
Gas discharge tube for blistering treatment

The accumulation of gases in the intestine, or flatulence, is often found in patients who are forced to stay on bed for a long time . The development of the accumulation of gases is often associated with diseases of the digestive system with disruption of peristalsis: colitis, enterocolitis, as well as cirrhosis and heart failure, as a result of increased blood pressure in the portal system. Flatulence often accompanies constipation and may be accompanied by pain in the intestines, which bring additional suffering to patients, and also increases manifestations of respiratory and heart failure.

As you know, to prevent any disease is easier than to treat it. Prevention of flatulence in adults is to limit the diet of carbohydrates, whole milk, dishes from cabbage and potatoes, black bread, including foods rich in pectins: table beets, carrots, prunes, baked apples.

For the treatment of bloating , various medications can be used, including Espumizan, Sorbeks, activated charcoal. A lot of methods of treatment offers traditional medicine. Broken chamomile medicinal products, peppermint, dill, fennel and some other medicinal herbs have a vetogenic effect. Cleansing enemas are helpful , but this type of treatment can not be used often, and it is not always possible to perform them. In these cases, the use of a gas pipe is shown.

The gas outlet tube is a small soft thick-walled tube made of rubber. Its length is from 30 to 50 cm, and its diameter is 0.3 to 0.5 cm. One end of the gas pipe is rounded, and the other is obliquely cut. Before use, the tube is boiled and the rounded end is lubricated with vaseline or any other vegetable oil.

How is a gas outlet tube used for adults

The patient should be placed on the left side, and under the basin to spread the oilcloth. The buttocks are bred with the fingers of the left hand and gradually, by rotational movements, insert a gas outlet tube into the large intestine to a depth of 20-30 centimeters. The outer obliquely cut end should protrude from the anus and be lowered into a vessel filled with water.

The gas outlet tube can remain in the rectum before the gases escape and reduce the bloating. Within a day to remove gases the tube can be used up to 4-6 times, leaving in the intestine for no more than two hours to prevent the formation of pressure sores. If the introduction of the tube is difficult due to the accumulation of fecal matter, it is necessary first to put a cleansing enema, after which a gas-evacuating tube can be used.

After removing the tube from the intestine, the anus is carefully wiped with a gauze napkin, and if there are signs of irritation, then the skin around the anus is smeared with petroleum jelly. The tube after use is washed in warm water with soap and then sterilized by boiling for 20-30 minutes. After sterilization it must be dried and stored in a clean dry plastic bag or sterilized glass jar with a lid. In case of prolonged storage, the tube must be disinfected with boiling before use. It should be remembered that the tube is an object of individual use, it can be used only for one patient.

A vent pipe can also be used in childcare. The tube for children differs from the adult in smaller sizes. The technique and rules of application are no different from this procedure performed by adult patients. Optimal, if the introduction of the tube to the child is performed by a specialist. With careless introduction, there may be a trauma to the intestinal mucosa, bleeding and even perforation of the intestine with the development of peritonitis. Before using a gas outlet tube for children, you should know that applying it is an extreme measure, possible only if there is no result from the use of other methods.

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