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Comparative characteristics of Bazarov and Kirsanov ("Fathers and Sons")

The novel "Fathers and Sons", written by IS Turgenev in the second half of the 19th century, will never lose its relevance. This is already proved by the name, because the contradictions that arise between different generations are quite common at any time. And when social differences are added to the age differences, the conflict becomes even more acute and becomes a socially significant phenomenon.

The main characters of the work of I. Turgenev - raznochinets Bazarov and hereditary aristocrats Kirsanov. Each of them is distinguished by special education, way of life, attitude to the world, and also is convinced that it can serve, if not an ideal, a model of modern man. Comparative characteristics of Bazarov and Pavel Kirsanov (these are the main antipodes in the novel) allows readers, living a century and a half later, to form their own idea of the basic social forces and features of Russia's development in the mid-19th century.

Acquaintance with the main character

The outset of the action is the arrival in the village, on vacation, of the young arkadiy Arkady. The father who meets his son looks at his friend with some surprise - he really does not look like Kirsanovs. Eugene Bazarov (friend and spiritual teacher of Arkasi) is the son of a simple healer. Dressed simply - in a long hoodie with brushes. Immediately struck his big red hands and long hair. And the behavior was special - somewhat cheeky, rude. This was the characteristic given by Nikolai Petrovich at the first meeting.

Arkady Kirsanov and Yevgeny Bazarov at that time tied common interests, but as the relationship between all the heroes developed, young people will increasingly move away from each other. One of the reasons is the conflict between the young raznochintsev-democrat and the elderly, but retaining refinement and innate aristocracy, Pavel Petrovich.

The beginning of confrontation

The appearance of Bazarov from Kirsanov became an event that violated the peaceful course of life in the house. Pavel Petrovich immediately disliked his nephew's friend. This is understandable. In contrast to Eugene, he loved the gloss in everything and supported the order that was formed over the years. With a beautiful, well-groomed appearance, in an English suit, with starched collars and impeccable behavior, he was the exact opposite of Bazarov. Their antipathy will begin with the first moment of dating and end with a duel.

Comparative characteristics of Bazarov and Kirsanov Paul (literature has not yet known such clashes of generations) helps not only to reveal their inner peace and ideological beliefs, but also to comprehend the features of the development of society in that period.

Origins, education and social activities

Appearance is the first thing that catches your eye when you meet two completely opposite heroes. The more heated their relationship, the clearer the absolute difference between them becomes apparent.

Bazarov is the son of an impoverished noblewoman and ordinary healer. In life he achieved his own work, not wishing at least to some extent depend on his parents. He is a man of strong mind and character who has decided to devote his life to medicine and science. He did not believe in anything and proudly proclaimed himself a nihilist.

Pavel Petrovich, a nobleman in several generations, was brought up in a completely different setting. Good education, officer service and universal love - that's what was the basis of his life. However, the passionate enthusiasm for Princess R. and a rather quick disappointment (she threw him) caused his premature aging and alienation from the light. He lost his taste for life, then settled in his brother's estate and since then has led a closed, useless life.

Thus, the characteristics of Bazarov and Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov help to understand how unlike those people were originally.

Ideological contradictions

Such a clear difference in the social situation could not but affect the relationship of the heroes. If Nikolai Petrovich tried to show indulgence to the guest, somewhere even to yield, his brother immediately showed complete dislike. And the more Bazarov and Kirsanov communicated, the stronger became their confrontation, poured out first into a fierce dispute, and then into a duel. A profound analysis of the attitude of the democrat-raznochinets and the hereditary nobleman to the social role of aristocrats and nihilists, the way of state organization, the people, nature and art is the best characterization of the characters.

Eugene Bazarov and Arkady Kirsanov, too, in fact, little like each other - it will become clear in the finale of the novel. Therefore, the second tried to convince a friend that he was wrong about Pavel Petrovich and asked him to be lenient. However, the reconciliation of two such different people was impossible, and the duel is proof.

What is the essence of the ideological differences between the young raznochintsev and the elderly nobleman?

Attitude to the aristocracy

The first controversial issue for them was the question of what the role of the nobility in the state structure and the general way of life.

Pavel Petrovich, who was an aristocrat "to the core", claimed that they were the main driving force of any development, and this right was given to them even by birth. And the ideal of any state is monarchy and liberal reforms leading to progress.

This viewpoint caused in the opponent a bitterness, the main reason of which he explained by the complete inability of aristocrats to act and, as a consequence, their futility for any society. Proof of this was Kirsanov himself, who idly spent his life in the countryside.

Nihilists - who are they?

This does not end their disputes, acting as a comparative characteristic. Bazarov and Kirsanov were interested in other issues. So, after discussing the role of the aristocracy, they could not but turn to the discussion of the activities of the nihilists, during which the phrase "he does not believe in anything", uttered by Arkady earlier, is somewhat corrected by Bazarov. He calls himself a person who accepts only that which can be useful. At the moment, such for him were science with medicine and absolutely rejected the established views on life, monarchy and serfdom, religion, because they led to stagnation. For Kirsanov, the nihilists were people who provoked only irritation with their insolence and unbelief.

Aristocrat and nihilist are two absolutely different generations, which convincingly proves the comparative characteristics of Bazarov and Kirsanov.

Evaluation of the role of art in human life

The heroes are voiced in violent disputes and attitude to culture, especially since for Pavel Petrovich it was an attempt to get over Bazarov's "all denying". Here they appear as complete antipodes. The first - a romantic, whose life was at balls and fun. It is no coincidence that he speaks in defense of poetry, music, love (although at the same time the author shows the emptiness of his reasoning). The second is brought up by work, so all this is for him - stupidity, distracting from the present case (in this Turgenev condemns his hero, proving the inconsistency of such views with Bazarov's love for Odintsova).

Comparative characteristics of Bazarov and Kirsanov - conclusions

The novel "Fathers and Sons" was an innovative work, as it depicted not only the representatives of the older and younger generation, but also completely different social and political forces that played an important role in the development of Russia.

The author himself belonged to Kirsanov to a greater extent, but his sympathies are more often on the side of Yevgeny Bazarov, for which he leaves the right to reform the country.

The comparative characteristics of Bazarov and Kirsanov make it clear that they were both outstanding personalities, best representatives (and this was emphasized by the author himself) of the nobles and raznochintsev. In some ways, they were right, wrong about something - it's not so important. The main thing is that both of them contributed to the development of the country. And Ivan Turgenev managed to catch and convey in his novel an important moment when a change of generations occurs and a new stage in the development of society begins.

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