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Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov: Characteristics of the character

"Fathers and children" is a novel by IS Turgenev, a landmark for that time. It was written in 1860. His heroes have become a young generation of Russia, an example to follow. And people like Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose characteristics are given in this article, just lived out their time.

What place does Kirsanov occupy in the novel?

The novel by Turgenev shows an acute social period of time when the old foundations are crumbling at an incredible rate, and new, progressive ones are on their way.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose characteristic shows his position as an "old-timer", occupies a central place in the work. He, along with several other characters, represents the "fathers", a well-established social class.

In the person of Pavel Kirsanov, a whole generation is represented, which receives from the people around only reproaches and condemnation. And all they have to do is to live out their time, looking at the growing progress of society.

From the title it is clear that the novel is a kind of confrontation: young and old, new and old. Pavel Kirsanov, Turgenev in a couple puts the nihilist and revolutionary thought Bazarov. At the end of the work the reader must find out which of them will win.

Life story

The events of the novel date back to 1859. The landowner Nikolai Kirsanov has an older brother Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov. Characterization immediately gives him a strong and intelligent person. He is a military man, he graduated from the pages. Because of its status, it has always been successful in society, especially among women.

At twenty-eight years he was promoted to the rank of captain and was preparing for a brilliant career. But all of a sudden his whole life changed dramatically. Of course, he met a woman who became fatal for him.

A certain Princess R. in the Petersburg society was known as a frivolous lady and a coquette. But Kirsanov fell in love with her without memory. The princess, who at first responded to him in kind, quickly cooled to the officer.

Pavel Petrovich was deeply impressed by this outcome, but he did not give up. Passion for this woman swallowed him up, incinerated from within. Surprisingly, he did not feel satisfaction from their meetings, there was no joy in his heart, only bitter annoyance in his soul.

In the end, after breaking with the princess, Kirsanov tried to return to the old life. But she did not let him go. In every woman he saw her features. Even in Fenechka, the beloved of his brother Nicholas.

Together with his brother, he lived in the estate of Marino, and then went to distant Dresden, where his life was extinguished.


The appearance of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov changed with the development of the events of the novel. Initially, before the reader appears a real aristocrat, a sleek man, dressed with a needle. Just glancing at him, it was possible to understand that Kirsanov was a noble dandy and a man of the world. The manner of holding on to and talking was betraying it in him.

Turgenev points out that his gray hair was in perfect order, his face was not wrinkled and was unusually beautiful.

However, in the disputes with Bazarov, Pavel Petrovich was transformed. He no longer radiated complete tranquility. As his irritation grew from a young man's misunderstanding, the number of wrinkles increased, and the hero himself turned into a decrepit old man.


Aristocrat Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, whose characteristic is very positive, is shown by a clever, impeccably honest, principled. However, he is a representative of the old generation with stiff habits and views.

Kirsanov is far from ordinary people, does not understand and does not accept it. And his people are afraid, according to Bazarov's apt expression. The hero is an adherent of all English. This is expressed in his behavior, habits, conversations. Quotations of Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov completely reveal his character and views. The liberal principles by which he kits, remain only on the lips. But, despite this, he is a worthy opponent of Bazarov, although he always loses.

Pavel Kirsanov describes the "old guard". His departure to Dresden is very symbolic, as it embodies the departure of a whole generation into the past.

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