HealthWomen Health

Breast ultrasound, when to do and how many times?

The information below will be of interest to every woman, so I highly recommend that you read it. It's about women's health, namely, ultrasound of the mammary glands. When to do? How many times can you do ultrasound? Why do ultrasound? What is 3D ultrasound, how effective is it? Approximately such a list of questions arises in many young girls. In this article you will get an exhaustive answer for everyone.

Breast ultrasound, when to do and why?

Ultrasound is an excellent research method that allows timely detection of various diseases, especially in the early stages of development, and, if possible, to prevent them. A breast examination by a gynecologist can not give a complete picture, it can reveal a tightening in the mammary gland, and such an opening, as a rule, requires more detailed study, that is, a direction for ultrasound.

Directing you to ultrasound may also be the same if you are planning a pregnancy, are already pregnant or breastfeeding, because during this beautiful period in the life of a woman, the body and chest in particular are adjusted for long-term feeding, that is, for daily work. The reason for visiting the office of ultrasound are persistent pain in the mammary glands. As well as adolescence, during which the breast begins to form intensively. Be sure to do an ultrasound before mammoplasty, it does not hurt to conduct a study after a plastic operation on the chest.

Well, that's sorted out about the evidence for ultrasound of the mammary glands. When to do, that's what remains to be learned. Here the cycle day is very important, since the most favorable for ultrasound examination is the I phase of the menstrual cycle after 5 and up to 14 days. During menopause, ultrasound of the mammary glands when to do? In that case, any day.

How many times can you do ultrasound?

I would like to note that ultrasound does not pose any threat to the body. Therefore, the answer to the question posed will be the following. Doing ultrasound can and should be done as many times as necessary in each specific case.

After you undergo ultrasound, during which pathology is revealed, you should be advised by a mammal doctor, who will determine the frequency of the subsequent visit to the ultrasound study. Ultrasound is very helpful in monitoring the treatment of tumors, cysts, various neoplasms in the mammary gland, ultrasound can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment and, if necessary, to argue for its replacement.

Remember! As an ultrasound prophylaxis it is recommended to do once a year to exclude all possible diseases of the mammary glands.

Three-dimensional Uzi, when is it better to do ultrasound 3D?

Thanks to modern computer technologies in diagnostic studies, it became possible to apply a somewhat improved method of ultrasound 3D ultrasound. In contrast to conventional ultrasound (two-dimensional), the new method reproduces on the monitor the more familiar eye and the main clear picture of the internal organs of man. The image of the internal organs on the monitor of the apparatus for carrying out 3D ultrasound is a hologram in its own way - the picture turns out to be colored, volumetric, the lines of the internal organs are clear. Thus, new technologies allow to see absolutely any, even the slightest changes in the mammary glands, in order to be able to prevent the disease and eliminate it in the bud or to mitigate its negative consequences for the whole organism.

In conclusion, I want to note that women in 40 years and after, it is better to do not an ultrasound, but a mammogram, this is related to the age-related changes in the structure of the mammary glands. By this age, the adipose tissue predominates in the mammary gland; for x-rays it is clearly visible, and mammography in this case will give more information than ultrasound.

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