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Cheshtsya clitoris: causes, treatment, prevention of diseases

Itching in the intimate zone - malaise quite often. The vulva, labia, perineum, anus, clitoris can be scratched. There are many reasons for this. For example, allergies, inflammation, etc. Often, the pruritus of the genital organs is manifested in pregnant women.


The clitoris is the external sexual organ of women. It's small. Securely covered with dermal hood, and protected by the labia. The function of the clitoris is the accumulation and concentration of sexual sensations. In normal condition, it feels like a small soft seal or papilla. When excited, swells, increases in size and becomes denser.

Edema of the clitoris

Swelling of the clitoris sometimes occurs when excessive pressure on him during petting (hands, lips). In this case, subcutaneous hemorrhage may occur. And this leads to hematomas and edema.

With prolonged sexual intercourse, you can see that the clitoris is swollen. Its puffiness often arises because of:

  • Venereal diseases;
  • Thrush;
  • Acute vulvitis, urethritis, vulvovaginitis;
  • Inflammation and disease of female genital organs;
  • The use of certain drugs (especially hormones);
  • Some diseases (for example, diabetes, etc.).

Causes of itching clitoris

The reasons for what hurts or itches the clitoris, can be different. Itching occurs when:

  • Candida vulvovaginitis, better known as thrush.
  • Genital herpes or papillomavirus.
  • Using synthetic underwear.
  • Allergic reactions that are caused by hygiene products.
  • Various infections, transmitted sexually (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, mycoplasmosis, ureaplasmosis, etc.).
  • Menopause.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Injury when healing occurs.
  • Monthly. This is mainly due to a violation of hygiene. Sometimes a woman does not have the opportunity to often wash out while working.
  • Pregnancy. This is mainly due to changes in the hormonal background.

Why is itching of female genital organs?

Itching of the genital organs in women occurs due to various diseases or allergic reactions. With gynecological infections, you can see that the clitoris is swollen or begins to itch. In this case, you need to immediately consult a doctor, since such phenomena can be signs of cancer of the external genitalia. True, this happens infrequently. Typically, genital cancers are more prone to elderly people who have endocrine diseases or severely impaired metabolism.

The reasons why the clitoris flushed and began to itch, there can be many factors:

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Escherichia coli, which fell on the genitals;
  • Enterococci;
  • Streptococci;
  • Fungi Candida;
  • Klebsiella, etc.

With diabetes, itching can occur in the labia, clitoris, perineum, vagina. Unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations increase with the increase in blood glucose.

Allergic reactions: the clitoris and labia scratches, on these organs there is a rash and there are edemas, etc. They can be caused by means of intimate hygiene (gels, soaps, etc.). Including women's sanitary pads with aroma-odors. Often, the genitals are itchy because of allergies to washing powders, medicines and even some foods.

Pruritus of the clitoris during pregnancy

Pregnant women often notice that the clitoris swells and itches. Almost always this is accompanied by reddening of the tissues. All of the above can be associated with inflammatory processes or the development of an infectious disease. Itching is often caused by:

  • A violation of the acid-base balance;
  • Wearing synthetic underwear;
  • Overheating or supercooling of the small pelvis;
  • Colpitis;
  • Genital herpes and many other diseases.

Itching of the genitals is sometimes due to a lack of iron in the body, after a long reception of antibiotics, bites of lice. But most often because of the hormonal rebuilding of the body. As a result, the vaginal dysbacteriosis begins , the genital mucosa is abundantly filled with blood and becomes very sensitive. Therefore, any, even a minor irritant, can cause itching. After birth, discomfort passes independently, and the sensitivity of the mucosa decreases.

What should I do if I have an itch of the clitoris?

When there is a question about what to do if the clitoris is scratched, the first answer is to see a doctor if this phenomenon is not a one-time, but a permanent one. It is necessary to do this in order to identify and treat an infection, which can only be determined by the health worker.

