
"Egilok" preparation: instructions and warnings

The medicine "Egilok" (international name - Metoprolol) refers to those drugs that, with proper administration and application, are of great benefit to the body, and with the wrong dosage, irreparable harm.

The drug "Egilok" (the instruction contains information about this) is a selective beta1-adrenoblocker. This means that its main effect is hypotensive. The drug reduces the frequency of seizures characteristic of angina, reduces their strength and tension. Means "Egilok" (reviews of most patients claim this) greatly facilitates the patient's condition, reduces the risk of primary and repeated heart attack many times.

What is so good about this drug? How does "Egilok" work? The description, which contains the instruction, explains in detail the mechanism of action of the tool. Without providing a membrane-stabilizing action, it reduces intracellular calcium flow, reduces excitability, normalizes the number of myocardial contractions. Medication "Egilok" is a tool that helps with arrhythmia. The medicine makes the heart rate (heart rate) more rare, which is due to a decrease in the automatism of the sinus node, inhibition of the exciting pulse, a decrease in contractility and excitability of the myocardium.

In addition, the drug is able to act as a preventive agent: it prevents or relieves migraine attacks.

Unlike others, the "Egilok" preparation (the instruction provides this information) does not affect the musculature of the arteries or bronchi.

Who and for the treatment of what diseases are prescribed the medicine "Egilok"? Here is an incomplete list of cases in which the drug is effective:

- Chronic increase in blood pressure. The medicine positively influences the course of the disease even in elderly patients ;

- extrasystoles and supraventricular arrhythmias, i.e. Diseases associated with a violation of the number of contractions of the heart muscle;

- infarction;

- heart failure ;

- a migraine;

Ischemic disease.

Why the medicine can not be taken without the advice of a doctor? Because it has side effects, predict and prevent the manifestation of which is capable not only of a specialist, but a doctor who knows the organism of his patient well.

What are these likely side effects? The drug "Egilok" (the instruction contains detailed information about it) can cause:

- poorly controlled weight gain;

- thrombocytopenia;

- allopecia, photodermatosis, itching, rash, changes in the skin (dystrophic and psoriasis-like);

- Shortness of breath, spasms in the bronchi, coughing, difficulty breathing. More rarely - rhinitis;

- heart failure, excessive reduction in the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle. Sometimes Raynaud's syndrome can be provoked , in which the blood vessels of the hands and feet suffer, causing blue spots and coldness;

- a violation of the liver, kidneys, intestines. Possible nausea, diarrhea, vomiting;

- headaches, fatigue, dizziness. There may also be drowsiness or insomnia, nightmares, lowering of concentration, spasms.

Does this mean that you should not take a medicine that has so many side effects?

Means "Egilok (instruction indicates this) can cause negative reactions quite rarely, and even more often with the wrong dosage or treatment regimen.

To avoid such cases, doctors carefully monitor the condition of the patient's body, they select an individual course of treatment.

In the group of patients who are not eligible for the Egilok drug, there are people with a history of:

- reduced (up to 50 strokes) the number of heartbeats, sinoatrial blockade, weakness of the sinus node;

- violations of peripheral blood flow;

- lowered (from 100 and below) pressure;

- Individual intolerance.

Any medicine can bring both benefit and harm. Only compliance with the recommendations of a doctor can improve a person's health.

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