
Diathesis in a child than to treat and the causes

Diathesis in a child - what to treat, the reasons for its occurrence, what degree of danger and precautionary measures - these concepts will be considered in this article.

Before talking about what a diathesis in a child is, than treating it, let's consider the causes of the appearance of this disease. First, it is necessary to know that all babies - babies can have this disease. But, depending on the hereditary factor, in some children the inclination is manifested to a lesser extent, in others - in the greater.

During pregnancy and after the birth of the baby, the mother needs to reconsider her diet. First, do not eat berries, citrus, spicy foods and red apples - they are all very allergenic. Secondly, a child who is on artificial feeding can pick up a diathesis for protein, which is contained in cow's milk. Also, the causes of the appearance of this disease can be eating chocolate, cocoa, peanuts, shrimp and crayfish, salines and honey.

Depending on the age of the child, the signs of diathesis also differ. In children up to a year, this disease is especially acute, it is accompanied by a liquid and frequent stool of a greenish shade, and possibly also with foam. A red rash appears on the cheeks and a tummy hurts. Most often this occurs as a result of the use of cow's milk or a mixture based on it, juices and purees that contain red and orange fruits. If there was a diathesis in the child, "than to treat?" - It is quite a legitimate question. In this case, simple prophylaxis is necessary - not to give the baby such food, replace the orange and red fruits with green ones, use a mixture that is closer to breast milk.

Many mothers are concerned with the question - how to cure diathesis in infants? In this case, only an experienced doctor will help, who will prescribe a pill or syrup in a small dose. To get rid of itching and redness, you need to take a bath with chamomile, celandine or a string.

In children from one to three years, the following foods can become the causes of diathesis: fruits with red color, citrus and cereals. The symptom of a child manifesting the disease is a sore throat, stool, rash, itching, coughing and rashes on the body and cheeks. In this case, you can take medications prescribed by a pediatrician, for example, Suprastin or Zodak, as well as other drugs prescribed by a specialist.

A child over the age of three usually consumes all the products from the diet of adults. But in this case it is worth taking seriously the products that you give to children. It is not necessary to offer them in large quantities chocolate, fish, pickles, condiments, marinades, crabs, peanuts and shrimps.

Diathesis must be treated, otherwise it can lead to serious consequences. There are other allergens that cause this disease, the baby can get sick for various reasons - due to detergents, dust, synthetic clothing materials and other things. It is necessary to go to the hospital and conduct a survey. This is the only way to find the answer to the question - how to treat diathesis in a newborn and older children. It is necessary to completely pass the examination and pass the appropriate tests, the results of which usually reveal the causes of diathesis. The pediatrician will appoint a special diet to the baby, which will need to be observed.

Also, parents should take good care of the baby's hygiene - be sure to bathe it in a bath with soft water, apply only hypoallergenic shampoos, soap and foam for bathing. After water procedures, perform the following actions: it is good to wipe the skin of the crumbs, anoint it with a special softening cream, for example, a baby that will relieve the itching. It is possible, and even necessary, to bathe a child, especially in the first years of life, in herbs - chamomile, clean.

Cleanliness indoors is vital for a baby allergic. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a wet cleaning every day. In some cases, the baby can get sick due to the animal's hair or the smell of the plant, in this case, when answering the question - diathesis in a child, than to treat, it is necessary to sacrifice a pet and room plants for the sake of the baby's health.

Thus, if a child's diathesis is manifested , how to treat it, and how to prevent this disease, an experienced and qualified pediatrician will help.

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