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Bruce Lee's philosophy. Philosophy and spirit of the fighter. Quotes by Bruce Lee

Bruce Lee (Li Zhengfan) - a man who breathed new life into Chinese martial arts. He was an idol for millions of people around the planet, his incredible skills motivated by uncompromising self-development. This Chinese fighter was not only an outstanding actor, but also a philosopher, whose sayings still help find themselves many lost souls. Bruce Lee's philosophy did not always match his life, because Hollywood demanded sacrifice. However, despite all the internal contradictions, the famous wushu master continued to go only forward, sweeping away all obstacles in his path.


Bruce Lee was born on November 27, 1940 in San Francisco, where his father, a former actor of the Chinese theater, conducted his performances. The mother of the future star was half German, so Bruce was not a purebred Chinese. Since he was born in the year and the hour of the Dragon, in his childhood he was called the Little Dragon. However, it was difficult for him to justify such a formidable nickname, since childhood Bruce Lee was a painful and weak child.

Strangely enough, but the first hobby of the legendary fighter was by no means combat. In 1954 he began to study the dance cha-cha-cha, in which he achieved tremendous success. His plasticity and impeccable coordination brought him victory in the Hong Kong Dance Championship. Because of the mixed origins of Bruce, peers constantly persecuted him, which led him in 1956 to Yip Man, who at that time was already a famous master of Wing Chun style. Wushu classes were of great interest to Little Dragon, in contrast to school lessons. As a result, he wins inter-school boxing competitions, squeezing a local champion who has not known defeats for more than three years.

Moving in

The skill of Bruce Lee was constantly growing, as a result of which he began to fight regularly on the street. Difficult character repeatedly pulled the young fighter into all sorts of stories, for some tricks, he even got into the police. Fearing for the life of his son, the father sends Bruce to San Francisco, where he begins work in his uncle's restaurant. Thus, the Little Dragon did not have time to complete his training in the art of Wing Chun, having been practicing this style of Wushu for only 4 years.

Even overseas, Bruce Lee did not stop his training. In his little room over the restaurant stood a homemade mannequin, on which the future master practiced the technique of Wing Chun. In addition, he studied English, philosophy and mathematics, which helped him enter the Edison High Technical School. A year after its end, in 1961, Bruce entered the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Washington.

Life in the USA

It was during the time of study at the university that Bruce Lee's philosophy began to form. His work at the restaurant came to an end, as he was able to recruit a group of students, who were engaged in the park for lack of space. The shells used to test the blows were trees, wrapped in rags. All the free time of the young master was spent studying philosophy. This brought fruit, the leadership of the University of Washington appreciated the efforts of Bruce, and he received the post of lecturer in Chinese philosophy. At this time, the future star wrote a book about the philosophy of Wushu, which he publishes at his own expense. While working at the University, Bruce Lee meets his future wife Linda Emeryly, who was then only 17 years old.

In 1963, Master Wushu opens his first hall, where he teaches his art to everyone, regardless of nationality. This approach terribly angers other Chinese masters who send him angry letters, threaten reprisals and even come for fights. Despite this, the Dragon continues to train people and promote Wushu in America. He conducts demonstrative performances to attract as many students as possible.

Actor career

In 1965, Bruce Lee passed the test and became an actor. Prior to that, he had already appeared in the teenage years, so there were no problems. The further life of the great fighter takes place in constant shooting and fuss. In the films, Bruce Lee's battle philosophy is most fully expressed - on the screen he defeats the enemies in seconds, one after another. That was his concept of the perfect match.

The bright master of martial arts quickly became popular both in China and abroad. Films with his participation collected huge money, thanks to them people have ceased to treat "Chinese boxing" with contempt. At that time, Bruce Lee's philosophy found its outward expression in its own fighting style, called "the way of the advancing fist." His main idea is advancing the opponent, instead of blocking his attack and then responding. The fighting scenes written by Bruce completely reflect his view of the conduct of the battle, bringing the staging fights to a whole new level.

Bruce Lee's Water Philosophy

To be like water is one of the main principles of a bright movie actor. The formation of this philosophical principle was influenced by his teacher - Yip Man. One day, young Bruce did not understand the technique of Wing Chun, no matter how much effort he exerted. The teacher, seeing the wrong approach of his student, dismissed him from training and gave him a week to rest, to regain strength and think over the basic principles of Wing Chun.

On one of the days of rest, Bruce Lee sailed on a boat, trying to understand what he was doing wrong. In a fit of impotent rage, he struck the watery surface. He watched as the water immediately took the original form, without suffering any damage from his actions. And then the young fighter began to understand that it was water that was his ideal example. After all, it overcomes any obstacles, seeping through them, no strikes can harm it, it is so soft and at the same time has tremendous power. The look at this question well reflects the excerpt from Bruce Lee's quote: "Become formless, incorporeal, like water. When you pour water into a cup, it becomes a cup, you pour water into the kettle, it takes the form of a kettle. "


The call to become like water very well reflects the principles to which the brilliant actor aspired. Bruce Lee's philosophy says that only the fittest survive in this world. Therefore, only one who adapts and constantly changes, without form, will be able to emerge victorious from the struggle. It is known that as a child, Bruce was engaged in Taijiquan - soft style of Wushu, so it is not surprising that his vision of the fight became exactly this.

However, softness and mobility do not mean weakness and slowness. The Wing Chun master's attacks were strong and swift, sometimes so much that they had to use special cameras to capture his blow. Unfortunately, Hollywood did not allow to adhere to many of the principles that Bruce Lee came to. Being in such an immoral environment gave rise to many internal conflicts that violated the harmony in the actor's soul.

"The Way of the Leading Fist"

This famous book was created by the master's wife from his records, which he never managed to systematize. It not only gathers techniques and approaches to training, but also philosophy. Bruce Lee, whose book came out only after his death, claimed that his concept suited any martial art. Therefore, it does not matter whether you are engaged in boxing, karate or judo, the ideas embedded in it will help you become stronger and more effective.

Also, "The Way of the Leading Fist" is permeated with philosophical statements reflecting the aspiration of the great fighter to self-knowledge and spiritual growth. Here are some quotes from Bruce Lee:

"Jitkundo is the knowledge of truth, the way of life, the movement towards gaining strong will and complete control." This knowledge is based on intuition. "

"If you are not a heartless soul, then the outer world will open itself before you." "In motion, imitate the water." In calmness, be like a mirror. "Answer like an echo."

To supplement the "Way of the Leading Fist" can a work most fully reflecting the way of life that led Bruce Lee - "Philosophy and the Spirit of the Fighter". This is the fifth part of the well-known book - "Battle School of Bruce Lee," written by him in co-authorship with M. Uhara. It is she who unites the methods of physical and spiritual development that this extraordinary person used. A deep understanding of this philosophical work will help develop your own style of fighting, eliminating soulless imitation.

Fighter and philosopher

Unfortunately, the brilliant actor and fighter died, and did not finish his promising beginnings. Today, the sayings of Bruce Lee fill the Internet and not only, they can be heard from many martial arts fans. This great man has become a guiding star for athletes from around the globe. Bruce Lee, whose stunts still hit the audience, proved that nothing is impossible for a man with an unbending will. In his path, many thousands of followers follow the principles of the eminent fighter. While people remember and honor the legacy of Bruce Lee, his philosophy will live and develop.

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