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Recommendations for parents on the development and upbringing of children

The role of parents, their upbringing of children is the most important mechanism in the formation of any personality. It is the family that is a small model of society, where it is to live in the future. The family forms the first views on life, development, determines the choice of profession, the form of relations and social activity. It is impossible to overestimate the role of parental upbringing. Young mothers and dads do not always understand their child, they can explain his behavior and actions. Consider the main recommendations to parents who will help in educating the younger generation.

The responsibility of parents for raising children

No activity in life can be compared in complexity with the upbringing of a child. It does not know holidays, weekends, does not look at your mood or state of health. The process of education requires tremendous understanding and patience. It's great if a child grows up in a complete family. In this case, he gets the necessary experience not only living in society, but also learning to communicate between the sexes. In addition, it is easier for a child to experience conflict situations with one of the parents, knowing that he can find support from the second. In traditional education, usually punished by a dad for misconduct, he shows rigor. Mom will always regret and comfort.

Recommendations to parents on education include such an item that the impact on the child of mom and dad are different. The father forms the strength of character in the daughter or son, teaches to achieve goals and defend his opinion. In his example, he demonstrates how to overcome various life obstacles and protect themselves in the world around them. Mother teaches adaptation in life conditions. It is the mother who instills the basics of hygiene, self-service, teaches the rules of communication and independence.

When raising a child, it is worth considering astrology. It has already been proven that the year of birth affects the character of the baby. For example, the recommendations to the parents of the children of the Tiger Year suggest that it is necessary to take into account that the Tiger is a true idealist. He is full of excitement, gifted, showing interest in everything new, inquisitive and inquisitive. Parents will not need to figure out the reasons for his grievances, he will lay out everything himself. The child-bull is very bright, it is necessary to encourage and support him in every possible way, so that his talents are revealed. But the Horse does not listen to anyone, it's a very difficult sign. But at the same time, the children of this sign are very intelligent and quickly learn the material. Raising kids, listen to the recommendations of astrologers, it will facilitate the process.

Recommendations for the health of preschool children

Recommendations to parents on education indicate that it is necessary to instill in the child from the early childhood the desire to be strong and healthy. It is necessary to cultivate the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. The child must learn that strength and health are inextricably linked, he must learn to cherish his health, take it seriously. In this matter, the recommendations to children and parents are simple: let your kid know that health, both physical and mental, is an invaluable gift and wealth that needs to be strengthened. Parents should pay special attention at preschool age to the following:

  • Mental health (there should be a favorable environment in the family, stress situations are completely excluded).
  • Be sure to set the preschooler mode. At school age, it will be difficult for him to get used to the regime, if before that he lived without any routine.
  • In the preschool age, one can not stay in a static position for a long time because of weakly developed muscles. The kid must constantly be active, in motion. Otherwise, the diagnosis of "hypodynamia" is inevitable.
  • Teach your child from an early age that hygiene is the main foundation of health. He must always follow its rules.

The main advantage of preschoolers is age. It is during this period that one can easily learn what is more difficult to master at a later age. For example, if up to six years a person has not learned to talk, then every year the chances of this decrease. The older the child, the more difficult it will be to train some elementary skills. Use the preschool period more actively, in these years the baby absorbs everything like a sponge. Invest in him as many tools as possible, which he will be able to use in future for further education at school.

The main recommendations in education

Parents very often face problems in their relationships with their adult children, do not be afraid of it. In such cases, it is worthwhile listening to what recommendations parents give experienced teachers and psychologists. Here are some of them:

  • It is not necessary to go to extremes at education. In some families, there is an authoritarian method of education, when the kid is literally surrounded by various taboos and prohibitions. In other cases, on the contrary, parents (more often women) through their fingers look at the whims, pranks of the child. Both these options are a gross mistake. Respect the child, feel his needs, but at the same time set clear limits on what can and can not be done.
  • Less scold of children. If something does not work for them, do not be surprised, because the kid only learns everything. Recommendations for parents of the development of various skills are as follows: do not focus on mistakes, do not repeat such phrases as "Everything is wrong with you ...", "You can not always ..." and the like. Such statements can cause the formation of various complexes in the future. Often encourage the baby, praise him for success, encourage new actions.
  • Listen to your child. Often the busy mother in the kitchen does not find 10-15 minutes to listen to the excited speech of her baby, and sends him to play. So, you know that each time your child will less and less often resort to you to share something. Growing up, he completely closes in himself, and then you do not learn from him even what you would like.
  • Educate confidence from an early age. Do not frighten the height, water, spiders. The child should be confident in his strength and character from an early age. So he will be able to adapt faster in society and will achieve incredible success, walking through life. Emphasize the best features of your child, this applies not only to the appearance, but also to the character.

