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Composition on the theme "Griboedov: Woe from Wit": the urgency of the work

A brilliant play is devoted to the life and customs of a noble society. And in the center of the narrative is a person whose worldview differs significantly from the system of views of those around him. Composition on the theme "Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit", the schoolboys write year after year. The comedy will never lose its moral and artistic power, and therefore it is one of those great works that should not only be read but also analyzed.

History of writing

Griboyedov's play "Woe from Wit" was created about three years ago. In 1822 the work was completed. However, it was published only seventeen years later and in a distorted form. Censorship changes significantly changed the author's text. In the original form the play was published much later.

To introduce Russian literature without this work is rather difficult. Unsurpassed work "Woe from Wit", whose images represent the vices of the capital's society, also conveys the opposition spirit, which covered the most advanced representatives of the nobility.


Acute socio-political problems affect the comedy "Woe from Wit". Composing on one of the themes on Griboyedov's work presupposes studying the art conflict. And here he is not alone. At the beginning of the work a kind of love conflict is being fastened. Then the author of the comedy raises socio-political questions. On the one hand, a progressive young man. On the other - representatives of the reactionary nobility. Their time is running out, but there is still no place for advanced ideas in this society. The collision of two alien social worlds is traditionally devoted to the themes of works.

"Woe from Wit" is a work that has an open ending. Who has won? Chatsky? Or silent and FAMUSOVY? The comedy "Woe from Wit" does not give a clear answer to these questions. The writing of a tragically lost diplomat and playwright has been feeding food for profound philosophical reflection for almost two centuries.


The very name of the comedy speaks about the misfortune of the main character. The problem of Chatsky is that he is intelligent. Here, however, the mind is more synonymous with the word "free-thinking".

The author makes it clear to the reader that all of his characters, with the exception of Chatsky, are stupid. But each of them does not know about this, believing himself to be intelligent, but a madman of someone who does not want to share his views. Composition on the theme "Griboyedov. "Woe from Wit" "can reveal the question of the polysemy of such a concept as the mind. After all, Famusov and Molchalin believe that it is nothing more than the ability to adapt and derive a mercantile benefit. To sycophant, commit meanness, and marry exclusively by calculation is a peculiar way of thinking and life that prevails in Moscow society, the modern Griboyedov.

After two hundred years, little has changed in the worldview of people. That is why the composition on the theme "Griboedov. "Woe from Wit" "can answer such questions as" What is the modern comedy of the Russian classic? "," What is its relevance? ".

The image of Chatsky

In Russian literature, this hero occupies a special place. In the work there is a Decembrist spirit, so relevant for that time. The author pays attention to national-historical, social and political issues.

But if you close your eyes to the events in whose atmosphere the brilliant play was created, and to see in the image system only the characteristic psychological types invariably present in society, the question will arise: "Can such a Chatsky cause sympathy today?". Hardly. He is witty and intelligent, independent in his judgments and sincere. However, he appeared now before those who, during the school years, had been working on textbooks of literature, creating an essay on the topic "Griboedov. "Woe from Wit", he would not have understood. He would only see the puzzled Famees look.

Artistic originality

Griboyedov combined in his work features dying classicism and new for that period literary trend - realism. The play is also not romantic.

The author does not ignore the obligatory principles of classicism. The plot line in the work is only one, and all actions take place in one place. The author endowed his characters with talking surnames, which is typical for the creativity of the representatives of classicism. But the romantic exclusivity of Chatsky is unusual for this literary trend. And, finally, the comedy has historical authenticity, which is a sign of realism.

The school program offers a variety of essay themes. "Woe from Wit" is a unique work of art. Literary tricks that are used in it, in the work on the creative task should not be left without attention. This play was written at a critical period in the history of Russian literature. And because it combines so different artistic forms.

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