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Crying rights or statuses about tears.

They say that there are tears that need to be weeped, and not to let on the wrong side of the cheeks. Tears of resentment, pain, despair must leave the person, taking with them all the accumulated sorrow. For someone, tears are weakness, for someone - the only way out. Statuses about tears will show what this moisture really is on the cheeks, and what she does with us.

Tears are

Statuses about tears can give a definition of what they really are. It is not just a salty liquid that is excreted by the body, but something more. Unspeakable words, broken hopes, strong emotions. When the heart can not contain the feelings anymore, they begin to splash through the eyes. As an example, you can bring a few statuses about tears:

  • "A tear is a liquid that appears when one begins to squeeze out the soul."
  • "Tears are nothing more than self-pity."
  • "Crying is a conversation that can not be conveyed in ordinary words, but only feel."
  • "This is a weakness that you can forgive yourself for."
  • "Tears are blood coming from the soul"

Sad statuses

Tears are always sad. In the understanding of man, only those who are deeply unhappy cry. Perhaps, that is why there were so many sad statuses:

  • "There is a pain that I can never cry out."
  • "A stranger that cries, has to himself before someone knows the cause of his sadness."
  • "Sobbing, a man deceives himself."
  • "The tear that broke sideways eloquently speaks of mute sorrow."
  • "There are no spots from tears."
  • "Eyes that know how to cry can deeply look into the hearts of people."
  • "Usually those who laugh most loudly shed a lot of tears."

Why shed tears?

Usually in statuses about tears it is rarely mentioned that they are meaningless. One day someone said a wonderful phrase: "The world does not care about your tears." It reflects all the cruelty of the surrounding world and the senselessness of this occupation:

  • "A person ceases to cry only when he realizes that there is no more sense in this."
  • "Of course, it becomes easier of tears, but not always."
  • "They say that if you cry, it will be easier. It's all a lie - I cry the third day, but it does not get any easier. "
  • "Inevitable events need to be able to take with dignity. Therefore, the tears shed for them should become a secret. "
  • "A person has no right to cry, otherwise his body will submit to the heart, and the heart, in turn, will cease to obey any orders."
  • "Only when all tears are over, real pain comes."
  • "If a person experiences real pain, he will never cry, and his voice will never fail. Crying and tantrums are companions of temporary troubles, not real pain. "

Good to know

Tom Waits once wrote that there are 127 tears in one teaspoonful. This is an indisputable fact that no one dares to confirm. And just like almost no one is trying to confirm that you can cry for joy. Tears of happiness have a completely different aftertaste. Slightly sweet, slightly fresh and too pleasant. In Chinese culture, there is a good proverb: "When the heart is full of joy, it goes through the eyes."

Tears are different. Someone with their help copes with sadness, someone tries to forget the past, and someone uses tears to manipulate others. Statuses about tears with meaning will reveal their true strength and purpose:

  • "You can not call beautiful eyes that have never cried."
  • "One has only to think about the dear and dear person, how tears begin to flow by themselves."
  • "When you cry well, you immediately get the impression that a new era has begun."
  • "He who does not cry, sees very little."
  • "And only the sky knows that people are in vain ashamed of their tears. They are like the rain: they wash off the dusty dust that drains the souls. "

They say that strong people do not cry. They say that crying helps to cope with sadness. People can tell a lot of things, but everyone must find their own truth on their own. Deciding once and for all: tears are weakness or blessed salvation, which can not be abused.

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