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If a man has yellow sperm

If a man has yellow semen, this is not a cause for worry. In fact, it can be gray, and translucent, and milky-white, and yellowish. The main thing is that its color should not be pink or even redder, as this indicates the presence of blood in the sperm. In this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. The remaining shades of seminal fluid are quite normal.

Sperm or ejaculate is called an opaque white liquid secreted during ejaculation from the urethra of the penis. In its composition there are various components produced by the male reproductive system. Sometimes it is from them, as well as from the diet, and the color of the seminal fluid and its consistency depend.

In fact, natural sperm is not always white and not always opaque. Its color, volume, transparency and density vary depending on the state of health, food eaten, age, etc. So, yellowish sperm happens at presence of a pathology of adnexal sexual glands. In general, the discoloration of the ejaculate and its thickening occurs with inflammatory diseases of the genital sphere, less often - with tumors.

Yellow sperm can be with excessive use of carrots, citrus (oranges, mandarins, etc.). Only a person will limit himself in these products, the color of the sperm will return to normal.

The change in the shade of the seminal fluid can also be due to the intake of medications, for example, vitamin complexes. Refusing for a while from their use, you can normalize the color of the ejaculate.

The rhythm of sexual life can also affect the color gamut of seminal fluid. Yellow semen often occurs in people who for a long time abstaining from sexual intercourse. In addition, it also becomes dense. Therefore, if after the pollutions on the bed or underwear remained yellowish spots, you should not worry. This is normal.

The reason for visiting a specialist should not be yellow sperm, but brown or red. The cause of such a change in the shade may be bleeding, which in itself is a bell of ill-being with health. Such a change in the color of seminal fluid to an experienced specialist can say that a man has problems with the prostate gland.

But sometimes it happens that with ejaculation a blood vessel in the prostate is ruptured. Then the yellow semen can turn brown or red. The color of the seminal fluid is usually restored in one to two days. If this does not happen, you should contact the doctor. It is possible that the reason is not in the rupture of the vessel, but much more seriously. Because blood in the ejaculate can indicate the presence of infection or injury.

Although it sometimes happens that the yellow semen begins to acquire a pinkish hue. This indicates that the content of red blood cells is increased, that is hemospermia develops. The transparency of the sperm points to the absence of spermatozoa. Such a symptom occurs with azoospermia. But neither pink nor transparent colors of ejaculate are considered to be painful manifestations, it is normal and passes with time. Sometimes it is enough simply to change your diet so that the seed fluid again becomes a natural color, that is, white with a slightly yellowish tinge.

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