EducationSecondary education and schools

Circle in elementary school. The work of groups in primary school

With the advent of the new Federal State Educational Standard (GEF), new requirements arose. One of which is the inclusion of extra-hour activities of the child in the educational process. This was done in order to better adapt the pupil of the kindergarten to school yesterday.

What happened before? Children went to school, were engaged in lessons, then, having remained in the group of the extended day, did homework. In other words, they sat all day at school desks and taught lessons, and, quite recently, their day regimen was completely different, they moved, rustled, went for a walk, rested during a day's sleep. Not every adult is able to withstand such drastic, dramatic changes in his life. So it turned out that the child, coming from school, began to "go crazy", and then for a long time could not sleep in the evening due to the fact that his nervous system was in an excited state.

To make this transition for children softer, it was decided to include extracurricular activities in the educational process. After school, the child must engage in other activities. Provide the required mugs of primary school. GEF requires that every child is engaged in all five areas, this is:

  1. Spiritually-moral;
  2. General cultural;
  3. General intellectual;
  4. Social;
  5. Sports and recreational.

For all five activities, the child's employment must be 10 hours a week.

Who and how should I teach in elementary school?

Of course, it is difficult for one primary school teacher to cope with this amount of work. Therefore, it was decided that in schools primary school teachers write programs for group lessons, based not on one age category of children, but from 1 to 4 classes. Thus, one teacher can lead a circle in an elementary school for children of different classes, according to the compiled schedule.

In addition, for conducting circle classes it is possible to involve a freelancer, who has a pedagogical education and developed a program of group activities. Payment for such an employee is made by the school from its own budget on the basis of a contract concluded with it.

The employer must always remember that one can not force a person to work in the sphere of activity that he has no idea about. Otherwise, such work will not be of any use, and the worker will also be dissatisfied with the situation.

Small elementary schools

The issue of extracurricular activities for small schools due to the absence of extended-day groups in them could not be solved for a long time. But there are no problems without solutions, there is a reluctance to solve them. On this issue, the following solution was suggested: to conduct group classes on Saturday, of course, with the permission of the parents and the consent of the employees.

Choice of circles

Choice of circles occurs more often at the parent meeting. The teacher lists all the circles in the primary school, and parents, based on the interests of their child, choose the ones they need.

In addition, one should not overlook the fact that some children can attend educational institutions of additional education, for example, a music, art or sports school. If this is so, then the circle in the primary school in this direction they do not need to visit.

Another factor that must be considered when choosing is medical contraindications. If a child has medical records for some type of activity, parents should write to the head of the school an application explaining the reasons and attach a certificate issued by the medical institution.

In all other cases, the child must visit the circles in all directions.

Spiritual and moral direction

Circle work in this direction should be aimed at educating an inquisitive, hard-working, highly moral person who knows the traditions and history of his country. Circles of spiritual and moral direction can bear the following names: "Young local historians", "My world is my country".

General cultural direction

Work with children in this case is aimed at educating the personality of the creator, forming the need for students to self-development and self-improvement. Mugs in an elementary school can be:

  • choral singing;
  • Studio of folk dance;
  • Applied craft.

Intellectual direction

Work on general intellectual education is aimed at developing in children all kinds of thinking (abstract, deductive, logical, algorithmic). A circle in an elementary school can be called: "Club of mathematicians", "Young researcher", etc.

Social direction

This is a very important section for education. The study of the circle in the primary school in this area allows children to learn correct behavior, courtesy, kind and tolerant attitude to close people, assessing the moral content of situations. The names of the circles can be the following: "Know-it-all", "Assistants", "Our life is theater".

Perhaps the most interesting and entertaining for children is the theater circle. In elementary school, the children have not yet lost the habit of playing, and therefore the theater for them, on the one hand, is common, for example, they get used to the image easily, and, on the other hand, learn the text - this task is a little more complicated, but it gives them a lot Positive emotions. In addition, learning the text allows you to train memory, which in the end will positively affect the educational process. A performance in front of a grateful audience (parents, teachers) immediately raises self-esteem and causes a desire to work further.

Sports and recreation

Now work in this direction is being intensified, because almost every fifth child in Russia has health problems. Parents, taking too much care of their child, without knowing it, indirectly harm his health, so children need to visit the circles of this direction without fail. Do not be afraid that the child can not withstand physical exertion. The circle in primary school is of a wellness nature. The names of the circles are the following: "Sports games", "Football", "Skiing in winter and summer".

Rights of the child when choosing a mug

Every child has the right to choose circles according to his interests and abilities.

Also, the child has the right to go from one circle to another within the group. For example, he may not get football, but he will be the best in skiing. It is important to ensure that children do not run from one mug to another without good reasons.

The work of the circles in the primary school is aimed at developing all aspects of the personality of the little person. Thus it is possible to find out what abilities the baby has developed more. It is in this direction that the teacher works in the future.

Under the GEF program, all Russian schools began to be engaged in 2011, so it is too early to say whether this program is working. Children who started to study it, recently became fifth graders. Teachers of the secondary school celebrate the children's great curiosity, responsibility for the affairs assigned to them. The elementary school gave a good start due to extra-hour activity of the child.

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