
Inexpensive pain relievers: list, description

In the paper proposed to your attention, we will discuss inexpensive painkillers. Many probably know the opinion of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky about the pain - it is needed for a "broad heart". From the point of view of medicine - this statement is wrong. Do not take the words of a great man literally. Any pain must be subject to treatment.

If you can not buy expensive imported drugs, you can always buy inexpensive painkillers. Make the right choice, you can by studying the information provided in the article.


Most often people suffer from acute pain. It arises suddenly and lasts a limited amount of time. To the reasons of pain sensations of this nature are:

  • Fracture;
  • Stretching;
  • Injuries of internal organs;
  • Caries and so on.

That is, acute pain occurs as a result of damage to the tissues of the human body. In order to get rid of these unpleasant sensations, you can use inexpensive analgesic tablets, which belong to the group of analgesics. They can dull the pain, and this has a beneficial effect on the psyche, improves well-being and brings relief.

Also, cases of chronic pain are often identified (it is said if discomfort lasts for 6 months or more). As a rule, such pain is caused by chronic diseases. For example, some pathologies may exhibit long, aching spasms and other unpleasant sensations. These include the following diseases:

  • Osteoarthritis;
  • rheumatism;
  • Gout;
  • Malignant tumors and so on.

Of course, therapy should be aimed at eliminating the causes of the disease. But you can take inexpensive painkillers, which are able to muffle pain.

However sad it may sound, more than 80 percent of the Earth's inhabitants face different forms of soreness. She is able to bring a person into a deep stressful state. To prevent this, you need to know about when and what anesthetic drug to take.


Regardless of whether you buy cheap painkillers or expensive drugs, they are all subject to the same classification. It should also be taken into account that drugs belonging to the same group have a similar effect. Whichever drug from one group is taken, the pain will be reduced by the same scheme as the others.

Agree, when you go to the pharmacy to buy pain medication, it seems that no difficulties will arise. However, the pharmacist begins to ask a lot of additional questions and selects the drug that is right for you. The thing is that in pharmacology there is simply a mass of groups of painkillers. Now we will try to understand them. Allocate:

  • Pyrazolones;
  • Combined analgesics;
  • Means against migraine;
  • Anti-inflammatory non-steroid drugs;
  • Narcotic analgesics;
  • Antispasmodics;
  • Specific analgesics.

Next, we will analyze each case separately and list the drugs that can be used to eliminate pain.


In this section, we will discuss the question of what are inexpensive painkillers for headaches. To begin with, we note that the headache is a common problem of our time. It can contribute to:

  • Loss of efficiency;
  • Irritation;
  • Nervousness and so on.

If headaches occur very often, it is better to see a doctor. The whole point is that this can be a symptom of very many diseases. There are several types of headache :

  • migraine;
  • Overvoltage;
  • Cardiovascular pain;
  • Liquorodynamic.

Remove this unpleasant pain with preparations containing:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • Acetylsalicylic acid.

That is, it is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Also with this problem will cope:

  • Antispasmodics;
  • Analgesics.

With headaches, you can take the following medicines:

  • "No-shpa";
  • "Papaverine";
  • "Galidor";
  • "Analgin";
  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Baralgin";
  • Nurofen;
  • Citramon and so on.

This is, of course, an incomplete list. At the moment there is a huge amount of pain medication. It is important to know that each organism is unique, so it is worth choosing the medicine individually. Do not engage in self-medication, because this can lead to serious problems. Follow the instructions on the package, do not exceed the dosage. Doctors do not recommend taking painkillers for more than five days. Do not combine several drugs at once. Do not consume alcohol with medicines.


From this part of the article, you will learn which inexpensive painkillers to buy with toothache. For sure, every person has experienced these unpleasant sensations at least once in his life. Some means will help to get rid of the pain. Whatever you choose cheap painkillers for toothache, they all belong to one of the groups described below:

  • Anesthetics;
  • Anti-inflammatory;
  • Freezing.

Analgesics work as follows: suppress the production of prostaglandins and cyclooxygenase activity. Because of this, the nerve endings are temporarily blocked.

Anti-inflammatory drugs block the enzyme cyclooxygenase. As a result, the sensitivity and intensity of inflammation decrease.

Freezing agents act on direct application to the inflamed area. As a rule, they are presented in the form of ointments, gels and sprays. They have in their composition a small amount of anesthetic, which is absorbed and blocks the transmission of nerve impulses.

If the toothache is weak, then you can resort to the help of such drugs as:

  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Analgin";
  • "No-shpa";
  • "Drotaverine";
  • "Askofen";
  • "Spazmalgon";
  • "Baralgin";
  • "Nurofen."

The cost of the given medicines varies from 10 to 200 rubles. All of them are dispensed without a prescription. Pay attention to side effects, contraindications, the correct dosage. All this must be indicated in the instructions to the purchased medication.

With severe pain, drugs will help:

  • "Nimesulide";
  • "Ketanov";
  • "Pentalgin."

They are more effective, they start to act 15-20 minutes after taking. Anesthetic effect lasts for 4-5 hours. The cost varies between 50-100 rubles. Although these drugs are recommended to be dispensed by prescription, many pharmacies can provide them without it.


In this section, we list the painkillers from hemorrhoids (inexpensive and effective). Often people with such ailment postpone their trip to the doctor, trying to get rid of him on their own. This is a very big mistake.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, two methods are distinguished:

  • operational;
  • conservative.

