HealthWomen Health

Androgens in women: the effect on the body of increased amounts

As is known, about seventy percent of cases of infertility in women is the result of an increased number of androgens in the body of the fair sex. What is it - androgens, and why do they play such an important role in the lives of not only women but also men?

In general, androgens are steroid hormones that are produced by the sex glands. Androgens in women are produced by the ovaries, and in men - by testes. These hormones in the human body play a very important role. So, for example, they have a strong anabolic, as well as anti-catabolic effect. In addition, they significantly increase the synthesis of proteins produced by the body, and somewhat inhibit the decay of these proteins. Androgens improve the process of glucose utilization, carried out by the cells of the body, thereby lowering its level in the blood. Androgens in women, and in men, contribute to building muscle mass and increasing physical strength. That is why the excess of androgens in women leads to suppression of the formation of female sex hormones, which leads to a lot of unpleasant consequences.

If a woman has increased androgens, she begins to inhibit the maturation of eggs in the ovaries, as well as slow growth of the mucous membrane of the uterus. All these unpleasant syndromes sooner or later lead to the fact that the menstrual cycle is broken, which further leads to infertility. But the excess of androgens in women is also seen externally. They have hairy body of the male type, or hirsutism. Elevated androgens in women, as a rule, appear on androgen-dependent skin areas. So, abundant hair is observed in the lower half of the abdomen, on the chest, on the hips, and also on the face - under the lip, on the cheeks and on the chin. In women, beards and whiskers begin to grow trivially. In addition, there may be inflammation of the sebaceous glands and hair follicles. On the back and face there is an acne.

But modern medicine is able to fight this disaster. Today, if a woman has increased androgens, you can successfully carry out operative or hormonal treatment. And in order to determine what the level of androgens in the body, hormonal, ultrasound and endoscopic studies are conducted.

But do not think that hirsutism is a sign of an increased level of androgens in the female body. For example, it is known that women living in Transcaucasia or the Mediterranean have much more hair follicles than women of China, Japan or Mongolia. But the level of androgens is completely normal. According to specialists, this state of affairs is genetically conditioned. And in this case, increased hairiness is called constitutional, or idiopathic.

It must be separately emphasized that increased androgens in women in a state of pregnancy can lead to a very dangerous disease called hyperandrogenism. As a result of this disease, first of all, a violation of the endocrine system of a woman occurs. And this can lead to miscarriage or miscarriage of the fetus. Typically, the risk of miscarriage is particularly high in the first trimester of pregnancy. But we must emphasize that this disease in pregnant women can be detected in the first months of pregnancy. The main thing is to register on time and comply with all the prescriptions of the doctor.

It is necessary to know that the lack of androgens in men also has a dramatic negative effect on health. As a rule, such a recession begins after fifty years. As a result, men experience a decrease in sexual activity, sometimes there is depression. Thus, it becomes clear that androgens are important hormones that affect both men and women.

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