
Easy pattern knitting: a scheme, description, application

Knitter-beginners, who have only learned to perform facial and purl loops, experienced masters usually recommend some light pattern with knitting needles for fastening skills. There is nothing better than different combinations of elementary loops.

Ornaments, which consist precisely of facial (L) and purlins (I) loops (P), quite a lot. Usually the pattern includes PIs, which are arranged in a certain order on the canvas bound by LP. In this article we will consider a few fairly simple, but interesting and practical patterns. Also an excellent version of the application of the sequence of ornaments on the example of a children's vest is suggested.

"Chess" from square blocks

The alternation of squares consisting of four loops and arranged in staggered order is a classic male pattern. It is often used for making scarves, sweaters, vests, cardigans and a variety of wardrobe items.

This light pattern with knitting needles has several advantages:

  • The edges do not curl.
  • Average density.
  • Economical material consumption.
  • It is easy to cut and extend the canvas.
  • It looks great with any thickness of yarn.

Classical Chessmaker is performed as follows:

  1. Take off the edge, * knit two LP, then 2 FE *. The sequence from * to * is repeated to the end of the series, then the last P (edge) is pierced by the IP.
  2. Wrong rows are knitted according to a drawing.
  3. The second row is performed in the same way as the first.
  4. Fourth row: remove the edge P, * bind two PIs, then two LP *. The sequence from * to * is repeated the required number of times, and the edge is performed in the wrong way.
  5. The sixth row duplicates the fourth.

Thus, chessboards always consist of two loops and two rows, but are displaced every four rows.

To separate the ornament from other patterns, it is framed by several rows of garter stitching (all P in the purl and in the front rows are pierced by LP).

Variants of the classical pattern "Chessmatka"

It should be noted that Shakhmatka can include larger elements, which consist of more loops. For example, when knitting with a thin thread, you can increase the number of P squares to three, four or even five. In this case, the elements of the ornament will be displaced every six, eight or ten rows.

It looks interesting such a light pattern with knitting needles, in which the proportions are slightly broken, and the constituent elements resemble chessboards, and bricks. This happens when each rectangular element consists of a large number of loops, but the offset still occurs every two rows.

Knitting with knitting needles: light patterns, "Zigzag"

The broken line formed by the IP on the background of the LP is another popular pattern. Zigzag can consist of one, two or more levels. Scheme M. 1 illustrates perfectly the principle of the formation of a polyline from two levels.

Thanks to these zigzags, you can very quickly connect a fairly large canvas. This pattern does not require special concentration of attention or specific skills. It is also used in the manufacture of scarves, hats, sweaters and other menswear.

Rhombs from front and back loops

The last element proposed above the scheme is a large diamond. It consists of already familiar elements: squares. By and large, this is the same light pattern with knitting needles, which is called "Shakhmatka", but the square elements are arranged in a different order.

The diamonds can have completely different structures:

  • Only IP. Such diamonds are convex and continuous.
  • IP with LP and with nakidami. As a result, a light openwork pattern is formed with the spokes.
  • IP, LP and volumetric "shishechki." Such ornaments no longer apply to simple ones, since knitting "shishechek" requires certain skills.

Of course, the variations are much greater. But all the others already refer to more complex ornaments.

How to tie a vest with a simple pattern

Easy knitting patterns for beginners can be arranged in almost any order. In order not to waste time, you can repeat the model developed by the designer. It is balanced and suitable for boys or men, as well as for women.

The diagram should be read from the right to the left, that is, firstly the patterns that are depicted in Figure M.1 on the right are executed: several rows of garter stitch, "Chessmatka", a series of IPs, a zigzag from two tiers of IP. Then proceed to the left of the ornaments: one more zigzag, a series of FE, "Chessmka", large diamonds.

If necessary, repeat it in the same order.

The model on the photo includes an elastic band 2: 2, which is processed by the neck, armholes and the bottom line. Embodiment of your project, a craftsman can use any kind of elastic band at his own discretion. It will look good traditional 1: 1, English or French gum.

If a knitter experiences difficulty in forming the neck, she can simplify the task by making the top of the vest a simple facial smoothness. This in no way will worsen the appearance of the product, but will allow you to finish work quickly and get a really high-quality thing.

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