HealthWomen Health

Female health: dark discharge

One of the most common reasons for women to turn to a gynecologist is the appearance of pathological excreta. Particular concern is usually caused by dark discharge. Let's try to figure out what darker-brown whitens can signal.

So, if there is a dark discharge in the absence of menstruation, in the first place, they presume the diseases of the uterus, its cervix, ovaries, and also the violation of the hormonal background.

This phenomenon can occur in chronic endometritis - inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Allocations in this case appear after menstruation or before them, but can be in the middle of the cycle, have an unpleasant smell and are accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen of the aching nature. The cause of the disease often becomes acute endometritis - postabortion or postnatal, as well as due to various intra-uterine manipulations, chronic infection, hormonal and immune disorders. What is the risk of chronic endometritis? The disease contributes to the termination of pregnancy at different times. The fact is that the fixation of the fetal egg and its development in the presence of an inflammatory process in the mucosa is hampered.

Dark discharge, often with splotches of blood, are frequent signs of endometriosis. With this disease, there may not be pain or any unpleasant sensations. Endometriosis, affecting the cervix, is a small-cystic, nodular formations or sprouting purple-blue, sometimes red in the form of strips. Of these, as a rule, pathological excretions appear.

Dark selection Can also be associated with a polyp that appears against the background of the pathology of the uterine mucosa or cervical canal. The causes are usually chronic inflammatory processes and hormonal disorders.

Such discharge in the middle of the cycle sometimes indicates polycystic ovary syndrome (hyperprolactinemia) or progesterone insufficiency. These conditions require treatment, as they cause infertility.

Sometimes secretions of a dark brown color, especially with the presence of a syphilis, may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. Such phenomena can be accompanied by dizziness, decreased pressure, increased heart rate, constant or periodic pain in the lower abdomen.

Beli dark brown in the norm can be in the first months of the application of hormonal contraceptives. But if the discharge lasts more than 2 months, it is necessary to choose another drug.

Care should be taken for smearing, spotting during pregnancy, they can be a symptom of detachment of the placenta or fetal egg, even if it occurred a week ago. This, as a rule, is accompanied by pain in the lower back and in the abdomen resembling weak contractions.

Dark discharge during menstruation

When talking about unusual, dark brown discharge during menstruation, usually refer to pathological leucorrhoea, appearing a few days before menstruation or immediately after. In this case, endometrial hyperplasia may occur . Often, its cause is a disorder of the hormonal background, as well as lipid or carbohydrate metabolism. At the heart of the disease there may be hereditary factors, in adulthood, hyperplasia often develops after the transferred gynecological operations, inflammatory processes of the genital organs, abortion.

In addition, with endocervicitis and endometritis, as mentioned above, there may also be monthly dark brown color in the first or last days.

However, dark secretions with clots during menstruation can talk about the presence of bending of the uterus, the violation of blood clotting (propensity to form blood clots), a lack of B vitamins, endometriosis of the uterus, polyps, myomas. Such a period can also be with an intrauterine device.

Any discharge of brown color has an admixture of blood, moreover, coagulated, which means that they speak of pathology of the uterus, its neck or ovaries. Consultation of a doctor for clarification of reasons is mandatory. With prolonged brown whites, as well as with abundant discharge, an endometrial biopsy is done to exclude endometritis and other diseases.

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