthen immunity, and also facilitate a current of an illness.

Therapy during pregnancy

For the treatment of herpes in pregnant women use alternative medicine. Chemicals enter the bloodstream, and with it enter the placenta. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is better to replace medicines with folk remedies. They not only eliminate the viral rash on the body, but also increase the protective functions of the body. About some recipes of folk medicine men will be told a little lower.

Healthy diet

In addition to taking medication, it is very important to adjust the daily diet. It is necessary to use more products rich in microelements and vitamins A, C, E.

Vitamin A increases the protective functions of the skin and mucous membranes, preventing the ingress of pathogens into the body from the external environment. Ascorbic acid helps to strengthen the immune system and increases the production of interferon. A known antioxidant is vitamin E.

The use of the necessary amount of zinc has a positive effect on the body's resistance to viruses and infections. Also, zinc interferes with cellular oxidation processes.

Propolis and garlic are natural remedies

Systematic use of propolis helps to reduce herpes infection, preventing its reproduction. It is a natural product that is widely known for its useful properties. Propolis can be used in both natural form and in the form of tablets. For external use, ointments based on it are produced.

In the fight against herpes is very helpful extract of garlic. It is used as an antiviral. The use of garlic allows not only to get rid of the infection, but also has a beneficial effect on individual organs.

Although at the moment there are enough different drugs to treat herpes (for example, the same "Gerpevir", "Zovirax" or "Acyclovir"), it is almost impossible to completely cure it. Existing medications are mainly used for temporary remission.

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