
Anisocytosis is what? Anisocytosis in a general blood test

Blood is extremely important for the human body and is a liquid tissue containing plasma and uniform elements - erythrocytes, leukocytes and platelets. Thanks to the circulatory system, all organs feed. Her condition can be determined by giving a general blood test. In some cases, there is an anisocytosis of erythrocytes or platelets, which indicates some problems in the work of the body. And what should I do? Let's understand.

What is anisocytosis?

This is a condition in which the shape of erythrocytes or leukocytes varies in size, which indicates the course of some pathological process in the body. You can detect pathology by passing a blood test. To confirm the result, an additional examination is prescribed, but more often such a test is quite enough.

The blood of a healthy person contains 70% of normal erythrocytes and about 15% of red corpuscles of another diameter. Red blood cells deliver oxygen to the cells of the body. Studying the blood smear under the microscope, you can see that almost all of them have the same diameter - 7.2-7.5 microns. Erythrocytes up to 6.9 microns in diameter are called microcytics, more than 7.7 microns are macro-cells, and if their diameter reaches 9.5 microns, then it is about megalocytes.

The blood of a healthy person contains all these kinds of cells. On the ongoing pathological processes are judged if there is a violation of their percentage, when large diameter cells become very large and they begin to predominate. Having detected anisocytosis in a general blood test and analyzed Degree of violation of the balance of the formed elements, you can determine how severe is the pathology.

The cause of anisocytosis

Many reasons lead to the development of anisocytosis. It can be:

  • Deficiency of vitamins A, B12 and iron;
  • Liver pathology;
  • Thyroid disease;
  • oncology;
  • Various kinds of anemia.

Anisocytosis can be detected in newborn babies, but this does not indicate that there is any disease, but is considered a physiological process that occurs two months later. In older children, iron deficiency is the most common cause of this pathological condition of the blood. During pregnancy, anisocytosis in the general blood test is also found quite often.


If there are the following symptoms, then it is possible to speak with great probability about the presence of anisocytosis:

  • A long-lasting decline in strength;
  • Recurrent dyspnea;
  • A constant, causeless, rapid heartbeat, which can occur even at rest;
  • From time to time, the skin becomes pale, the nails.

If there is one of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor and take a general blood test. Having diagnosed the disease in time, you can quickly defeat it or eliminate all the inflammatory processes that cause anisocytosis.


  1. Anisocytosis of mixed type. A blood test in this state will show the content of 50% macro- and micro-cells in the biomaterial. Sometimes in a mixed type, macro-cells may predominate, indicating pernicious anemia, and if microcytids are leading, hypochromic anemia can be assumed .
  2. Macrocytosis.
  3. Microcytosis.

How is treatment carried out?

To eliminate this pathology, it is necessary to cure the disease that caused it. Thanks to modern medical technologies, having found anisocytosis in the analysis, doctors can very accurately determine the cause of its appearance. If the result indicates a diagnosis such as anisocytosis of erythrocytes, then it can be confidently asserted that a person suffers from iron deficiency anemia.

In this case, the food system is adjusted and foods that can increase hemoglobin are added. With anemia of mild degree, when the level of the mentioned protein fluctuates within 100-105, a diet that promotes its increase is prescribed. The patient is recommended to add to his diet products containing a large amount of iron: liver, buckwheat, red meat and the like. If anemia is severe, then drug treatment can not be avoided.

If the cause of the pathology is the presence of a tumor, chemotherapy and surgery are prescribed. Sometimes anisocytosis in the blood is characterized by a short-term course, then choose a waiting tactic.

Preventive measures

Since anisocytosis is not an independent disease, but a reflection of the pathological processes taking place in the body, this should be paid special attention. It is recommended to carry out preventive measures that help to eliminate the causes of this condition.

To prevent the occurrence of anemia, you should use products that increase hemoglobin, and regularly give a general blood test. Only by normalizing the food and balancing your menu, you can reduce the lack of iron. Nuts, vegetables, meat, pomegranates, legumes must be included in the diet. Proper nutrition, aimed at preventing anemia, prevents the occurrence of anisocytosis.

If a person is perfectly healthy, does not suffer from chronic diseases, there are no inflammatory processes in the body, then the red blood cells will also have a normal size. But in the presence of pathologies and inflammations, there is anisocytosis, which occurs after a cure.

It is necessary to go in for sports. Training in the gym or running significantly speeds up the process of metabolism, blood supply improves, cells and tissues begin to be saturated with oxygen. In addition, physical education prevents the emergence of many diseases, as well as contribute to the rejection of bad habits. If a person leads a healthy lifestyle, his immunity rises, and systems and organs begin to strengthen.


Anisocytosis is not an independent disease, but a sign of pathological processes taking place in the body. To eliminate it, you need to find out the root cause of this blood condition. Bouncing back to normal health, you can expect that the diameter of red blood cells is normalized.

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