
Fat Burning

The problem of having excess weight, losing weight, getting rid of cellulite excites many. For the sake of beauty, some are exhausted by diets, others lie under the surgeon's knife. As a rule, cardinal measures aimed at burning fat, have a bad effect on health. There are many ways to lose weight, of which the safest can be called two:

  1. Quiet and lasting movements. It can be walking at moderate speed or exercising on simulators. In this case, you need to choose an average tempo. After several hours of such training, active burning of subcutaneous fat will begin.
  2. Intensive training. It can be running or cycling. After active exercises for another six hours, fat burning will occur.

In order to choose the method that suits you, answer several questions about whether you will have enough free time for classes, whether it can be combined with other things or not, whether the body will withstand a heavy load, whether you can run for a long time. If you are not able to assess their capabilities, then contact a specialist. Experienced trainers not only prompt the direction of activity, but also develop special exercises for burning fat.

The process of losing weight can be accelerated by the following methods:

  • Approximately two hours before the start of the training, drink a glass of milk or eat a sandwich with cheese. This will give strength and increase the intensity of the session.
  • Learn to breathe properly. The inhalation is done through the nose, and the exhalation is through the mouth. This helps to saturate the blood with oxygen and speeds up the metabolism.
  • First, the fat burning exercises are the simplest, gradually increasing the load.
  • Exercises must be different. The body quickly gets used to certain actions and their effectiveness is reduced. Diversify training - it mobilizes the body.
  • Power training. When the muscle mass grows, the amount of fat deposits decreases.
  • Keep practicing in the premenstrual period. At this time, the level of progesterone rises, which promotes accelerated metabolism.

In order to burn fat was effective, some exercises are not enough. It is necessary to monitor your diet. Normalization of metabolism and losing weight contribute to the following products: water, pineapple, green tea, grapefruit, dairy products (low-fat), lean meat, fish, spices. It is very important that the portion of food is small in volume. It is better to eat more often, but little by little. The maximum break between meals is 4 hours. Start your day with breakfast. This helps the body to wake up and speeds up the metabolic processes. Limit alcohol intake. It increases appetite and provokes the deposition of fats.

Burning fat has long been a problem for millions of people. In this regard, many theories and myths appeared that are not true. The most common of them are:

  1. You can not eat before bed. This statement applies only to food containing a large amount of carbohydrates. At night, it is recommended to eat protein foods. It enhances the secretion of growth hormone, which contributes to the consumption of subcutaneous fat.
  2. You can not eat fatty foods. The exclusion of it from the diet significantly slows down the process of losing weight. This is not true. Its consumption should be limited, but in no case can not be ruled out.
  3. Only a diet will be enough for losing weight. To maintain health and to acquire a beautiful appearance, it is necessary to combine proper nutrition and regular training. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing muscle along with fat.
  4. The abdomen will go along with the fat. One of the most problematic places is the stomach. Make it flat or at least small is quite difficult. For this, special exercises and techniques have been developed. Only intensified occupations will make your dream closer.

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