Recommendations for parents of preschool children

The most important age in the development of a child is the preschool period. At this time the kid learns more than the rest of his life. The knowledge acquired during this period is the basis of all further life. To prepare a child for school, the following recommendations to parents of preschool children will be helpful.

Teaching your child is best in the form of a game. At this age, it is necessary to develop logic, speech skills, thinking. Use for this you can develop games: modeling, puzzles, coloring, music, drawing. In the future, all these skills will help the child. Of course, in the kindergarten the child will learn a lot. But know that education and upbringing are a two-way process, in which parents and educators work together. Do not put the educational function on the shoulders of teachers, do more with children.

Methods of teaching and learning something new must have a game form. Do the training as if playing with a baby. Do not tell him the phrases "should", "must". Let him get used to learning from the position of "interesting." Encourage craving for learning, find a form of play that the kid himself constantly aspires to play it.

Pay Attention to Speech

Do not stop calmly in development if the child speaks distinctly. Pay attention to his speech, compare with an adult. Recommendations to children and parents from speech therapists indicate that the child's vocabulary should always be replenished. He must learn to form his thoughts correctly. Play with your child in games that require you to include imagination, introduce new words, use child-developing methods. Do not stop, once the child has learned the basic words, introduce new concepts, replenish the vocabulary. Do not think that at school he will learn everything himself. Remember how many people can not express their thoughts, have a lean vocabulary. Do not leave a solution to this problem for the school.

Recommendations of the speech therapist to parents:

  • At an early age, examine the formation of the speech apparatus in the child. There are times when children need to prune a bridle of the tongue. The speech therapist examines the articulatory apparatus and gives recommendations.
  • Do not forget to perform articulatory gymnastics.
  • With the child you need to talk only correctly. It is not necessary to use "children's words" in your speech. The child, hearing from you various incorrect expressions, on the contrary, more often repeats them.
  • Children, hearing babbling from adults, have speech problems, as well as difficulties with thinking. The better, the more precise the speech, the more correct the letter will be in the future.

Recommendations of parents on the development of a sense of responsibility

From a very young age, a sense of responsibility must be instilled in children. To do this, give the child the right to vote, in particularly important cases, let's have the right to choose. In matters that he is able to solve himself, the choice remains for him. But where it comes to his well-being, he has the right only to vote, the choice here is for adults. We decide for him, but at the same time we show that this is inevitable.

Recommendations of parents of preschool-age children indicate the need for the child to be responsible for his actions from an early age. Instruct him that when he goes to school, he will do his homework himself, the responsibility for this will lie on him. When the baby starts attending school, do not blame him for doing homework. Do not follow the implementation, and then check the completed tasks. If from the first days you sit with him for lessons, this load will fall on your shoulders forever. Children often use this as a weapon against their parents, can blackmail, exploit their parents when carrying out assignments.

You will avoid many troubles if you are not interested in the smallest details, but make it clear that this responsibility is entirely on the child. No one argues that it is necessary to help and prompt, but let the child learn by himself! Let him, from an early age, be responsible for his actions and their consequences. But do not forget to praise for the results. This helps the baby to assert themselves.

Responsibility in the family

Recommendations of parents on the development of a sense of responsibility (they are given by those who have extensive experience in raising children):

- Encourage the initiative. A child wants to wash dishes with you? Put a stool next to you and wash it together! Is there a desire to clean the house? Hand him a vacuum cleaner. Naturally, the process will be protracted, but let the child feel like an adult, is proud of his achievements. Let him feel responsible for the order in the house.

- It is important that the instructions can be carried out, otherwise the result will be only tears. Better than many words - a personal example. Accustoming to responsibility, control your actions, behavior and words, because the kid always copied everything. You can not always be near your child, but it's quite possible to explain how to act in this or that situation.

- Recommendations of parents on the topic of responsibility affect and relations with elders. Do not shout, because my mother sleeps, do not make noise, because my grandmother's head hurts. It is important that the child understands that not only should he be cared for, he must also give his love to relatives and others.

- Give each action the appropriate explanation. "You've scattered, you take it away," "Broke? It's a pity, but we can not buy such a toy anymore. "

- Explain to the kid that you need to approach your promises very responsibly. Do not forget to confirm this with your own examples.

