HealthDiseases and Conditions

What should I do if my eyes are red?

The eyes are one of the most important and sensitive organs of man, but people are not used to taking care of them. And they sound alarm only when there are some problems.

The very first signal that the eyes are not all right - redness. After a hard day's work, and sometimes in the morning, you notice that your eyes are red. Most often this A sign of fatigue and fatigue vision. Often redness is associated with a lack of sleep - the eyes stay open for a long time, which leads to the drying of the sclera. If the cause of redness in this, then you need to rinse the eyes with cool water and make lotions from tea leaves. You can use both black and green tea. After that, you need to give your eyes a good rest.

It is undesirable to use drops that relieve redness of the eyes. Treatment by them is ineffective, as they simply narrow the blood vessels. To reduce reddening of the eyes, you can make lotions from the decoction of sweet clover, infusion of parsley or grated potatoes. If your work is associated with constant overwork of the eyes, for example, a computer, procedures for relieving fatigue and redness of the eyes should be done every evening.

When the eye is red, it is useful to make a bath of tea, to do this, put your face in a container with warm tea and blink your eyes. During the day, it's good to do such relaxation exercises: sit down and lower your head low, feeling the tension of the neck muscles, and relax well.

Often the reason that the eyes are red, lies in the contamination. Dust, smoke or sand can enter the eye. This happens more often in children, they rub their eyes with their hands, run and play with sand. If the child has reddened his eyes, rinse it with cool boiled water and Make a lotion from tea or decoction of chamomile. But if the redness does not go away and the next day, or you notice a blood stain, go to the doctor, there may have been a trauma or a serious illness - blepharitis or conjunctivitis.

If you have not only blushed your eyes, but also itching, do not try to treat it yourself, you may need to take antibiotics or antiviral drugs. But you can help the eyes, washing them with broths of chamomile, marigold or althea. From the same broths you can make lotions. People who do not have allergies to honey can be buried in the eyes of honey water: dilute honey with clean water 1 to 10, or a 1% aqueous extract of propolis. Successfully treat conjuctivitis with a decoction of flaxseed or fennel seeds.

Redness of the eyes can also be associated with an allergy to pollen from plants. In this case, you can not do without taking antihistamines. Try to flow during the flowering less on the street and be sure to rinse your eyes after coming home. You can help reddened eyes, washing them with aloe juice, Kalanchoe or decoction of plantain seeds.

Redness of the eyes can also be associated with dryness of the mucosa. This can occur from dry air, wind or inadequate production of tear fluid. You can bury an artificial tear in your eyes and be sure to drink more pure water.

To ensure that your eyes are always healthy, do not allow them to overwork and spend more time in nature, as this gives an excellent rest to the eyes.

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