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"Feast for the whole world": a brief summary. "Feast on the whole world" (Nekrasov): what is the head of the poem "Who in Russia should live well?"

Poem Nekrasov "Who lives well in Russia" was created for more than ten years. It so happened that the last, the fourth, was the chapter "A feast for the whole world." In the finale, it acquires a certain completeness - it is known that the author was not able to realize the plan to the full. This was manifested in the fact that the author indirectly calls the happiest person in Russia. This is Grisha, who decided to devote his life to serving the people and his native land.


In the chapter "Feast on the whole world", the action takes place on the bank of the Volga River, on the outskirts of the village of Vakhlachina. Here the most important events always took place: holidays, and massacre of those guilty. A great feast was organized by Clim, already familiar to the reader. Next to the Vakhlaks, among whom were the elder Vlas, the parish deacon Tryphon and his sons: nineteen-year-old Savvushka and Gregory, with a thin, pale face and thin, curly hair, sat down and the seven main characters of the poem "Who lives well in Russia." There were also people waiting for the ferry, beggars, among whom were a pilgrim and a silent mantis.

Local peasants gathered under the old willow not by chance. The chapter "Feast on the message of peace" Nekrasov connects with the plot of "The Afterdead", which reports the death of the prince. Vahlaki began to decide what to do with the meadows, which they now hoped to get. Not often, but still it happened that the peasants were blessed with corners of the earth with meadows or fishing lines. Their owners felt themselves not dependent on the elder, who collected taxes. So the Vakhlaks wanted to give Vlas a meadow. Clim declared that this would be enough to pay both taxes and dues, which means that one can feel free. This is the beginning of the chapter and its brief content. "A feast for the whole world," Nekrasov continues Vlas's response and his characteristic.

The person of the kindest soul

They called the Vahlaki the elder. He was distinguished by justice and tried to help the peasants, to protect them from the brutality of the landowner. In his youth, Vlas hoped for the best, but any changes carried only promises or misfortunes. From this the elder became unbelieving and morose. And then suddenly the general merriment swept over him. He could not believe that now, however, there would come a life without taxes, sticks and corvee. The author compares Vlas's good smile with the sunbeam that has gilded everything around. And a new, previously unheard-of feeling has engulfed every man. On the joys put another bucket, and the songs began. One of them, "gay", performed Grisha - below it will be given its brief content.

"A Feast for the Whole World" includes several songs about a difficult peasant life.

About a bitter share

At the request of the audience, the seminarians remembered the people's. It tells how the people are defenseless against those on whom they depend. So the landowner took the cow from the peasant, the judge selected the hens. The fate of the children is unheard of: the girls are waiting for the girls, and the boys are given a long service. The repeating chorus sounds bitterly against the background of these stories: "It's nice to live the people in Russia holy!".

Then the Vakhlaks began to sing their own - about the corvee. Same sad: funny people's soul has not yet come up.

«Barschchinnaya»: a short summary

"A feast for the whole world" tells how the Vakhla and their neighbors live. The first story about Kalinushka, whose backs are "adorned" with scars - are often and strongly smeared - and the stomach from the chaff is swollen. From despair, he goes to the tavern and silences the mountain with wine - this is Saturday his wife will call.

Further, it tells how the inhabitants of Vakhlachin suffered under the landowner. During the day they worked like convicts, and at night they expected messengers sent for the girls. From shame they stopped looking into each other's eyes and could not speak.

Neighboring peasant reported how they in the volost landlord decided to cut everyone who speaks a strong word. Wrapped - because without him the peasant did not. But after gaining freedom, they were violated ...

The chapter "Feast for the whole world" continues with a story about a new hero - Vikenty Alexandrovich. First he served with the baron, then moved to plowmen. He told his story.

About the faithful servant of Yakov

Polivanov bought a village for bribes and lived in it for 33 years. He was famous for his cruelty: after giving his daughter in marriage, he immediately cut out the young and drove them away. He did not work with other landlords, was greedy, drank a lot. The serf of Jacob, who had served him faithfully since his earliest years, had never hit his teeth with a heel, and that lord always groaned and appeased him. So both lived to old age. They began to hurt Polivanov's legs, and no treatment helped. They stayed in their entertainment: to play cards and visit the sister of the landowner. Jacob himself took out the master and drove away. Until then everything was peaceful. Yes, only Grisha's nephew grew up with a servant and wanted to marry. Hearing that the bride - Arisha, Polivanov was angry: he put his eye on her. And he gave the groom to the recruits. Strongly offended Yakov, washed down. And the master was uncomfortable without a faithful servant, whom he called his brother. This is the first part of the story and its brief content.

"Feast on the whole world" Nekrasov continues the story of how Yakov decided to take revenge for his nephew. After a while he returned to the master, repented and began to serve. That's just gloomy. Somehow the servant's serf was on a visit to his sister. On the way, he suddenly turned to the ravine, where there was a forest slum, and stopped under the pines. When he began to unharness the horses, the terrified landlord begged. But Jacob laughed only angrily and replied that he would not start dirtying his hands with murder. He fixed the reins on the high pine and his head in a noose ... The master screams, rushes, but no one hears. A slave above his head hangs, swinging. Only the next morning saw Polivanov's hunter and drove home. The punished master only lamented: "I am sinful! Execute me! ".

The controversy over sinners

The narrator was silent, but the men argued. Some were sorry for Jacob, others were for the master. And they began to decide who is more sinful than everyone: the squires, the landlords, the peasants? Merchant Eremin named the robbers, which caused indignation from Klim. Their argument soon turned into a fight. Ionushka, quietly praying, decided to reconcile the merchant and the peasant. He told his story, which will continue the summary of the chapter "A feast for the whole world."

