
Cuttings of grapes will become root-saplings

Cultivation of seedlings of grapes from cuttings is quite a troublesome business, but this makes it possible to get root plants. To do this, varieties resistant to phylloxera are more suitable. Consider how to plant grapes cuttings.

Material for cuttings harvested in late autumn, but, without waiting for the onset of real frost, at a temperature of -5, -6. To do this, cut the mature vines with a diameter of approx. 6-10mm and a length of 1-1.2m. It is necessary to choose the vines from healthy and productive bushes, the ones that bear fruit this year are better. A well-ripened vine can be found by comparing the total diameter of the selected vine with the diameter of its core, the wood should be twice as thick as the core. It should have a smooth bark, without spots. In addition, the mature vine crackles when bent (not immediately broken).

The vine (not cut into cuttings) is soaked in water for a day, then another two hours in a 0.5% solution of quinazole at a temperature of 15 degrees (to prevent the appearance of mold). After that, the vine is aired so that no drops of water remain on it, wrap it with a film (slightly perforated) or burlap and store for storage. Keep the vine at a temperature of ok.0, but not above +7 degrees and at high humidity, for example in the basement, buried in sand or in a pit, refrigerator. During storage it is necessary to monitor the condition of the planting material. When the appearance of a mold, you need to rinse the vine with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. If the planting material dries up, you must again soak it in water for a day, ventilate it and re-pack it for storage. A well-preserved vine under the bark has a green layer, a kidney on the cut with greens (a blackened or brown kidney is dead, a stalk is not suitable for planting). On a fresh cut, a drop of liquid appears when pressed.

Cuttings of grapes are cut in length of 40-50 cm. The upper cut is made one and a half to two centimeters above the kidney, and the lower, oblique cut - right under the kidney. The slope of the cut is directed to the opposite side from the kidney. Further grape cuttings furrow, that is, do shallow longitudinal incisions in the lower part of the cuttings. This stimulates the formation of roots. Cuttings are placed deep into the water, two-thirds the length and left for a day. It awakens the kidneys. But if you immediately plant cuttings prepared in this way, into the ground, then leaf buds will sprout, shoot will begin to grow, and roots will not yet form, the stalk will be depleted and may die (this is the frequent cause of unsuccessful propagation by beginners in the winegrowers). To accelerate the formation of roots, the kilts are carried out.

Kilchevanie is a technique used to create conditions when the temperature at the bottom of the cut is higher than at the top. Cuttings can be brushed, for example, in a greenhouse. For this, it is necessary to prepare a pit 15 cm deeper than the length of the cuttings. Approximately 3 weeks before the proposed planting (the planting of the cuttings after the kilts usually coincides with the dissolution of the kidneys in the grapes in your locality), cuttings are put in the pit, bounded by the bunches with the lower (!) End up. They are covered with sand by 10 cm and ground by another 5 cm and covered with a frame with glass. In the heel area, the cuttings need a temperature of + 20-25 degrees. It is adjusted by raising or lowering the frame. At night the frame is usually covered with mats. The soil in the greenhouse is kept damp all the time. By the end of the kilts at the ends of the cuttings root rudiments will appear or a callus is formed. It is impossible to restrain cuttings to the formation of real roots, when planting they almost always break off.

Cuttings of grapes, prepared in this way, are planted in schoolchildren and create over them protection from direct sunlight. Abundantly watered. Further care for them is a regular and abundant watering. Uncut cuttings are planted earlier, as soon as weather permits. The place for the schoolchildren is chosen equal and well warmed by the sun, preferably protected from the north (possibly by fence or building). Cuttings of grapes are planted at a distance of about 15-20 cm between plants in a row, to a depth of 30 cm, obliquely. Between the rows the distance should be 1 meter.

That's how you should grow grapes from cuttings!

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