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Female American Names: Patterns and Trends

Since the US is a multi-ethnic state, the number of names used is huge, the bill goes to thousands. However, the true names are much smaller. The fact is that parents in the US are free to give the child almost any name (except offensive ones). And many more in this country have problems with spelling. So it turns out that Rachel and Rachael are different female American names. These inaccuracies artificially increase the list.

Top 3 US names for 2013: Mary, Patricia and Linda. The first name is popular due to the Christian roots of American immigrants, there are also derivatives of Maria, Miriam and Meryem. Patricia is a popular name among the Irish, and since there are so many Irish immigrants in the States, girls are often called that. The popularity of Lind's name is difficult to judge, perhaps it's all about euphonology. It has been in the top for several years, and the situation is unlikely to change.

People from the former union know women's American names mainly in translation literature and Latin American TV series. Therefore, we should not be surprised by such names as Ruth, Barbara, Susan, who are frequent in North and South America. The name Faith-calka from the Russian Faith became quite frequent. Perhaps it was brought and adapted by Greek Orthodox settlers, perhaps the Russians were the first to begin to call their daughters so. But the name entered into a thousand of the most common, so this is not an isolated phenomenon. Russian names, for example, Tanya, oddly enough, very often come from African American girls.

Very often the names of colors are used, for example, Daisy means a daisy (this was the name of the heroine of the "Great Gatsby"). Another example is Rose. Like the Russians, Americans like to adapt men's names to women's names: that's how Patricia got (after all, Patrick is the patron of Ireland). Sometimes female American names are taken unchanged from the "database" of men. So there are girls named Francis or Fred. So our singers Slava and Maxim did not reveal anything new.

Female American names also include a large number of German names (Gretchen, Madeleine) and French (Michel, Genevieve, Antoinette). There are among the names and Indian, although it is not easy to meet them among the white population: Donoma (light of the Sun), Hantawyii (faithful), Ayasha (baby). There are also exotic: Sarita, Tavanna. The first, it seems, comes from India, the second is African, so there are beautiful names in America. Women's and men's. And in the States, the choice is particularly large.

The secrets of the names are still not disclosed. They are always carefully chosen, trying to make them sound euphonious. There are special programs that evaluate the emotional impact of a name. Perhaps future parents should use them. We need to think over how the name will be combined with the patronymic and surname: Shaherezada Stepanovna - it's just tasteless. And if you are not in the States, better give the child a Russian name. Female American names do not look harmonious in the Slavic passport. Be careful, you choose fun, and the child then for life "difference." It is better to give the baby a more or less adapted name - for example, Suzanne or Rose.

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