
Guy Julius Caesar

Caesar (Guy Julius, 100-44 years BC) was an outstanding commander and politician. Popular with the people, he began to enjoy thanks to his bread distributions and lavish shows. As a commander, he was very cautious and at the same time determined.

Guy Julius Caesar. Biography

In 68, he was elected quaestor, three years later - edil, three more - praetor. In 61, Guy Julius Caesar acquired fortune and military glory during several campaigns against lusitan and callaik in Dalian Spain.

The greatest popularity of politicians reached in 59, becoming a consul. After the conclusion of the agreement with Gnea Pompey and Mark Crassus, Guy Julius Caesar becomes one of the rulers of Rome. He was assigned the province of Illyria and the two Gauls.

In the period from 58 to 51 years, Caesar waged many wars. As a result of the battles, Rome was subordinated to the free Gallic peoples occupying the territory between the Rhine and the Atlantic coast. In 58 CE, Caesar defeated the Helvetians and the German leader Ariovist, in 57 he opposed the Belgas, in the following year - against the Aquitans and Venetians. In 54 year after a campaign to Britain Guy Julius Caesar has won some local tribes.

Meanwhile, the Gauls began a liberation war under the leadership of the leader Vercingetorig. Caesar took about two years to suppress the uprisings. In Alesia in 52, he surrounded the rebels. The Gauls could not break through the blockade. In October 52 the leader Vercingetorig surrendered. After that, most of the Gallic peoples folded their weapons voluntarily. Thus, in 51 CE, finally conquered Gaul.

In the meantime, the relations between the Senate and Caesar were aggravated in the Roman state. The politician refused to give his successor to the successor appointed by the senate.

In 49, on January 10, after crossing the Rubicon River, Caesar moved with the army to Rome. Without encountering resistance, the commander easily took over Rome and Italy. The political opponents of Caesar fled to Epirus.

In 49, on August 2, the commander won victory at Illerda over the seven legions of Mark Petrey and Lucius Afranius.

In 48, in January, the commander landed in Epirus. But after the failure under Dyrrachium, Caesar retreated to Thessaly, where he dealt a crushing blow to the army of Pompey, who was able to flee. Pursuing Gnaeus Pompey, the commander arrived in September 48 in Egypt. There he learned about the death of Pompey, who was killed by order of Ptolemy 13 (Egyptian king). This allowed Caesar to intervene in the affairs of Egypt. The commander took the side of Cleopatra in the "Alexandrian War", as a result of which the queen occupied the Egyptian throne.

In 47 Caesar made a campaign to Asia Minor. August 2, he was victorious over King Pharnac 2. By October, Caesar landed on the territory of Africa. In 46, on April 6, he defeated the remnants of the Pompeians, defeated Yuba 1 (the Numidian king).

Returning with a triple victory (in the Numidian, Alexandrian and Gallic battle) to Rome, Caesar became a dictator. He was proclaimed for ten years. Soon, Caesar will be called "father of the fatherland", "emperor."

Magna Gnei (son of Pompey) invaded Spain in 46 and seized it. However, arrived in Spanish territory, Caesar destroyed the opposition finally in the Battle of Munda.

After this victory, the dictator began to render immense honors. His statues were erected in the temples, a list of his merits was displayed on the silver columns in gold letters. He wore an imperial garment, sat in a gilt armchair. In honor of Caesar the month July was named.

In Rome, the politician began to implement reforms in order to strengthen the weakened and shaken by continuous battles of the state. In addition, the dictator planned to make major campaigns against the Dacians and Parthians. But his plans did not come true.

Gaius Julius Caesar was killed in 44 (March 15) by conspirators who were his closest associates.

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