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Do not like the behavior of their children? Perhaps this is the result of your mistakes

You can try to convince others that your child is the most educated in the world. But in certain situations, his behavior will show everyone your mistakes in his upbringing. Today we will tell you about some of them.

1. The habit of interrupting others

The usual phrase "Do not interrupt!" In this case does not help. If you want the child not to interrupt the conversations of other people, teach him to wait his turn. Convenient for learning situations can arise during a family dinner, or, for example, when you need to talk to someone by phone. For example, before calling someone, tell the child: "Now I will talk on the phone, and I can not be interrupted. I'll end up talking when the big arrow on the clock reaches this figure. "

2. Your child arranges tantrums in the store and requires something to buy

It is very important for a child to learn how to control one's desires, because you can not buy everything that is sold, instead of really necessary things. Children think that you choose products in the store without any system, and may not realize that you have a list of products that you need to buy. This means you need to prepare before taking the child with you to the store. Make a list of products together (you can draw pictures if the child is not yet able to read). Let him be in charge of this list and "control" that you buy everything that is in it.

3. Your child does not speak polite words

The earlier you begin to teach the child courtesy, the better. However, some children easily perceive these rules, and others need to be repeated several times. Show the child the magic of polite words: do not do what he asks until he says "please." Say "hello", "goodbye" and "thank you" first, without waiting for your child to remember it.

4. He does not know when to stop

Your child may find it difficult to understand that there is information that should not be shared with others. Some children are not familiar with feelings of shame or embarrassment and do not know what can happen if to say the wrong words at the wrong time. On the other hand, you can suffer as a parent from this. Try to introduce the concept of "home secret", that is all that a child should not tell other people.

5. The child is afraid to move away from you

A child may be too afraid to leave his parents even for a minute, if they put up barriers between him and his usual activities. In his head an installation is formed: "If I ride on a hill, I will definitely fall and tear my clothes." That's why when one of the parents in a good mood suddenly allows the child to play freely on the court, the baby decides not to risk his "life" because of instant pleasure.

6. It interferes with surrounding adults

If a child can easily start a conversation with a stranger, this is a sign of trust in the family. But this can also mean: the child does not know that adults can have other interests. A good example is when parents can not do what they want or need, because they try to spend all their time with the baby.

So do not be surprised if the child thinks that all people around him, even strangers, should do what he wants.

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