- Always give an alternative, a choice in this or that situation. Suggest one or the other: porridge or cottage cheese with sour cream for breakfast, trousers or jeans on the street ... The truth is simple: a sense of responsibility is formed by examples, and for the decisions made the child must answer himself. As a result of many years of practice, a responsible person will grow up who can answer for his actions in life.

Adaptation to school

The turning point in the life of every baby is entering the school. The school process radically changes the way of life: you need to work hard and systematically, obey all norms, observe the regime of the day, fulfill the instructions of the teacher. Each first-grader, along with a sense of delight about his growing up, is also confused, anxious and tense. At this time, there is an adaptation. Recommendations for parents, received from experienced teachers and psychologists, will help the child not to get lost in the adult school world and quickly get used to the situation. Adaptation is a lengthy process, and if for someone it lasts a month, some get used to changing the way of life during the entire first class. Difficulties in this period are experienced not only by children, but also by parents and teachers. Act together in order to facilitate this process.

Adults should support the child in the desire to communicate with classmates, learn something new, create comfortable conditions for classes. Parents can do a lot to make the baby like to go to school. First of all, this refers to the requirements. Forget about authoritarian methods, try in this period to be for your baby friend. Do not ask from the threshold what mark he received. First, ask what new and interesting he has learned today, with whom he made friends, what did they do in class. If children can not immediately give sensible answers, one should not get upset and scold them. Do not show your irritation. The kid is psychologically reconstructed from kindergarten to school. The main recommendations to parents in the autumn: watch the baby's health, walk with him more, because the day starts to go down sharply, and the lack of sun also affects brain activity. Never force to sit down for lessons, until the child completely rests from school. Minimum should be 3-4 hours after classes.

There is no place for fear

The main recommendations of the psychologist to parents:

  • A kid should not be afraid of mistakes. This panic fear can repel the hunt for learning.
  • Let's make mistakes and help in correcting mistakes. Impress that everyone is mistaken, but with hard work they achieve the result.
  • Feeling of fear suppresses the initiative in everything: not only to learn, but also just to enjoy life. Remind the child of all the known proverbs "They learn from mistakes", "No one who does nothing makes mistakes".
  • Never compare with others. Praise for your personal achievements. Let the child be himself. And love him for who he is. So he will be sure of your support in any life situation.
  • Recommendations for teachers, parents indicate that there is never a need to compare boys and girls. These are two completely different worlds that feel, perceive information in different ways. Usually girls are older in the biological age of their peers-boys.
  • Remember that your child is not your copy. He will not learn the same way you once did. Take it for granted. Do not scold or call offensive words for the inability to accomplish something.
  • Show more attention to the child. Rejoice with him even the smallest successes, do not account for the setbacks. Be in everything else. And then even the innermost kid will trust you, not friends in the yard.

Recommendations for every day

The following recommendations to parents on the development of children will be useful for every day:

  • If you suddenly have to chastise the child for some misconduct, never use such expressions as "You at all", "Always you", "Always you". Tell him that he is always good, but today he did something wrong and wrong.
  • Never part in a quarrel without reconciliation after the conflict. First make it up, and then go on your business.
  • Encourage the child to love the house. Let him always come home with joy. Do not forget to say, coming from somewhere: "How nice we are, warm and cozy."
  • To enrich the spiritual, read books together with children aloud, even with teenagers. A good book will bring you even more.
  • In disputes with children, sometimes give them up. The child should know that sometimes he is right. So in the future, he will learn to give in to other people, to take defeats and mistakes.
  • Do not forget to always admire and cheer. Confidence is born when you are often told "I believe in you", "You will succeed" "Terrific! You achieved this. " But do not forget about criticism. Sometimes it must be combined with praise.
  • The most important qualities of life, which parents simply have to instill in the child, is resourcefulness, responsibility, respect.

A strong, hardy person will help bring up all the mentioned recommendations to parents. School kid will give a lot of energy, and support, parents will be necessary for him. Finally, we give some more basic tips for education:

  • When communicating with a child, do not undermine those authorities in which he believes. It's his choice.
  • Be always consistent in your decisions. Do not prohibit doing what was previously allowed.
  • Do not ask what the kid can not do. If in some school subject there are difficulties, help to understand, and at the slightest achievements do not forget to praise.
  • More often use a bodily affectionate touch, hug, kiss your child.
  • Be an example to him all.
  • As little as possible make comments.
  • Do not humiliate the child with punishments, use it only in extreme cases.

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