
«Credit Aibolit»: customer reviews

Taking money in debt, you must give them. And it does not matter who was the creditor - the best friend or bank. But sometimes financial difficulties of a temporary nature that arise sometimes can prevent the bona fide performance of the borrower's duties. And now, not only the security service of the creditor bank, but also the third persons - collectors, are involved in the settlement of financial debts. And if with the first there is a small chance to conclude an arrangement like a debt restructuring, the latter will do their best to make the life of the debtor unbearable.

And what if the debt was not formed in one bank? If there are several? Continuous calls with threats, letters with a demand to return everything and immediately. As if the sword of Damocles hangs over the head is not given in time debt. That's when experts come into the business, ready to help repay debts.

"Credit Aibolit" - what is it?

They are called collectors of a new type. Such companies are ready to help non-payers to settle arisen financial debts. Now every debtor has an opportunity to use the service debt debt - "debt relief". "Credit Aibolit" reviews about their work is positive, despite the short stay on the market for such services. To take advantage of this offer, it is sufficient for the borrower to leave an application for the redemption of his bank debts with the name of the bank and the amount of debt on the company's website.

How this method works

As an intermediary of "Credit Aibolit" reviews Also has positive. In order to collect debt from a defaulter, the creditor begins to invest money in this business. But the defaulter is not able to pay on the loan, regardless of the activity of the lender, which incurs losses. This method is beneficial to both parties: for a defaulter there is a chance to fully pay off the existing debt, which he could not repay for a long time, and for the creditor a part of the loan amount is repaid.

Conventionally, the company divides all loans into 3 categories, each of which is developed according to a certain scheme.

Category 1: the borrower's loans are already at the stage of a long delay.

  • If the client has unpaid loans for more than a year, the company "Credit Aibolit" on behalf of the defaulter carries out a procedure for buying them from the bank at a cost of 4-10 times less than the original price. Then the client in installments repays the redeemed overdue debt, which is paid for several months, not years.
  • If the borrower has 2 or more loans, they can be combined into one, while the monthly payment will be adjusted to a size that will not be a burden to the non-payer's pocket.
  • If the client has been allowed a minor delay, the company will facilitate refinancing from its partner bank. By joint efforts of Credit Aibolit and one of the partner banks, it is possible to reduce the interest rate on the loan, reduce the amount of the principal debt, increase the loan term, and postpone the next monthly payment.

Category 2: the borrower has loans that are overdue, as well as those for which he regularly pays.

  • The right decision in this situation, experts of the company believe, will be the unification of all loans in one bank and on the best for the client terms. The use of such a solution is beneficial not only for the borrower, who can not tarnish his credit reputation and reduce monthly payments. The bank also benefits - the amount of the principal debt is returned with interest for its use. But especially it will be beneficial for banks that are increasing their loan portfolio.

Category 3: the borrower has loans, but at the moment there are no delays.

  • The client regularly pays for the loans received, but at the same time experiences financial inconvenience. The company will help in refinancing the debt in a partner bank, which will be able to offer favorable conditions - a reduction in the interest rate, an increase in the loan term and a delay to exit from the difficult financial situation.

According to statistics, every client of the company has several loans in different banks for amounts of 300-500 rubles. Exposed to constant pressure from several collection companies, the client eventually ceases to communicate with them. And in this situation, the defaulter should be ready to settle the situation with the bank, which, in turn, must also make concessions.

As the director of marketing of Credit Aibolit explains: "To date, about 5 million Russians are not in a position to fulfill their financial obligations. This leads to the emergence of social tension, an increase in the growth of crime and in general calls into question the very idea of lending. It is worth removing the hands of collectors from the defaulter and concentrating his debt from a single lender, as the situation begins to level off. " According to the data provided by the Bank of Russia, after the introduction of this practice, the volume of overdue individuals fell from 857.8 to 660.2 billion rubles.

Service cost

On the part of non-payers who used the services of the company "Credit Aibolit", reviews about the cost are different. The price for the work of this organization is calculated not only from the characteristics of the debt (such as the loan, its repayment term and other terms of the contract), but also from the outcome of negotiations with the lender. The first step of payment starts at 5% of the full cost of the loan and ends at 30%. In each case, the amount of the fee will be individual.

But what if the debtor does not have the means to pay the above amount in 5-30%? In this case, the company provides installments for 24 months. The client is given the opportunity to independently choose the optimal monthly payment for himself and the time for his full payment.

Why the defaulter himself can not agree with the bank?

Reading the reviews about Credit Aibolit, one can understand that the company is ready to help those defaulters who are really not currently able to bear responsibility for their debts. This solution is not suitable for customers who think they will not be able to refund their loans. The main goal of Credit Aibolit is to help the borrower to reduce its credit obligations to the level of its solvency. If the borrower independently applies to the bank, then all his efforts to work with his debts can be reduced to concluding an agreement on debt restructuring. And while the defaulter left payments, the bank continued to charge penalties, fines and penalties. Therefore, do not expect to reduce the main debt of credit debt, if you turn to the bank as a private person. Credit Company Aibolit »reviews Has positive. It is a legal organization that has the ability to lead several such problematic clients at once.

