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Butterflies are a dying miracle among insects

Butterfly-brazhniki - amazing creatures. They are called "northern hummingbirds" because of giant (for insects) sizes, and also because of the nature of food. Just like miniature tropical birds, butterfly-braziers drink the nectar of flowers, hanging over them in flight. Another name for these amazing insects is the sphinxes.

Take a look at this miracle

When you look at photos of butterflies, you will involuntarily stop them looking at them. Their appearance is very unusual. The large hairy body is very thick. Something like a jet plane. The wingspan is on average up to ten centimeters! Known individuals, five centimeters larger than the average specimen. The speed of their movement is amazing for butterflies - it can reach fifty kilometers per hour. On the back and wings a distinctive ornament that allows one to distinguish them from their relatives. After all, the species of butterflies in Russia are extremely numerous.


For the most part, these insects are nocturnal. However, some fly in the daytime. Caterpillars of these butterflies have a long growth at the end of the body. These horned creatures also have a very thick and large body. Many butterfly-brazhniki are listed in the Red Book. In some areas, several species of these insects can be found. Podmarennikovy and small wine sorcerers are extremely bright butterflies, they are found in Russia. In particular, in the Lipetsk region. Brazhnik-hobotnik (linguist) is really very similar to a small bird - especially this similarity is noticed by children.

Mysterious insects

Long since butterfly-brazhniki caused a lot of superstitions among the people. This is due, most likely, to their colorful and unusual appearance, size and color, as well as nightlife. Superstitious people attributed butterflies to kinship with evil spirits. Also frightened people another feature of the singers - the ability to make loud enough sounds. The mechanism of peep and squeak that can be heard from this butterfly is not clear until the end. Alfred Bram attributed this property to the butterfly's trunk. But scientists still have to understand what is going on with the insect in reality. Brazhnik likes to eat a lot of honey. To do this, the butterfly fearlessly can penetrate into the bee hive! Some entomologists put forward versions that the squeaky sounds issued by the sorcerer are like the sounds of the queen bee, which have a hypnotic effect on the bees. This allows the butterfly to distract the insects' attention in the hive and eat the honey fearlessly. But even if the bees attack it, it will easily be repulsed by strong wings. But the harm of the gambler is insignificant for the hives. Butterfly can not damage the state of the apiary - it should not be exterminated in any way. After all, it is a rarity, a unique representative of nature. If you were lucky enough to find a living gambler flying into an entrance or a building, try to catch him neatly and let him go free. By this you will contribute to the preservation of a unique species of beautiful butterflies. Especially do not specifically trap the sorcerer for fun or collectibles.

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