About pilgrims and pilgrims

Ionushka began with the fact that the people of the homeless in Russia are many. It happens that whole villages beg. Such people do not plow and do not reap, and the settled peasants call the barn of the barn. Of course, among them are the wicked, such as a pilgrim pilgrim or pilgrims, deceitfully approaching the lady. Known and the elder, who undertook to teach girls singing, but only spoiled them all. But more often wanderers are people without malice, like Fomushka, who lives in a divine way, belted with veins and eats only bread.

Ionushka told about Kropilnikov, who came to Usolovo, accused the inhabitants of the village of atheism and urged them to go into the forest. The wanderer was asked to submit, then was taken to the prison, and he kept saying that he was waiting for everyone ahead of the grief and even harder life. The frightened residents were baptized, and in the morning soldiers came to the neighboring village, from which the Usolovtsy also got. So the prophecy of Kropilnikov was fulfilled.

In the "Feast for the whole world" Nekrasov includes a description of the peasant hut, in which the alien wanderer stopped. The whole family is busy with work and listening to measured speech. At some point, the old man drops the bast shoes, which he repaired, but the girl does not notice that she has stabbed her finger. Even the children freeze and listen, dangling their heads from the shelves. So the Russian soul is not yet known, she is waiting for the sower, who will indicate the right path.

About two sinners

And then Ionushka told about the robber and the pane. He heard this story in Solovki from Father Pitirim.

Rioting 12 rogues led by Kudeyar. Many they robbed and killed. But somehow the conscience awoke in the ataman, he began to see the shadows of the dead. Zasek then Kudeyar captain, decapitated his mistress, dissolved the gang, knife buried under an oak tree, and gave away his wealth. And he began to pray for sins. He traveled a lot and repented, and when he returned home, he settled under an oak tree. The god reverenced him and proclaimed: he will receive forgiveness as soon as he cuts down a mighty tree with his knife. For several years the hermit cut an oak tree three girths wide. And then a rich pan approached him. Grukhovsky grinned and said that one must live by his principles. And he added that he only revered women, loved wine, killed many slaves, and slept peacefully. He seized Kudeyar with anger, and he thrust his knife into his chest. At the same moment, a mighty oak collapsed. Thus, the poem "To Whom in Russia Live Well" shows how a former thief gets forgiveness after the punishment of evil.

About peasant sin

Listened to Ionushka, thought about it. And Ignaty again noted that the gravest sin is still the peasant one. Clim was indignant, but then he said: "Tell me." This is the story that the peasants heard.

One admiral received eight thousand souls from the Empress for his faithful service. And before his death he handed over the elder to the casket, in which he had his last wish: to release all serfs to freedom. But a distant relative came who, after the funeral, called for the elder. Learning about the casket, he promised Gleb free and gold. Greedy elder testament burned and doomed all eight thousand souls to eternal bondage.

The noise of the Vakhla: "It's a great sin." And all their past and future hard life appeared before them. Then they quieted down and suddenly pulled the Hungry One together. We offer its brief content ("Feast on the whole world" Nekrasov, it seems, fills with centuries of suffering of the people). There is a tortured man to the strip of rye and calls her: "Dozrey, my mother, I'll take a carpet with a mountain, I will not give it to anyone." As if in the middle of their hungry they sang a song of Vakhlaaki and went to the bucket. And Grisha unexpectedly noticed that the cause of all sins is support. Clim immediately exclaimed: "Down with the Hungry." And they began to talk about the krepi, praising Grisha.


It began to grow light. Ignaty found the sleeper's logs and called Vlas. The other peasants came up, and when they saw the man lying on the ground, they began to beat him. On the question of pilgrims, for which, they answered: "We do not know. But so punished from Tiskov. " So it turns out - since all the world ordered, then there is wine behind it. Then the housewives took out the croissants and the goose, and they all threw themselves at the food. The news that someone was traveling cheered the Vakhlakovs.

The cart was found familiar to all Ovsyannikov - a soldier who earned a game on spoons. They asked him to sing. And again a bitter story was poured about how the former soldier of the deserved pension tried to achieve. However, all the wounds he had received were measured by heels and rejected: second-rate. Clim sang to the old man, and the people penny and penny he collected a ruble.

The end of the feast

Only in the morning the vahlaki began to disperse. They took their father and Savvushka with Grisha home. They walked and sang about the fact that the happiness of the people lies in freedom. Next, the author introduces a story about the life of Trifon. He did not keep housekeeping, ate what others would share. My wife was caring, but died early. The sons studied in the seminary. This is its summary.

"A feast for the whole world" Nekrasov concludes Grisha's song. Having brought his parent home, he went to the fields. I remembered in his solitude the songs that my mother sang, especially "Salty." And not by chance. Bread could have been asked for by Vakhla, but salt was only bought. Forever sunk into the soul and study: the economist underfed the seminarians, taking everything for himself. Knowing well the difficult peasant life, Grisha decided to fight for the happiness of the miserable, but native Vakhlachina for fifteen years already. And now, being under the influence of what he heard, he was thinking about the fate of the people, and thoughts were pouring into songs about the imminent reprisal with the landowner, about the difficult fate of the burlak (saw three loaded barges on the Volga), about the wretched and plentiful, powerful and powerless Russia, whose salvation He saw in the power of the people. A spark ignites, and a great army rises, which embodies an indestructible force.

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