HealthHealthy Eating

Flax seeds - use and cleansing of the intestine

Insignificant in appearance and small seeds of flax in fact have great benefits for the human body, especially for the digestive tract and heart. In addition, they can help control weight and prevent the emergence of dangerous oncological formations.

And in addition, flaxseeds help reduce cholesterol, stabilize the amount of sugar in the blood, prevent a decrease in density in the bones and strengthen immunity.

According to its properties, flax is a rather unique plant that is the source of the most valuable protein (vegetable), vitamins, fiber and trace elements. Flax seeds, according to doctors, "due to the huge content of mucus, have an enveloping, emollient effect, protect the inflamed mucous of the gastrointestinal tract and esophagus from irritation, not allowing toxins to enter the body, while eliminating general intoxication. Contribute to flax seeds and bowel emptying, which is especially important for obesity and with constipation. Still - they are a strong sorbent, which differs from others in the inability to destroy the cell.

The infusion of cooking, it turns out, is extremely easy. It is quite pleasant to the taste, but only the first day. So it is desirable to cook a new broth daily, in order to drink fresh. Recipe for flax seeds:

1 table. A spoonful of seeds is poured into 2 stacks. Steep boiling water and allow to brew one whole night. Take on 100 gr. For ½ hour before meals several times a day.

There is a gradual loss of weight, in addition, these infusions improve significantly and overall well-being. In the seeds of this plant contains a huge amount of Omega-3 (acid), which contributes to a decrease in blood cholesterol and the formation of blood clots. Research scientists have shown that flaxseed contain at least 2 more components that are able to prevent and significantly reduce the risk of cancer.

They also improve the work of the whole GIT and metabolism.

Flax seeds: cleansing of the intestine

Flax seeds, thanks to their constituents, have an anti-inflammatory, expectorant, enveloping and slightly laxative effect. In addition, flax can effectively dissolve some of the toxic substances and, thereby, cleanse the body of negative accumulated slags. Therefore, the cleaning of the intestine with the help of flax seeds with vegetable oil is one of the most effective means and methods of purification.

To prepare the solution, it will take a vegetable unrefined oil (260 ml) and 100 g of flax seeds, which must be ground into flour in a coffee grinder or in some other device, so that they can be absorbed by the body more easily. The ground seeds must be poured with warm vegetable oil and within a week insist on the resulting mixture. It is necessary to shake the oil mixture periodically during this week.

You must take 1 table. Spoon solution 3 times a day for 1 hour before eating. Purification of the intestine in this way should be done for at least ten days. The action of this type of technique can be felt almost on the 6th day. If a person suffers from cholecystitis, then the mixture must be taken directly before the intended meal. You can not take an oil solution when exacerbating pancreatitis or hepatitis, cholelithiasis.

In such cases, to make flax seeds purify in the intestine, it is possible to prepare not an (oily) solution but an infusion of seeds. To do this, simply pour untreated flax seeds (1 table spoon) with hot water (1 full glass) and insist at least a few hours. You can take at night for 1 glass for 3 weeks.

Flax seeds actually have excellent properties and show an effective effect.

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