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Hemorrhoids Crocus: What to do before a visit to a doctor?

Hemorrhoids - this is quite a serious problem, causing a lot of painful sensations. But sometimes the hemorrhoidal nodes can heal, which significantly exacerbates the situation. To avoid complications and reduce pain, you need to follow proven and simple principles of treatment.

Causes of bleeding

In most cases, hemorrhoids begin to heal with injuries of the mucous membrane of the hemorrhoids, which is sufficiently vulnerable. Such violations can be caused by too long sitting in the toilet. The state of the mucosa is affected by constipation, during which the emptying of the rectum becomes problematic and stale feces cause damage.

Crost hemorrhoids sometimes due to impaired blood circulation in the veins of the small pelvis, leading to thinning of the vascular wall. In such a state, the risk of cracking and micro-erosion is large enough. Do not discount the diarrhea, which can have a significant effect on the condition of the hemorrhoids.

One of the most unpleasant options is a bursting hemorrhoidal knot, which is actually an open wound. For the reason that the place where the gap is located, can come into contact with the feces, there is a risk of infection. As a result, certain complications may arise: sepsis, fistula growth and suppuration.

Remains after the rupture of the wound must necessarily be treated with special means.


If hemorrhoids hemorrhoid, what to do to neutralize this problem, it is important to know. But it is also worth studying the symptoms to quickly determine the fact of deterioration.

First of all, in such a state there is a sensation of a foreign body in the anal canal. Also, itching may occur in the anus. On the toilet paper or underwear after the act of defecation there are traces of blood. Often, when one has to deal with bleeding from the hemorrhoids, the blood is also visible on the stool.

Such manifestations of the patient, as a rule, observe every time you visit the toilet. If the disease is in a serious stage, then posthemorrhagic anemia may develop. In most cases, it is compensated. This means the absence of serious pain, when hemorrhoids creep. What to do in this situation, it is not difficult to determine: if there are no strong pain sensations, but there are traces of blood, then you need to see a doctor and apply folk techniques. To lead a normal lifestyle without trying to influence the problem is not worth it, since the risk of significant deterioration is too great.

Along with this it is important to note that hemorrhoids without accompanying painful sensations are not so common, in most cases patients feel strong discomfort, weakness and dizziness. The skin becomes pale.

Weak and severe bleeding

Quite often for different people the question becomes urgent: "What causes hemorrhoids, what to do?" But it is worth knowing that bleeding can be not only moderate, but also profuse. It appears mainly with thrombosis of the hemorrhoidal node with concomitant necrotic complications. Strong bleeding develops quite sharply. If you do not have time to consult a doctor with such a problem, then there is even a risk of a fatal outcome.

Moreover, hemorrhoids with heavy bleeding can cause the development of such diseases as anal fissure, rectal fistula and acute paraproctitis.

It is worth noting and the fact that not always bleeding from the intestine is a consequence of hemorrhoids. Sometimes the following diseases lead to such a problem: tumors, polyps, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Therefore it is important to pass professional diagnostics.

What should you do with hemorrhoids?

A visit to a doctor is a key condition for a positive outcome if hemorrhoids are hemorrhoids. What to do before a medical examination is also important to know. The first action that is worth doing is to wash yourself after the defecation. For this, it is better to use cold water. This will lead to a reduction in the smooth muscles of the perineum and vessels. The consequence of such a reduction is the reduction of hemorrhoids.

You can also use a variety of trays and ointments. But if the bleeding does not stop, then you need to see a doctor.

Sometimes patients are faced with such a problem as a bursted knot, which is why hemorrhoids hemorrhoids strongly. What to do in such a situation, it is extremely important to know, since the right reaction will help to avoid tangible complications.

As soon as the fact that the hemorrhoidal lump exploded, it is necessary to clean the damaged area and attach a napkin or gauze with hydrogen peroxide to it.

To the damaged place it is necessary to apply and ice, it will allow to reduce an edema. As for the cold baths, you do not need to go into them completely - only the pelvis sinks into the water (for a maximum of 3-4 minutes). The procedure is recommended to be repeated 4-5 times during the day. It would be superfluous to add to the bath a decoction of chamomile, sage, oak bark and calendula. If bleeding occurs, you need to wash yourself after every visit to the toilet using cold water and herbal decoctions.

Using candles

There are certain drugs, the use of which is acceptable at home. We are talking about candles that have certain differences:

  1. Containing bismuth and tannins. The essence of their impact is reduced to an astringent effect.
  2. Candles based on phenylephrine. Relevant due to vasoconstrictor properties.
  3. Propolis based, which have a healing effect.
  4. Candles, the main component of which is the styptic. Their properties can be defined as haemostatic.

This is one of the topical answers to the question: "Crocodile internal hemorrhoids, what to do?"

Attention deserve and candles with adrenaline. Their use is most relevant in the case when the blood does not stop within 2-3 hours after damage to the hemorrhoidal node.

If the internal hemorrhoids burst, the best option is a candle with propolis. As for medicines, with prolonged bleeding, the use of "Analgin", "Nurofen", "Diclofenac" is indicated.

How to influence bleeding at external nodes

If there is no way to quickly get to see a doctor with external bleeding, it's worth using some folk techniques.

First of all, you need to pay attention to raw potatoes. In this case, the juice from this vegetable is used for the preparation of compresses, microclysters, tampons. If desired, you can make potato candles. They quickly stop bleeding and relieve swelling. Procedures with the use of potatoes should be carried out within 10 days.

For patients who are interested in information on what to do, if hemorrhoids are external, you should pay attention to decoction of horsetail. To make it, you have to find 6 tablespoons of this plant and 0.5 liters of boiling water. Cook it should be about 5 minutes, and then use the broth outside (lotions, baths). Internal use is allowed. This is a fairly effective way to neutralize bleeding.

If there are traces of blood in the external hemorrhoids, then do not forget about the baths from the bark of chestnut and birch. Use them need for 7 days.

How to work on internal hemorrhoids

If the internal hemorrhoids croak, what to do before you get to see a doctor, again, may suggest folk medicine.

First you need to take an infusion of broom. It significantly contributes to stopping both internal and external bleeding. This infusion helps to reduce vascular permeability and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Within the framework of the topic "Hemorrhoids crooked: what to do at home" it is worth paying attention to the bark and hazel leaves.

They are actively used as a vasoconstrictor, hemostatic and bacteriostatic agent. For the preparation of the infusion it will take 1 teaspoon of leaves to be filled with a glass of boiling water, then insist 10 minutes. The finished product should be drunk as tea. If you have to use the bark, then boil it should be 3 minutes, after she insists.

Blood Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy - What to Do

First of all, it is worth consulting with a doctor about the use of specific drugs, as some drugs can have an impact on the child's condition, and is far from positive.

In other respects, the principle remains the same: different candles, ointments, creams are used. In some cases, it is necessary to adjust the nutrition to improve the process of bowel evacuation. To initially exclude the possibility of hemorrhoids, you need to remove from the diet salty, smoked, pickled and spicy dishes.

When the question arises: "What should I do if hemorrhoids hemorrhoid, what should I do?" - folk remedies will be a good answer. For a start, you can stay on a cane of broth, rowan juice and infusion from the bone. But it is important to make sure that the pregnant woman does not have allergies to these berries.

In this case, it is better to abandon such a popular method of stopping bleeding, as a bath from hemorrhoids. Their use is associated with the risk of infection in the genitals.


Thus, there are many techniques by which you can effectively influence hemorrhoids before the doctor performs a full-fledged examination. But to ignore the participation of a doctor is not necessary, because in some situations his help is needed.

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