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Pine Crimean: price, photo, description

A green beauty - it's so common to talk about pine trees, which year round pleases the eye with its freshness and unfading beauty. In ancient times for many people these trees were considered sacred. And in China they were planted near the palace of the emperor as a symbol of immortality.

general information

The Crimean pine is a tall tree. Its trunks were often used in shipbuilding. In height, a green beauty can reach 30-50 meters. The bark is dark, all in cracks, from brownish-brown in the lower part, to the orange-reddish top.

The size and shape of the crown in this pine varies with age. In the early years it is a pyramidal, thick, fluffy beauty, the branches of which cover the trunk from the bottom to the top. In an adult multi-meter tree, the crown is more like an umbrella. The branches are spreaders and mostly located in the upper part of the trunk.

Coniferous needles in this species of pine are long, can reach 20 cm, at the end are pointed. Densely arranged on the branches in bundles, 2 pieces in one. They are painted in dark green color and a little matte. On branches can remain up to 5 years, after which they turn yellow and fall off.

The cones on the Crimean pine grow on short petioles and appear on the ends of large branches. Their shape is ovate and oblong. It consists of a number of scales, closely adjacent to each other, which, when ripe, open like flowers. Cones are brownish brown, glossy. For each scaly, a seed is hidden, from which a new tree can grow or it can become a food for many forest inhabitants.


Among a large number of species of reproduction for most conifers, the easiest and most suitable way is planting seeds. With cuttings, rooting is very difficult and the percentage of losses is great. And this tree does not let go of the radical processes. Therefore, in nurseries grown young pine from seeds, which germinate in special greenhouses.

Seed preparation

Before sowing seeds of any plants and trees, they are subjected to stratification. For a Crimean pine, this process at home is better not to conduct. Since with incorrect stratification, the seeds can rot. Before sowing, they can be kept in wet gauze for a day. This will speed up the germination process. At home, the seeds can be kept in moisture until they are pierced, and then carefully laid out in the prepared soil.

Tree from seedlings

Sowing is carried out in easy soil, preferably peaty and friable. This is due to the fact that seeds of small size and through a dense soil sprouts may not break through. It is recommended to sow on top of the soil, after which it is slightly loosened so that the seeds do not go deep.

Also it is necessary to observe the distance between crops, a minimum of 0.5 cm. There is also a reason for this. With the germination of closely planted seedlings, the soil rises, which can lead to the drying of young small roots and, accordingly, the death of a small sprout.

The container in which seeds will germinate should be deep enough - 15-20 cm. At the bottom, drain the drainage, and sand on top. It is necessary to do this so that excess water leaves, and the rootlets do not rot. It is also recommended to ignite drainage and sand for disinfection.

Water should be regularly and with a spray, especially until the moment when the seedlings are stronger. Then they can be seated in separate pots, carrying a small sprout together with a lump to a new place.

Decorative scaffolding

Increasingly, recently, owners of private houses near the house arrange ornamental forests. Consequently, in the nurseries are increasingly bred coniferous and deciduous trees. One of the popular among the needles of trees is the Crimean pine, the price of which depends on the age and size of the tree. The older and lush the tree, the higher its value. Price of a small pine - from 5000 rubles. But buyers do not stop this, because, having planted adult trees, almost immediately you get a ready home forest. And fluffy branches and constantly green needles perfectly adorn any site. Crimean pine, a photo of which can be seen in this article, in the early years has the shape of a pyramid and dense branches.

Planting an adult tree

The older the plant, the more difficult it is to transfer transplants and move to new places. Therefore, the best period for such a process is from late autumn and early spring, that is, in the period of sleep of trees. Planting pine Crimean is not difficult, but if necessary, you can contact specialists.

For landing, you need to prepare a pit. In size, it should be larger than the earth coma, with which the Crimean pine is excavated from the old place, about 50 cm in diameter and 30 cm in depth. At the bottom of the pit it is necessary to lay drainage, and mix the earth with sand and compost.

Further, the tree is installed in the pit and is poured over the prepared substrate, it is well trampled down. After this, abundant watering is required. It is also possible to cloak the earth around the tree, sprinkling it with sawdust.

Caring for a transplanted tree

The Crimean pine is a drought-resistant plant, however, in the first year after transplantation it requires high humidity. It is due to the fact that the disturbed roots are weakened, and the tree, recovering, evaporates a large amount of water. Also it is necessary to carry out regular washing of trees, 2-3 times a week, by pouring them with water.

Fertilizers are introduced only for young pines, if the plant is sufficiently adult, then after transplanting it should not be overloaded.

The pine tree perfectly tolerates wintering. You can hide small trees, large and adults do not need it.


The Crimean pine is a tree-gardener. It looks great in the parks and near the houses, it is planted on the streets and squares. Needles perfectly cleans the air, releasing useful substances, favorably affects the human body.

Also since ancient times the pine tree is valued as a building material.

The Crimean pine due to its soft wood structure was used in the construction of houses and ships. From it, furniture, carts and various household utensils were made. Many churches built from this material in the 17th and 18th centuries still stand and are historical monuments.

To celebrate New Year's holidays very often used Crimean pine. Photo near the decorated forest beauty is in the album with a lot of people. Also, in its likeness, artificial substitutes for festive pines are made.

Healing properties

The Crimean pine is very much appreciated in folk medicine. Of young cones, jam is prepared, which is curative and helps against colds and flu, gum diseases and bronchial diseases. In the fruits of pine there are many substances that contribute to such a favorable effect.

Pollen of Crimean pine also has many healing properties. It is used to improve immunity, with a sharp drop in vision, allergies and heart disease. Such pollen helps strengthen the vessels and increases the strength of the capillaries.

The pollen is collected during the flowering period of the tree - in the middle of May. To treat the yellow cone-inflorescence, in which there is no juice. This can be verified by pressing it. From yellowed inflorescences, collect pollen and dry it. Apply it, mixing with honey in proportions of 1 to 1.

Such a collection is rather complicated and it is necessary to guess with the flowering time. Therefore, if necessary, pollen can be purchased at the pharmacy.

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