There are times when a company can not come to the aid of a defaulter. But do not worry: the client will not lose anything on the financial issue. Payments to specialists of Credit Aibolit will be made only if there is a guarantee of a positive solution to the problem. If it is impossible to reach consensus, the organization will notify the defaulter about this. Real feedback on the company "Credit Aibolit" report that the creditor banks in the majority are quite willing to meet in the issue of debt redemption, because they are also interested in getting a partial amount of their money back.

What loans are covered by the service

Studying about the LLC "Credit Aibolit" reviews of people, you can see that the company carries out its work only with individuals. And only with those borrowers who conscientiously fulfilled their credit obligations, but the emergence of serious financial problems did not allow them to repay the loan on schedule in the future. In general, the company prefers customers who have delayed more than a year. For such non-payers a definition - "360 +" was worked out.

Today the organization cooperates with 40 banks, which are included in TOP 100 financial institutions.

How long will it take to resolve the issue?

It will take 2-3 weeks to several months to settle the issue of debt. Such a long period of time is due to the fact that not all banks are ready to sell the debt of the defaulter "at retail". The repurchase procedure is quite costly for a creditor bank, so it is easier for him to sell several debts at once, that is, "in bulk". This operation is also beneficial to the defaulter - it makes it possible for him to "write off" his debt with more favorable terms.

Reading in different sources about the company "Credit Aibolit" reviews, whether real or not - each decides for himself.

Activity of Credit Aibolit at the legislative level

The work of the company is carried out strictly in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation (Part 1, Article 382 and Article 12 of Federal Law No. 353). Using this method as a closure of the financial delay, legal consequences can be avoided, in contrast to the bankruptcy procedure.

Recovering your credit history

After applying to the company Credit Aibolit LLC, the reviews of which speak for themselves, can Restore credit reputation. Most importantly, if the creditor bank went to the defaulter and sold the loan, then the biggest step has already been made - the debt is liquidated. The next step to start recovery of credit history will be the need to take a small loan and make regular payments on time in time. Only with this method can you re-earn a new, clean credit reputation.

Ask the "Credit Aibolit" company how to pay overdue debt

To get help from the company, you need to fulfill only a few conditions:

  • On the official site, leave a request, where you can specify the required data, and also get acquainted with the amount of possible savings.
  • The company creates an appeal to the bank for the repayment of an unfavorable loan at a discount.
  • The company informs the borrower on what terms the purchase of debt and the closing of loans are carried out.
  • "Credit Aibolit" provides the client with an agreement for acquaintance and decision-making.

  • The client signs the contract, and the next day all loans are closed.
  • The defaulter is a full or partial payment for the services rendered.
  • The company provides a former non-payer with a certificate of closure of his troubled debts.

Company "Credit Aibolit" reviews of real people On his work with customers posted on the main page of his site.

Opinions of representatives of some banks and collection agencies

As Pavel Sigal, vice-president of the association of entrepreneurs "Opora Rossii" notes, for banks and MFIs such a scheme of payment of "suspended" debts is extremely beneficial. Dysfunctional clients need to carefully look at the terms of the contract, and especially on how the debt collection procedure will take place.

Here are some more testimonials about Credit Aibolit:

  • Elena Dokuchaeva, the president of the collection agency Sequoia Credit Consolidation, on the contrary, doubts the need for this service. "Credit Aibolit" - what kind of company is this? If the debtor decides to pay off his debt, then why does he attract a third party? The debt will be bought by the seller for "kopecks", and then bought by the debtor in installments. This creates a feeling of collusion between the defaulter and his creditor-buyer. The decision to sell the debt must be made by the creditor, not by the debtor. Elena Dokuchaeva believes that this fraud is a foul sound. Also, in her opinion, the sale of a dysfunctional debt is possible only when the bank's security service has already worked with the client, and then the debt was transferred to collector agency. And when even collectors have already signed in their powerlessness in collecting the debt, the creditor can decide on its sale. In 2015, the period of overdue debt was increased from 700 to 900 days. This is due to the closer cooperation of banks with collection agencies.

  • Alexander Savinov, deputy chairman of the collection agency Sentinel Credit Management, is confident that this scheme will not enjoy wide popularity. This will be a seldom used tool, since it is quite obvious the disadvantage of buying up such debts. Their cost will not be enough even for managing administrative expenses for the organization of the transaction. Alexander argues that it is very difficult to redeem many debts from different banks.
  • Anna Blinova, the head of the late collection department at Home Credit Bank, expressed a rather negative opinion about Credit Aibolit. With organizations of this kind, their bank does not cooperate and has no legal obligations to them.
  • The only financial institution that reacted positively and optimistically to the coming changes was "Leto Bank". As a rule, the delay in "360 +" is not more than 5% of the total amount. Chairman of the Board Alexander Samokhvalov said that they are ready to cooperate on such terms.

Reading about the company "Credit Aibolit" customer testimonials, while the catch in anything you do not notice. But this is only in theory. In practice, it is better not to allow the emergence of debts.

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