
Double consonants at the root of the word: examples

The spelling of consonants is one of the key topics of the school curriculum. Children begin to master it from the first grade and continue to study it until the end of the school year. The orthogram "double consonants in the root of the word" teachers are not considered complex, but difficulties in writing still occur, both in younger schoolchildren and high school students.

What is the doubled consonant, its place in the word

Through observation of pronunciation and writing, the students notice that there is a group of words where a long consonant sound sounds, and on the letter it is indicated with the help of identical letters standing side by side. Since there are usually two such letters, this combination of consonants has been called doubled.

The next task is the development of the ability to determine the place of the doubled consonant in the word. Later, children learn that it can be not only in the root, but in its other parts.

In words, a group, a chord, an alley, burns, a ton is present in the orthogram "double consonants in the root of the word." Examples of similar words can be continued. It should be noted that doubled -zhzh-occurs in the roots of words of Russian origin - yeast, reins, juniper, buzz - and all forms from them educated.

Consonant at the boundary of the prefix and the root

For example, in words of lawlessness, consider, get angry, fake, narrative, the introduction of a doubled consonant is written on the border of the prefix and root. Having disassembled them in composition, the student will easily notice this feature.

To avoid mistakes in writing words of this structure, the child should be very good at making the analysis of the composition, correctly determine the prefix and the root. In addition, it is necessary to remember the peculiarities of writing consoles ending in a consonant, in the case when the root also begins with it.

Complex words and their spelling

Double consonants in the root of the word are written in the case when they are part of complex. They do not have a connecting vowel, for example, the head doctor . The first part of it ends in a consonant, and the second begins with the same letter. Say, such words as the hospital, "Mosselmash" have a similar way of education.
Their competent writing again depends on the ability of the student to see the roots and understand their lexical meaning.

Double consonants in the root of the word at the junction of the root and suffix

Doubled consonants -nn- and -ss- are most often encountered in cases where the first letter in the composition of the word belongs to the root, and the second to the suffix. Usually this is observed where there are suffixes -st-, -n-, -sk- , for example: lemon, lunar, cast iron, Russian.

Double consonants in the root of the word at the junction of the root and suffix are written in the verbs of the past tense with the return particle -sa , for example: grazing, carrying .

Doubled consonants in the suffix

Errors in the spelling of doubled consonants in the suffix can be caused by the fact that there are many variants of writing them, for example, -en-, -en-, -ann-, -an- and so on. The child needs not only to learn a rule that regulates the process of literate writing, but also clearly aware of all the actions that need to be performed.
Adjectives formed from nouns are written with a double -nn- ( cranberry, lunch, painful, windless, but windy ). Tin, wood, glass - these are exception words, and they are also written with a double consonant.

General rules

Double consonants in the root of the word, prefix and suffix obey the general rules for writing them. For example, three or more identical letters are never written side by side, although the generally accepted rule requires this. We are talking about such words as quarrel, three-tone, Odessa and others.

Words containing double consonants also retain them in the process of word formation. For example: group - group - group, class - class . But there is an exception to the rule: Anka, a column, condensed milk .

Double consonants in the primary school program

After children get acquainted with the topic "Double consonants in the root of the word" (examples are given below), students of primary classes need to learn how to use the spelling dictionary. The handbook is an example of the correct spelling of words with different orthograms, including doubled consonants.

Schoolchildren can be offered exercises where it is necessary to specify words, for example such as quarrel, apron, gram , to select from the dictionary related ones, having written them in one group.

In Russian, -с-, -дд-, -лл-, -рр-, -жж-, -пп-, -мм-, -бб- are most often used as double consonants in the root of the word. Grade 3 studies the list of words to remember, where all the letters listed are represented as doubled. There are more than a dozen such examples in the list.

A large number of words with doubled consonants appeared in Russian due to the borrowing process. Sometimes it is useful to compare how their outline looks in Russian and foreign versions. But this method must be treated very carefully, since foreign words, having got into the Russian language, can undergo certain changes. For example, classe is a "class", profession is a "profession" , but adresse is an "address" . This technique only helps in some cases to remember how the double consonants in the root of the word are written.

The rule for carrying words with double consonants has its own peculiarities, and it is also included in the program material of an elementary school on the study of the rules of the Russian language. The result of work on the whole topic is the formation of the following skills among younger students:

  • Choose the right spelling;
  • Transfer words with the letters of doubled consonants;
  • Justify your choice, using the learned rules and spelling dictionary.

To check the level of skill formation, tasks are proposed where it is necessary to insert missing letters into words. The selection of the material is such that it is not always necessary to write a double consonant. Children should notice this and perform the task correctly.

When verifying the ability to carry words with double consonants, you must offer a different structure for the presence of parts, the number of syllables. It can be such words as burns, cash register, alley, I will tell others.

Expansion of the topic of spelling of doubled consonants

As the child progresses in the development of the laws of Russian spelling, the number of orthograms increases, where double consonants in the root of the word are used. Morphological composition also becomes diverse. In addition, lexical material becomes more complicated, the example of which studies double consonants in the root of the word. The fifth grade of the school curriculum can serve as evidence.

In addition to adjectives, nouns, verbs, disciples are offered adverbs, participles, and gerunds to observe the spelling of doubled consonants. Materials for analyzing the spelling of words are excerpts from classical literature, oral folk art. With these works children learn at lessons.

In addition, students must freely determine the place of the doubled consonant in the word. To form this skill, they are regularly offered to perform the exercise, where it is necessary to distribute words to groups depending on the location of the doubled consonant.

Children should be able to substantiate their choice, which is helped by the oral answers of school children with the formulation of rules, by bringing their own examples.

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