
The solution is "Malawit". Instructions for use for the treatment of a wide range of diseases

Naturopathic drugs have recently attracted more attention with their effectiveness, a wide spectrum of action and the absence of any side effects. In their composition - 100 per cent natural natural substances: crushed minerals, extracts from medicinal plants, resins, tree bark and others. All these components have long been used successfully in folk medicine for the removal of inflammation, anesthesia, the prevention of various infectious diseases and inflammatory processes.

Naturopathy (natural medicine) promotes alternative methods of treatment of diseases, which represent the confusion and close interconnection of methods of traditional classical medicine with non-traditional traditional methods of treatment used for many centuries.

In the modern pharmaceutical market, there are many naturopathic drugs, of which Malawit is a vivid representative. The instruction for the use of this solution indicates its antibacterial and antiseptic effect on all kinds of harmful microflora, which is due to the unique composition of the preparation. The solution of malavite contains a huge amount of useful substances. This mummy, cedar tar, malachite, copper, numerous extracts from the roots and leaves of plants of the Mountainous Altai.

The drug is released in the form of several pharmacological forms: gel, paste, malavit-solution. The instruction for the use of the solution demonstrates its excellent potential for the treatment of various inflammatory, viral and fungal diseases. It well removes edema and heals wounds. The solution effectively helps with colds and flu.

In the treatment of otitis, sinusitis and acute respiratory diseases, a diluted solution of malavite is used. Instruction and method of application: the preparation is mixed with water in a proportion of 1: 100 and instilled in the nose or ears several times during the day. In the treatment of otitis can make a solution of 1: 2 (depends on individual tolerability). Malavit well rinse your throat, adding 10 drops to half a cup of water. When you cough helps compress on the chest from undiluted drug.

In neuralgia, neuritis, muscle pain, bursitis, malavitis is also shown. In these cases of using the drug malavite, the instruction recommends the preparation of a warming compress. The skin is first lubricated with a solution, then covered with a bandage, top covered with polyethylene and warm material. Compress should be kept from a quarter of an hour to two or three hours.

It is very effective malavit, the method of application of which is described in acute inflammation and trauma, because it does not irritate the mucous membrane. When treating open wounds, burns, bedsores and frostbite, as well as with sprains, strong bruises, formed bruises and fractures, you can safely use liquid malavite. The instructions for the treatment of wounds contain recommendations for dilution of the solution (2-5 times). A day make a few lotions. When stretching the ligaments and fractures, the solution is not diluted, a gauze bandage moistened with the drug is applied, or it is injected under the langete.

With acne, herpes on the face and genitals, an excellent cleanser is also malavite. In this case, you need to use the application on the skin or mucous membranes several times during the day. In this case, the drug is diluted with water in a proportion of 1: 2.

The drug is effective in the treatment of dental diseases such as stomatitis, periodontal disease and toothache. 5-10 drops of the solution are added to a glass of water and rinsed, and it is also possible to apply applications to the inflamed gums from a mixture of malavite and glycerin (1: 2).

Finally, the antiviral properties of the drug are good for bites of bloodsucking insects and mites. To disinfect the wound and weaken possible infection, the cotton wool soaked in a solution of malavite should be applied to the site of the bite or to the tick (if it has not yet been removed).

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