HealthDiseases and Conditions

Varicella: treatment and prevention

Varicella is considered a child's disease, since in most cases it is transferred at an early age. After that, most often the body develops immunity, as a result of which repeated infection is extremely rare. However, in cases when a person escaped "chickenpox" at preschool and school age, he may well become infected by it already an adult. In this case, the course of the disease and the consequences can be much more severe than that of babies.

It should be noted that with the diagnosis of "chicken pox", treatment can be prescribed different, depending on the form of the disease and its severity. The cause of the disease state is the virus, transmitted mainly by airborne droplets. It is very easy to spread, especially in enclosed spaces and in direct contact with the infected.

Symptoms of the appearance of the disease are as follows. First, it is the appearance of rashes on the scalp, as well as on the mucous membranes. Often they can be accompanied by a feverish state, an increase in temperature. Usually the appearance of the rash occurs within 3-4 days, and the new papules (nodules) quickly go into vesicles (vesicles). Rashes may be accompanied by severe itching. In the mild course of the disease, after a few days, the vesicles burst, turn into a crust, after which no traces remain. However, sometimes complications occur, and therefore, chicken pox in children treatment is quite serious.

Typically, patients with this disease are treated on an outpatient basis. First of all, careful hygiene is important, which prevents the secondary appearance of infection. To do this, all linen is thoroughly ironed at least once a day. Traditionally, the rash is smeared with a solution of brilliant green ( green ) or potassium permanganate. If there are purulent complications, then antibiotics can be prescribed. Often, if a diagnosis is made of "chicken pox", treatment is required only this. However, with the appearance of concomitant symptoms, for example, severe fever, it is possible to take antipyretics. Children and adults in this case prescribed "Paracetamol" (in a different dosage), since it has a minimum of side effects.

If the disease passes without complications, the baby goes to the children's team 5 days after the appearance of the last elements of the rashes. In rare cases, there are atypical forms of the disease, which can lead to unpredictable consequences.

In the case where chicken pox is diagnosed in adults, the treatment may be slightly different. This is due, first of all, to the fact that infection in such cases can occur with severe complications. The use of drugs with interferon can often reduce or prevent the appearance of new rashes. May be recommended for therapy for acyclic nucleosides (for example, the drug "Acyclovir" - in the absence of contraindications). In addition, preparations are recommended for plant raw materials, for example, "Flacoside", "Helepin", etc.

Varicella treatment with antibiotics only provides for complications. Most often, the diseased is isolated at home. For the purposes of prevention, a vaccine is currently being used, thanks to which immunity is formed for at least several years. Since the virus is quite unstable, disinfection is usually not performed. Most often enough ventilation and frequent cleaning in the room where the infected person was.

Usually this disease is diagnosed by the type of rash. Despite the prevailing opinion that this is an easy-going disease, chicken pox treatment requires quite serious. As with any other infection, infected, in the first place, you need a calm environment.

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