
Causes of cancer

Cancer is a terrible and common disease. No one is immune from it. Is it possible to predict its appearance? Yes, but not always. In most cases, the news of the presence of the disease shock the person. Of course, it is not easy to realize this.

Causes of cancer

They are known for a lot today. Sufficiently significant causes of cancer are carcinogenic factors of our way of life and our environment. The cause of 30% of malignant neoplasms is smoking, 35% - eating habits, 10% - infections, and alcohol, air pollution, ionizing and ultraviolet radiation - causes an average of 4-5% of neoplasms.
The main cause of lung cancer and other organs of the pulmonary system is smoking.
Also, the main cause of cancer of the pharynx, esophagus, oral cavity, larynx, lungs, bladder is again smoking. Polluted air affects the development of cancer 30 times less than smoking. In many major cities, the atmosphere is polluted by carcinogenic substances from emissions of cars, plants, and thermal power plants. The same carcinogens are also released when tobacco is burnt, but their concentration in smoke from cigarettes is hundreds of times higher. This explosive mixture of the lungs along with blood is carried throughout the body.

Food and cancer of the gastrointestinal tract

The fact that the use of "chemical products" leads to cancer is more a myth, because science does not confirm this. Preservatives and nutritional supplements are carefully checked for carcinogens. But meat or oil, stored for a long time in the freezer at a temperature of about zero degrees - a real factory of carcinogens.

Bacteria and viruses are the causes of cancer

An incorrect way of life leads to an increase in the number of viral diseases that can under certain conditions become cancerous. Some of the types of cancer are considered a contagious disease, since the cause of their appearance is an infection.

Sunburn is dangerous to health

Skin cancer and melanoma - these diseases increase dramatically in autumn and winter, after spending holidays in hot countries. Especially at risk are blonde and light-skinned people, and most of them in general are contraindicated for sunbathing due to genetic characteristics. On sunscreens should not be relying, they protect only from a superficial skin burn, and the sun's rays with an unfavorable long wave are missed. It is the effects of these rays that increase the risk of a dangerous melanoma.

Other causes of cancer

Stress, caused by a bright negative event or life tests, often destroys the immune system of our body, weakening its protective function. Stress can act as a catalyst for the emergence and development of a deadly disease.

The initial stage of any cancer process is closely related to the weakening of intercellular connections. One of the reasons for this phenomenon is genetic predisposition.

Special Risk Group

People who are likely to have such a genetic predisposition to cancer, that is, people who have close relatives who have cancer, fall into a group of special risk. Also there are those who have been exposed to carcinogenic factors, and also live in regions with unfavorable ecology. And, of course, smokers in the forefront of the risk group.

It has been proved that poor-quality tumors can not occur in healthy organs and tissues. Most often, tumors manifest themselves against the backdrop of long-term chronic diseases.

Cancer, the causes of which can be diverse, is a most dangerous disease. Do not bring your illness to a deadly diagnosis. In good time, contact your doctors so that the success of the treatment is guaranteed. It is important to know what happens to the body, because life is too unpredictable. Take care of yourself and your life.

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