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"Bird" surname. History of the Sokolov family name

Many surnames were formed from Slavic meanings or symbols. The origin of the name Sokolov (Sokolov) is very ancient, has several versions. The most popular we will consider in this article.

Bird's name

Falcon - a "bird's" name was given in Russia long before her baptism. This is the so-called "worldly" name for the boy. The Slavs worshiped nature-mother. They worshiped the sun - the whirlpool. They thought of themselves as a part of nature, and the birds were respected especially: for their beauty, courage and proud nature. People believed that the more they "appease" the spirits of nature, the more they will be helped in life.

By giving his son the name of Falcon, his parents had in mind that he would grow up with the same qualities that this bird possesses. The falcon is sharp, fearless, a good warrior and a successful hunter. The bird is beautiful in appearance and very popular among the people.

Praising a young man or a man, women called him "Finist - a clear falcon". "Finist" in the Slavs means a phoenix. The one that is immortal, having the ability to regenerate from the ashes. Identifying the name of the child with a proud bird, parents thereby prophesied to him longevity.

Many birds were in good standing with the ancient Slavs. For example, among others are also quite popular: Vorobiev (a), Sorokin (a), Voronov (a), Lebedev (a), Soloviev (a) and many others. "Bird World" is widely represented in a number of popular families.

But Sokolov or Sokolova is beyond competition. For this species was in its own way "the king of birds". Therefore, the history of the origin of the surnames Sokolov (Sokolov) can directly be associated with the worldly name Sokol. This name has the oldest roots and is a pride for its bearers.

In Russia, many noble families bore the Sokolov family name, archival historical records tell us about it.

Falcon hunting

Long ago this kind of hunting was popular in Europe and in Russia . This was a serious occupation and reached the level of industrial fishing. In Russian landlord possessions birds were grown, trained, used for hunting. There was a post for the person in charge of this, a falconer.

Hence we can conclude that the mystery of the Sokolov family, origin and meaning may be hiding in falconry. The whole family, engaged in such a trade, was given such a nickname - the Sokolovs. That is, the falconer family dealing with falcons. The surname could undergo transformation, turning into the following options: Sokolnikov (a), Sokolkov (a), Sokolnichenko and others. But the meaning remained the same.

Goal as a falcon

The saying "a goal as a falcon" is known to many. And imagine a poor homeless and plucked bird. In fact, such a representation is erroneous.

In the second word, stress should be placed on the second letter "o". And then it becomes clear that in mind there is not a proud and beautiful bird - a falcon, but an ancient stenobit cannon.

The juice of l was a huge pillar, carved from the trunk of a huge tree. He was smooth, "naked." It was the people's custom to mention it if a person wanted to point out his poverty. This expression - "goal as a falcon" - is a metaphor. A special figure of speech, reinforcing emotionality and using a portable meaning.

We do not think that people could be called "in honor" of the staboid gun, but this version also has a place to be. In this case, the initial stress was lost with time.

Approached to the sun

A very interesting version of the origin of the Sokolov family is put forward by some Slavs. They share the word "falcon" in two parts: "co" and "count." The first is explained as "approaching something," and the second is considered to be the initial letters of the word "curl", which the ancient Slavs meant "the sun."

Thus, based on the foregoing, the falcon is an aspiring to the sun. The version is beautiful, interesting. The sun was the deity of the Slavs. It is possible that, thus calling a person, he was assigned a kind of divine path.

Transformation into a surname

So, there are two meanings of the word "falcon". It is clear that their carriers can be considered the ancestors of the Sokolov family. Their children, children of children - all became heirs of the family "nickname". Played, as always, the role of the suffix "s", denoting belonging and responding to questions: whose, whose.

Origin, meaning, history of the Sokolov family name are considered from different angles, as can be seen from our article.

The last thing I wanted to say about is that, in addition to people - generic bearers of the name, there were settlements (villages, villages, landed estates) with the same name. For example, Sokolovo, Sokolovka, Sokolniki. In them lived either families of falconers, or peasants of the landowner with the surnames Sokolov. Over time, they all recorded under the same name.

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