HealthDiseases and Conditions

Frequent stool child: normal or pathological?

Every parent is well aware of the disturbances that can cause the stool of their child. Indeed, in fact, analyzing the emptying of the baby, you can draw some conclusions about the state of his health. However, not so rarely the conclusions that parents make are completely untrue. So, for example, they found the child is too rare or on the contrary a frequent chair and "raised panic", although there may be no cause for concern. Just to ensure that adults do not worry about their babies in vain, this article will consider the main features of a child's chair.

First of all, it is necessary to say that, depending on the method of feeding, the frequency of emptying can differ. Thus, a child who is breastfed will have a more frequent stool than that of someone who is breastfed. At the same time, the stools will be more dense and thick from the mixes, and from the milk - more liquid and mushy. The color of the feces can be different: from yellow-brown to green. And both are considered the norm. From a medical point of view, this is due to the fact that the gallbladder secretes two pigments that stain the feces: biliverdin and bilirubin. The first of them, impregnating feces, gives them a green color, and the second - brown. Therefore, if the child has too frequent a chair, he does not always have time to turn brown. The reason is that in the short time interval only the first pigment can react, which leads to a green color.

Rare emptying frightens and worries the parents no less than the frequent chair in the child. Although in this case there are special features. In order to make the situation with the number of bowel movements more understandable, it should be noted that a frequent stool is due to the fact that the child's gastrointestinal tract in the first months of life is still poorly adapted to eating, and the baby is not well absorbed in the food received. Therefore, if your "child" is emptied less often than some other children at his age, this may indicate better assimilation of food. The cause of more rare defecations can also be the fact that the child has not yet learned to control his intestines. Therefore, if the chair passes regularly at least once in three days, then this condition can be considered the norm. In no case should you give laxatives, do enemas or just "help" the child with a thermometer or soap. By taking these measures, you can further exacerbate the situation, because you simply deprive the child of the opportunity to learn to control the work of the intestines. In addition, laxatives can harm the body and cause addiction, i.e. In the future, the baby can not emptily be emptied at all.

In general, characterizing the state of a child's health, it is important to pay attention not to his chair alone, but to the general condition. So, for example, if the kid behaves as usual, quite happy and satisfied, not being naughty, eating well and sleeping, then there is no cause for concern. If his state of health worsens, then you should think about the reasons and possibly consult a doctor. For example, if the baby's tummy is slightly "swollen," while he cries and pulls his legs, this, most likely, indicates the accumulation of gases in the intestines of the baby. In this case, the child should be helped and called a chair. This will contribute to the escape of gases, after which the baby will immediately calm down.

Care should be given to the condition of the child, if he has a frequent loose stool. In this case it is not a liquid gruel, which may simply be a child who is on pure breastfeeding. Take some measures should be only when the baby rolls a very liquid trickle (for consistency, it is almost like water), because It can very quickly lead to dehydration of the child's body. In this situation, the child can give some fixing products: rice broth, pear juice, banana puree, carrot soup.

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