
Femoflor-screening - what is it?

The health of the female body is affected by the microflora of the genitourinary system.

In this article, we will consider the use of femoflor-screening. What it is? This is the name of the technique by which a variety of microorganisms are counted. The study deals with facultative- and obligate-anaerobic bacteria, as well as unconditional pathogens.

The PCR-12 panel evaluates the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of microorganisms, and also determines the presence of bacteria in the microflora. In a healthy woman, these indicators are balanced. With the existing deviations, treatment is necessary. Femoflor in diagnosis is used quite often.

Description of the procedure

So, femoflor-screening - what is it?

PCR (based on this study) is an effective diagnostic method. There is a detection of pathological microorganisms along DNA molecules that have remained in the microflora.

Often in this analysis, anaerobic bacteria are detected. In addition, you can determine:

  • Mycoplasma;
  • Fungus Candida;
  • Ureaplasma;
  • Trichomonas;
  • Cytomegalovirus.

Screening reveals not just the presence of certain microorganisms, but also their exact number. This is the uniqueness of this study, because even the slightest deviation from the norm can indicate the presence of the disease.

When is screening necessary?

Lactobacillus in the body of a woman form an acidic environment that prevents the development of pathogens. Let's consider the main factors that can disrupt this balance:

  • General hypothermia of the body;
  • Unprotected sex;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Active use of antibiotics and oral contraceptives;
  • Chronic gastric and intestinal pathologies;
  • Improper use of personal care products.

In addition, it is harmful to constantly be nervous or remain in chronic fatigue.

Femoflor-screening (what is it, we explained) is assigned when:

  • Abundant secretions;
  • Itching, burning and other unpleasant sensations;
  • Inflammations of the genitals;
  • The forthcoming operation;
  • Immunity of the body to therapy;
  • Mismatch of symptoms and other indicators of a particular disease;
  • Menopause and menstrual irregularities;
  • Various problems with the intestines.


Before carrying out such an analysis, as femoflor-screening, you need to prepare. Do not use intravaginal drugs for several weeks. Antibiotics and local antiseptics, too, it is better not to apply in advance. After all, this distorts the result.

Ovulation will be an ideal day for sampling. But if there are inflammatory processes, then the analysis is carried out at any time. In the period of menstruation, it is not done, because the interpretation of the analysis will be difficult.

In scraping, the amount of genomic DNA should be 105. At lower indices, the result will be unreliable. Sterile cytoboras from the urethra take material, which is placed in the eppendorf for 10 days. After that, decoding can be carried out.

Analysis of the analysis

What does the analysis reveal? Let's consider each aspect:

  • Bacterial mass - in the norm of 6-9 units.
  • Lactobacilli and other microorganisms: their ratio. In a healthy woman, useful cells are at the level of 80%.
  • Number of pathological elements. It should not exceed the norm. Mycoplasmas can be 3%, Candida fungi - 3%.
  • Presence of flat epithelium. With increased rates, inflammation is possible, and its absence indicates a hormonal failure.
  • The number of leukocytes is 10 units, but 30 units. Are also allowed in this sample.

Femoflor is often prescribed for pregnant women. Determine thereby the purity of the vaginal microflora.

  1. Dederlein's sticks and flat epithelium should be present in the smear in sufficient quantity. They should be no more, but not less than the norm.
  2. Cocci can be found, then purity is given a second degree. But this is not a disease yet. To treat, most likely, nothing is necessary.
  3. The increased number of coccus sticks and leukocytes speaks of a third degree of purity and inflammatory process. And pathology only began to develop, and cure it will not be difficult.
  4. The fourth degree of purity and a large number of pathogenic microorganisms speak of a strong bacterial inflammation. Immediate and comprehensive treatment is necessary. If this is not done, severe consequences may occur, down to infertility.

Femoflor-screening: price

How expensive will it be to pay for this study? The cost of this popular analysis today depends on the region and the medical institution. On average, it is 1-1,5 thousand rubles.

Due to the screening examination, the doctor has accurate information about the state of the microflora of the female vagina and the entire genitourinary system. If there are significant and even small deviations from the norm, the doctor should immediately prescribe the treatment. All deviations from the norm with high accuracy reveals the femoflor-screening. What is it now clear.

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