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Fish Luffar: description, habits and industrial significance

Everyone who is fond of sea sport fishing knows about who the fish are lufar. The photo with this sea beast is a direct proof that a person has the right to call himself a master of fishing. However, catching it is not so easy. Especially if the fisherman is unfamiliar with her habits and way of life.

Luffar fish: description

Luffar is a marine representative of radiant fish, which belongs to the group of perciforms. This is a fairly large predator: adult individuals grow more than 1 meter in length, while their weight can reach 15 kilograms. However, such giants are rare today, because fish luffar often becomes a victim of fishing.

Now let's talk about the appearance of fish. This marine creature has an oblate body shape. On his back are two fins with thin cartilaginous rays. The first of them is much sharper, which can be seen even with the naked eye. In addition, there are two pectoral and two pelvic fins, as well as a fork-shaped tail.

The very same fish lufar has a dark blue color, with impurities of greenish scales. The upper part is much darker than the bottom. This color scheme is the main weapon of the sea predator. Thanks to him, he can discourage other fish, which during the escape do not have time to fix the maneuvers of their pursuer.

Area and habitat

Many Russian fishermen are sure that only we have fish luffar. The Black Sea, in truth, is indeed one of the largest havens of this predator, but far from being the only one. Large populations of this species can be found in the waters of the Indian, Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

In general, luffar fish can settle in any sea, provided that the water in it is warm enough. Therefore, it should not be surprising that fishermen can catch this glorious prey both off the coast of the Black Sea and next to the arid regions of Africa.

Habits and way of life

Fish luffar prefers to lead a schooling lifestyle. At the same time, sometimes the number of such a "family" can reach several thousand individuals. On the one hand, this makes the predator very dangerous for other fish, and on the other, turns it into an easy prey for fishing boat networks.

In addition, Luffar does not like to stay in one place for a long time. Together with his flock, he constantly migrates, adhering to warm waters. During the hot periods of the year, it can completely escape into the estuaries or estuaries of the river, but the temperature should drop a little, and it returns to the sea again.

Ration and way of hunting

Luffar is a predator. Due to its size, it can hunt both small and medium fish. For example, its victims may be anchovies, horse mackerel, herring, sardines, hamsa and so on. In addition, the predator sometimes eats small shellfish, which did not have time to hide from it.

In addition, this species is distinguished by an incredible speed of movement. Bursting into the jambs of other fish, it disperses them on different sides, making them vulnerable to rapid attacks. It is curious that scientists for a long time could not understand exactly how Luffar catches his victim. The reason for this is the lightness of the fish, because of which it was impossible to follow it with the naked eye.

Benefit of modern technology helped to discern how Black Sea fish hunting luffar. The photos taken with a speed of 32 frames per second, well display the entire process of feeding the predator. So, approaching his victim, the hunter opens his mouth and with all his strength releases air from the gills - this instantly accelerates him, allowing him to catch prey in no time. And then it remains for small - quickly chew prey.

Reproduction and spawning period

Sexual maturity lofar reaches at the age of 2-4 years. Spawning of fish takes place only in well-heated water, and therefore often falls in July or August. Caviar eggs are laid straight in the sea, especially without worrying for its future. Most eggs will die or be eaten, but this will not affect the population.

After all, at one time a female can postpone up to 1 million eggs, which completely compensates for all possible losses. In addition, the baby is born after 2-3 days, and immediately begins to eat independently.

Meaning for man

Meat of luffar is very valuable. This is due to two factors: first, it is delicious, and secondly, it contains a small percentage of fat. Because of this, many fishing companies are engaged in catching this particular species. The largest catch of this fish is off the coast of Australia, Venezuela and Brazil.

In addition, many fishermen arrange competitions for catching luffar. At the same time, such events are held annually in our country and abroad. Such popularity of fish is completely justified, because only a skilled and strong fisherman who knows his business will be able to catch it.

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