You can use a decoction of chamomile for washing. And syringing with other herbs is not recommended. If a woman knows for sure that the cause of the clitoris itch is allergy, then some time you need to take antihistamines. Be sure to pass tests for sexually transmitted diseases.

How to properly wash out to avoid itching?

The vagina contains bacteria that support the acidic environment. They prevent the spread of infections and provide protection against itching. When improper washing, when a stream of water or hand movements during the procedure are sent from the anus to the labia, the intestinal rod or bacteria can enter the vagina or the clitoris, breaking the microflora. As a result, reddening and itching of the genitals appear.

Unpleasant sensations can arise and because of a rare erosion. Or, conversely, with excessive hygienic procedures, because of which the microflora of the vagina can be broken. We need to wash twice a day. During menstruation several times a day, every 3-4 hours, changing the pads to fresh ones.

Treatment of clitoris itching medication

Often before a woman starts to feel the itching of the genitals. As soon as menstruation is over, the clitoris, labia and the vaginal opening cease to itch. Since this is an individual reaction of the body to hormonal changes during menstruation, treatment is not required. If the itching continues and after the menstrual cycle - it is necessary to see a doctor, since in this case, it can be a symptom of any disease.

The cause of the clitoris itching can be a lot of diseases. They can be determined only by the results of analyzes. You need to treat initially the root cause, not the consequence. To diagnose a disease, a swab is taken from the genitals, sometimes a biopsy is used. The disease with atrophic vulvovaginitis can be alleviated with the help of drugs with corticosteroids.

For the treatment of hormonal and endocrine diseases specific medications are used. When the itching of the genital organs is due to venereal diseases, a course of antibiotics is prescribed. The course of treatment and drugs are determined only by a doctor. Self-medication can not be done, because suitable medications are chosen by the doctor depending on the stage of the disease.

When the clitoris and labia are itch due to genital herpes, antiviral agents are prescribed. Irritation is removed with the help of ointments and gels that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Erythroplasia Keira, in which there is an itching of the genitals, is treated with ointment 5% fluroauratsila and radiation therapy.

If the clitoris is swollen and there is an itching of the genital organs at the age of about 50 years, this can be associated with a menopause. The gynecologist in this case usually prescribes medicines containing female hormones or phytoestrogens. To such medicines carry: "Климен", "Онгрис", "Клиноморм" and "Овестин".

Itching of the genital organs, which has arisen as a result of mental or nervous diseases, can not be treated well. The doctor prescribes psychotherapy, therapeutic hypnosis. From medications, calming and sedatives are prescribed.

Places of constant itching are sometimes chipped with solutions of anesthetics. But this only temporarily facilitates the patient's condition. With constant itching and a severe course of the disease that caused it, a surgical operation is performed. During it, the genital nerves and their individual trunks are excised.

Treatment of the itch of the clitoris in folk ways

The cause of the clitoris itch can be nonspecific bacterial vaginosis. Treatment will be more successful if medications are supplemented with folk medicine. You can make daily baths and washings on the basis of anti-inflammatory and antiseptic herbs. As a result, the mucous membrane of the genital organs is restored.

When the clitoris is scratched, it can also occur due to microcracks that appear when the genitalia is dry. In this case, you need to use moisturizing candles, ointments and creams. To reduce the intensity of the genital itching will help warm baths of sage, chamomile and eucalyptus.

Prophylaxis of clitoris itching

Of course, the main rule that must be observed to prevent itching of the clitoris is the hygiene of the genitals. You need to wash yourself at least twice a day - in the mornings and evenings. Means of hygiene in this case it is better not to use, just plain water. If the itching has already begun, the use of soap, intimate gels, etc. can only intensify unpleasant sensations. In addition, one should remember about precaution and engage in protected sex, especially if the sexual partner is not permanent.

It is necessary to use cotton underwear. It allows you to "breathe" the covers of intimate places. Synthetic panties prevent air access. A greenhouse effect is created, and as a result - redness and itching. In addition, do not forget that every woman for prevention is necessary to visit a gynecologist at least once every six months. This will help to monitor your health and in time to identify pathologies, if any.

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