
"Panavir": analogues cheaper and reviews about them

Antiviral drugs are now widely used. Of course, everyone wants to drink magic tablets and forget about such troubles as seasonal colds. Although there are also a lot of disputes about these medicines. The mechanism of their action is the production of interferon by the body. This helps not only to increase resistance to various bacteria and viruses. Interferon can block the synthesis of virus proteins, that is, stop their active multiplication. This greatly accelerates the process of recovery and does not allow the development of complications. For today one of such preparations under the name "Panavir" is well-known. Analogues cheaper we will look today with you.

The drug "Panavir": a brief description

This is a high-molecular polysaccharide of vegetable origin. Surprisingly, this drug is due to the simplest sprouts of the potato by its birth. At the same time, the medicinal product has been officially registered in a number of countries: Kazakhstan Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and others. Multiple studies confirm that the drug is not endangered by allergy, nor does it have any mutogenic, carcinogenic or toxic properties. That is, it can be used in pediatric and therapeutic practice without fear.


First of all, it should be noted that the drug does not contain hormones and alcohol, which means it is absolutely safe for a child and an adult, it is often prescribed to pregnant women, especially if there have been cases of miscarriage in an anamnesis. First of all, polysaccharides of potato shoots should be noted in the composition. This extract has antiviral and wound healing properties, immunomodulating and protective. Thanks to this preparation, the epithelium of the mucous tissue is restored very quickly, that's why it is irreplaceable in case of acute respiratory infections and influenza. Several forms of the drug "Panavir" are available.

Main indications for use

We will consider the drug "Panavir" a little more in detail. Analogues cheaper are an attractive group for the final buyer, so we will definitely return to this topic a little later, but for now, let's consider in what specific cases the doctor can recommend this drug. A very good result shows it when treating herpes. And we mean not only rashes on the lips, but in general any infections of herpesvirus nature. In the treatment of encephalitis, Panavir is also often prescribed. Analogues cheaper to be considered each separately, because not all of them have a similar effect and are just as safe. Many antiviral drugs fall on the pharmacy counter, without ever undergoing special studies.

In addition, the drug will be very useful in the treatment of arthritis caused by the attack of herpesviruses and other infections. It is very important to take a similar drug in immunodeficient secondary conditions, which are caused by infectious diseases. In herpes zoster, stomach ulcer with relapses and poorly healing scars, as well as ARI, acute respiratory viral infection and influenza it is very useful to undergo a course of treatment with the drug "Panavir". Analogues cheaper now will be presented to your attention, but the final choice should be made based on the views of your doctor.

Different dosage forms of the preparation and their analogues

The very first we will consider the most popular form called "Panavir Spray". Analogues are cheaper to find on the market, but they will differ greatly in their impact. So, if this drug costs about 350 rubles, then you can replace it with a simple "Ingalipt", the action of which is based on irrigation of mucous membranes with sulfanilamide solution, and not get any effect. Judging by the reviews, cheap versions of the sprays do not give any result, whereas using "Panavir", you can quickly put the patient on his feet.

Spray for intimate use

Very often gynecologists prescribe the drug "Panavir". Analogues of the drug, intended for treatment of acute respiratory disease, in this case are powerless, since it is primarily about the treatment of the herpes virus. During the preparation for pregnancy and childbirth such a sparing treatment can be very helpful. A full analogue can be considered "Epigen sex" (spray), this is also an antiviral drug of plant origin, but the active substance is an extract of licorice. However, the cost of this spray is 680 rubles, that is, it is difficult to call it a good alternative. In this case, doctors recommend that you use "Panavir", their reviews contain reliable information on the rapid cure and complete safety of the drug.

Gel for external use

This dosage form is the best for treating eruptions on the lips. With its help also treat genital herpes, condylomas and warts, as well as papillomas. Approximately 10 days, a complete cure is achieved. The cost of one tube is 850 rubles. But there are not only Panavir-gel in pharmacies. Analogues cheaper - this "Acyclovir" of domestic production. The cost is minimal, 15 rubles, and the action is not worse. In addition, you can use Vivorask and Fenistil. Even the famous "Zovirax" costs about 350 rubles. Judging by the reviews, for the treatment of external rashes there is absolutely no difference which of these drugs to buy, so it is best to take an inexpensive "Acyclovir".

"Panavir" for intravenous injections

It is this form that is suitable for systemic treatment of severe viral infections. With intravenous administration, it exhibits a powerful immunostimulating effect. It should be noted that the price is very high. Packing of five ampoules will cost about 3900 rubles. Not everyone can afford the drug "Panavir". Analogues and substitutes of the drug are in each pharmacy, so be sure to ask about them from your doctor. The analogue can be called "Cycloferon". The cost of this drug is 330 rubles for 5 ampoules. As you can see, the difference is tenfold.

Another analogue can be called "Neovir". It is an effective antiviral drug that has excelled in both prevention and treatment of various diseases, from ARI to HIV. The price is 1120 per package, that is, it is more expensive than the previous one, but much cheaper than Panavir. Good immunostimulants are not cheap, we have not found any positive feedback about the inexpensive "Cycloferon". However, doctors say about the effectiveness of the drug "Neovir" very well.

Vaginal Candles

They are used primarily for the treatment of genital herpes. A number of gynecologists appoint this drug to treat cervical dysplasia, as well as genital warts. Sometimes future mothers are exposed to treatment if there is a risk of infection of the fetus with papillomavirus infection. However, this is only possible in the late stages of pregnancy. The price is 1700 rubles, that is not the most affordable drug "Panavir" (candles). Analogues cheaper - this is familiar to many "Viferon", the price of candles is about 225 rubles. A similar action is possessed by the preparation "Genferon", whose cost is 460 rubles. Another option is rectal suppositories. They are also used to treat herpes viral, as well as to boost immunity. The cost of a package of five candles is 1670 rubles. In this case, the above medicines ("Viferon", "Genferon") can also be used and rectally, that is, they are analogues. It is difficult to say which of the drugs will be more effective in your particular case. However, when it comes to treating herpes, doctors recommend Panavir. The instruction on application, the price and responses - all this information useful, but the most important thing that there was an effect, that is as a result the illness has receded. In turn, the antiviral activity of "Viferon" and other drugs from this series is not proven.

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