The second is effective only in the early stages. For this reason, it is worth to visit the proctologist after the appearance of the first symptoms - he will appoint the right treatment. Now we will consider conservative treatment. Therapy involves the use of several groups of medicines:

  • Ointments from hemorrhoids;
  • Pills for normalization of blood circulation;
  • Preparations for the removal of inflammation;
  • Medicines for the proper functioning of the intestine;
  • Means of traditional medicine;
  • physiotherapy;
  • massage.

Now about painkillers. It is important to note that this problem often appears in women during pregnancy or after childbirth. Almost all preparations are natural, therefore, they will not harm the baby. Anesthetize hemorrhoids will help the following medicines:

  • Detralex;
  • "Hemoroidin";
  • "Flebodia";
  • "Litovit B";
  • "Pileks";
  • "Asklezan A";
  • "Pentalgin";
  • Ibuklin;
  • "Nyz".

It is important to remember that self-medication can only do harm, so consult a doctor. He will make a scheme of therapy, write a prescription for the purchase of drugs in the pharmacy.

Painkillers with monthly

Pain sensations in the first days of menstruation - this is a common phenomenon. As a rule, they are quite tolerant, but there are cases when soreness is intense.

First, let's define the wrong tactics - endure. Why should not this be done? Pain is not only physical discomfort, but also a strong stress factor. It is for this reason that we will allocate inexpensive analgesic tablets at monthly intervals.

What is the reason for this pain? Before menstruation and during it, endometrial rejection occurs, and the uterus starts to chaotically contract. This is what leads to the appearance of pain. In this case, the medications will be analgesic and relaxing the uterus. For nal, we list the antispasmodics that will cope with the pain:

  • "No-shpa";
  • Drotaverine;
  • "Papaverine";
  • "Spazgan";
  • "Trigan".

It is also important to note the fact that it is not recommended to take antispasmodics with copious periods. Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging.

Next, we will provide a list of analgesics that will help to eliminate not only pain, but also fatigue, drowsiness, fever. Without a prescription,

  • "Analgin";
  • "Baralgin";
  • "Panadol";
  • Efferalgan;
  • "Novalgin".

All medicines have side effects, contraindications. Carefully read the instructions.

Now we will arrange painkillers at monthly intervals in order of decreasing power:

  • "Ketanov";
  • "Indomethacin";
  • Ibuprofen;
  • "Aspirin".

Be sure to eliminate the pain syndrome, because it affects the entire body badly.

Painkillers for the throat

Everyone, without exception, felt a sore throat at least once in their life. Pain sensations can be weak or strong to such an extent that it is impossible to eat and talk.

The causes of the appearance of discomfort can be very diverse, but more often are viruses that cause infectious and inflammatory diseases. Recollect, with what usually begins cold? Of course, with a sore throat! A few days later, there are other symptoms.

Viral pharyngitis passes independently in about 5 days. In such cases, a doctor is not required. But what if the pain is strong enough? We will receive medication for help. Now we list the cheapest painkillers for the throat:

  • "Paracetamol";
  • Ibuprofen;
  • "Naproxen".

In addition, you can resort to the help of traditional medicine and sprays, which can remove pain.

Pain in the stomach

Now we list the cheap painkillers for pain in the stomach. Incidentally, discomfort in the epigastric region may indicate the presence of a variety of ailments. To determine the problem it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination. But many medicines are able to suppress pain. They can be divided into the following groups:

  • Antispasmodics;
  • Antacids;
  • Blockers;
  • Preparations containing bismuth.

Spasmolytics, which eliminate pain in the stomach:

  • "Papaverine";
  • Drotaverine;
  • "No-shpa";
  • "Spasmodic";
  • Buscupan and so on.


  • "Fosfalugel";
  • Almagel.

Proton Pump Blockers:

  • "Omeprazole";
  • Pantoprazole.

These drugs not only reduce pain, but also contribute to recovery. They are prescribed for gastritis and ulcers.

Containing bismuth:

  • "De-nol";
  • "Vikair", etc.

Be sure to consult a doctor with this problem, because the consequences of diseases of the stomach can be very unpleasant. Do not self-medicate, carefully read the instructions to the drug.

Pain Relief for Joints

From pains in the joints can also help cheap painkillers tablets. The list is given below. But to begin with it is necessary to say that joint diseases are very common. As a rule, pathologies are accompanied by severe pain, which must be disposed of. Correctly to pick up a preparation the skilled expert can help. This article is an introduction - do not self-medicate.

List of drugs for joint pain:

  • "Analgin";
  • "Baralgin";
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Nurofen;
  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Pentalgin";
  • Spazmalgon;
  • "Nyz";
  • "Nimesil";
  • Promedol.

It is also important to note that the latter drug belongs to the group of narcotic drugs. It should be taken only in extreme cases and strictly on the advice of a doctor. You can not buy it without a prescription in a pharmacy.

Painkillers during pregnancy

In this section, we briefly discuss the question of what pain medication can be used during pregnancy. Even this wonderful time in the life of every woman can be overshadowed by various diseases. Future mothers try not to use any medications at all, if possible, and their fears are fully justified. But what if an anesthetic is still necessary? Give preferences as follows:

  • "Paracetamol";
  • Nurofen;
  • "No-shpa";
  • "Riabal".

Take all medications with caution: always consult your doctor.

Painkillers for children

What are the pain reliever tablets cheap and effective for children? This question is answered in this section. Give preference to the following medicines:

  • Ibuprofen;
  • "Paracetamol";
  • "Nimesulid."

Strong painkillers

The most powerful painkillers are made on the basis of opioid analgesics. These include:

  • Tramal;
  • Morphine;
  • "Codeine".

You can not buy such medicines in the pharmacy without a doctor's prescription, as they are narcotic. Do not forget that it is almost always possible to find cheap analogues of analgesic tablets.

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