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What is the meaning of the word "shmara"? Different interpretations, origins

In recent years, the use of dialectisms, youth slang and thieves' jargon became common in literature and cinema. Writers and script writers turn to such a vocabulary in order to reflect the present as realistically as possible.

But the speech of criminals and prisoners, residents of outlying regions of the Russian Federation, representatives of youth closed groups is not always understandable to an ordinary reader or spectator. In order to understand the meaning of criminal, dialect or slang words encountered in movies or novels, citizens who want to fully enjoy an artistic masterpiece sometimes have to turn to special reference literature. In this article we will consider what the meaning of the word "shmara" is.

Sphere of use

This word is mainly used by representatives of the criminal world. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to find out what is the meaning of the word "shmara" in the jargon.

What is criminal jargon?

Criminal, or thieves, thieves' slang ("fenei") is a special social dialect (by some scholars it is defined as an argo, that is, the language of a closed social group) that developed in the midst of marginal, declassed representatives of society. As a rule, these include professional criminals or prisoners. The purpose of using jargon is to make it difficult for the uninitiated to understand the meaning of communication between criminals.

In thieves' slang, as a rule, reflects the internal hierarchy of the underworld. In jargon it is provided for the consolidation of nicknames, offensive nicknames, insulting words for those who are at the lowest levels of this hierarchy, as well as respectful words and expressions - for those with the greatest power and influence.

What does it mean to "f-hair" - "shmara"

The meaning of the word "shmara" in the dictionary of thieves' jargon is treated as a "concubine", "prostitute", "mistress", "friend of a thief". It is used as a reprobate or abusive word. Has synonyms: "slut", "slut", etc.

The meaning of the word "shmara" in other dictionaries

A similar interpretation of this word also gives the dictionary of youth slang, which reflects the desire of young people for independence expressed in the speech, rebellious moods. As the bearer of a negative expressive sense in relation to a woman of a certain behavior condemned by society, the word "shmara" is also given in other explanatory dictionaries. It is interesting that in the famous dictionary of V. Dal, "shmara" is treated as an obsolete "slime", "duckweed".

At present, scientists continue studying the origin of the Russian language. In the 50 years of the twentieth century, the Russian and German researcher Max Fasmer published a scientific paper that represents the etymology of many Russian words. In the etymological dictionary of Fasmer, not only the meaning of the word "shmara" is explained, but also its origin. According to Fesmer, the "shmara" is called a woman of easy virtue, female partner, mistress, prostitute. The word carries a negative expressive load. As a version, comes from the Goth. Smarna ("dirt", "dung"), smairr ("fat"), smero "fat", "fat".

It is known that in the Little Russian dialect "shmara" was once designated not by a girl or woman with a bad reputation, but by tar. With this substance the peasants spread a gate to a walking woman. It was very difficult to wash the tar in the wood. Proceeding from this, the deep and wise sense of the modern use of the word "shmara" is understandable: it is very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to restore a tarnished honor.

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