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Causes and treatment of granulosis pharyngitis

The pathology of the throat is not uncommon. And to treat them is not so difficult, as it may seem at first glance. However, if the disease is started or has an atypical course, then the therapy is long and difficult. One of these diseases is pharyngitis, and its granular form. Suffer from him can both children and adults. Treatment of granulosis pharyngitis should be comprehensive and thorough. In some cases, even an operation may be necessary. Without carrying out all the necessary therapeutic procedures, the patient can develop serious complications.

What is pathology?

Chronic granulosis pharyngitis is an inflammatory process that affects almost all tissues of the pharynx and throat. Most often it affects the mucous membrane, soft palate, lymph nodes and muscles. Pathology can develop independently or be the result of some other diseases: inflammation of the mouth, caries, sore throat.

Chronic granulosis pharyngitis is characterized by the appearance of crusts and pieces of lymphoid tissue on the back of the pharynx, which are very difficult to remove. If these granules initially have a small size, then during the progression of the disease they increase and irritate the nerve endings. In this case, the course of the pathology becomes more pronounced and more difficult for the patient.

Causes of the disease

If you have a sore throat, you must first understand what factors could provoke this problem. Granulose pharyngitis can appear due to such reasons:

  • Throat injuries are pathogenic bacteria (viruses, fungi).
  • Tonsillitis, infections of the oral cavity, caries.
  • Long stay in buildings where there is a lot of dust or too much moist air.
  • Injuries to nasal septum.
  • Effects of allergens. Due to the constant irritation of the nasopharynx, the pathology presented can appear.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Poor performance of the immune system.
  • Taking some medications.
  • Chronic pathologies or congenital abnormal nasopharyngeal structure.
  • Disorders of the endocrine system and metabolism.
  • The presence of bad habits, in particular - smoking.

Signs of pathology

If you develop granulosa pharyngitis, the symptoms can be as follows:

  1. A constant sensation of dryness in the throat, which causes the patient to accompany the swelling in the area of inflammation.
  2. Prolonged coughing attacks.
  3. If the throat hurts, the pain is not expressed strongly.
  4. The formation of very thick mucus in the larynx, which does not depart well, which causes the patient to have coughing attacks.
  5. The presence of red vesicles on the back of the pharynx. The affected area is edematic, with granules present.
  6. Nausea and even vomiting. It can be provoked by a constant cough.
  7. Headache, which leads to sleep disturbance, fatigue. In some cases, an increase in body temperature.
  8. The appearance of problems with the timbre of voice, which develops already in the late stages of the disease.

Diagnostic Features

Treatment of granulosis pharyngitis begins only after a thorough examination of the doctor. Diagnostics includes such procedures:

  • Pharyngoscopy.
  • Visual examination of the larynx by a doctor.
  • A smear from the throat that will help to determine the presence and type of pathogenic microflora.

What does traditional treatment mean?

Treatment of granulosis pharyngitis must begin with the rejection of bad habits: alcohol and smoking. In addition, you should refrain from products and things that can cause an allergic reaction. Naturally, therapy involves the use of medications:

  1. To eliminate the inflammatory process and destroy pathogenic microorganisms, "Furacilin" for rinsing, as well as decoctions of herbal antiseptics: chamomile, marigold, oak bark. A solution of sea salt can additionally be used. "Furacilin" for gargling can be used by adults and children.
  2. A good effect is also provided by inhalers. For the procedure used decoctions of herbs or medicines.
  3. Granules should be cauterized with iodine-containing preparations: "Protargol", trichloroacetic acid.
  4. It is desirable to take antiviral and anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, "Hydrocortisone".
  5. If it comes to raising the temperature, the doctor can prescribe antibiotics: "Azithromycin."
  6. To maintain the defenses of the body it is better to use multivitamin complexes.
  7. To eliminate edema, astringents should be used: silver nitrate solution (1-2%).

Physiotherapeutic procedures will also be useful: mud applications, UHF, electrophoresis, phonophoresis with propolis. If granulosis pharyngitis is found in a child, treat it with caution, as some drugs that are suitable for adults, in children, disrupt metabolic processes in the body. The kid during the therapy should drink a lot of warm liquid, the affected areas should be lubricated with anti-inflammatory agents. Antibiotics are offered to the child in the last resort.

Features of the operation

Treatment of granulosis pharyngitis with medication does not always give a positive effect. Sometimes the pathology continues to progress. In this case, the question may be resolved in favor of surgical intervention. However, the traditional operation is fraught with serious complications and does not exclude the recurrence of the disease.

It is best to give preference to laser therapy - coblation. This operation is completely safe. It provides for a pinpoint effect of the beam on those parts of the pharynx on which fibrous granules are common. Plaques after the procedure are significantly reduced, and the inflammatory process reduces its intensity. However, please note that after the operation you will still have to take medications that completely fix the inflammation, eliminate the pathogenic microorganisms.

Features of Alternative Therapy

Treatment of granulosis pharyngitis can be carried out and folk methods. For you, such recipes can be useful:

  1. Aloe or Kalanchoe juice. These plants have good antiseptic properties. To prepare a remedy, you need to cut several sheets from the bush, which is not less than three years old, put them in the refrigerator for 2 days. After that, squeeze out the juice from the plant and dip it into the nose so that the liquid flows right into the throat.
  2. Milk, mixed with tablets "Mukaltina." This medicine will help to calm coughing attacks. Three tablets of the drug must be thoroughly crushed into powder and added to 100 ml of slightly warmed milk. In this solution add 2 more drops of iodine. The whole mixture should be drunk immediately. This way you need to be treated for at least 10 days. Drink the product preferably before going to bed.
  3. Propolis. A small part of the substance must be crushed into a deep bowl and filled with water. After a while, the liquid with garbage merges. Washed propolis in an amount of 30 g is poured into 100 ml of alcohol and infused for a week. Periodically, the mixture must be shaken. Next, to 1 part of the liquid should be added 2 parts of glycerin or peach oil. The mixture is used to lubricate the damaged area 1 time per day for 14 days.

Prevention of disease

How to cure granulosis pharyngitis you already understood. However, this disease can be prevented. To do this, try to observe such preventive measures:

  • Carry out hardening procedures. For example, pour your feet with cool water. If you are not ready for such a cardinal step, you can start with a simple rubbing with a damp cold towel.
  • It is desirable to completely stop smoking and significantly restrict the intake of alcoholic beverages. They will not be useful and will only exacerbate the situation.
  • If the room is too dry air, then it will need to be moistened. To do this, you can use an ordinary wet towel, laid on the battery.
  • During rest, it is necessary that the head is 10-15 cm above your legs. However, this rule should be observed if pharyngitis is triggered by the release of gastric juice into the esophagus.
  • In time, treat all inflammatory pathologies of the oral cavity and teeth. Pay special attention to pulpitis and tooth decay.


These include breathing difficulties, persistent inflammatory nasopharyngeal lesions, inability to eat, and others. This disease can seriously complicate life. That's all the features of the development and treatment of the presented disease. Appeal to the doctor must be carried out as soon as the throat began to pershenie. Self-medication is unacceptable. Be healthy!

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