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Unwanted pregnancy

Pregnancy is a special sacrament, the vocation of every woman and the meaning of her life. But, unfortunately, pregnancy does not always come when she is expected. Unwanted pregnancy is an acute problem for many years. Since ancient times, women have come up with special ways to avoid unwanted pregnancy, as well as its interruption. Many of these methods were extremely harmful and even deadly. In the last century in Russia before 1954, abortion was prohibited by law. And today in many countries, women are forbidden to get rid of unwanted pregnancies.

Unwanted pregnancy means that a woman is not ready to raise a child by physical, moral or material indicators. Unfortunately, this phenomenon is common, especially among young girls. In 80% of cases, pregnancy in 16-17 years ends with abortion. The interruption of pregnancy can not but affect the health of a woman and her ability to have offspring in the future. Therefore, the issue of unwanted pregnancy should be treated as seriously as possible and, if possible, avoided it.

But if there was an unwanted pregnancy, what should I do? This situation is a great stress for women. If this happened to a young woman outside of marriage, the question arises: can she raise a child and support him? Are the mother and father of the child ready to start a family and raise a child together? Is the father able to help the woman? Most often, the answers to these questions are negative. And depending on how long unwanted pregnancy lasts, a medical or surgical abortion is performed .

Unplanned conception can happen in the family. Modern living conditions do not allow each family to have a large number of children. As a rule, families are limited to one or two children. But the wife has an unwanted pregnancy - what should the family do? The husband and wife must weigh their desire to have more children and financial opportunities. If the factors favor the birth of a child, then perhaps a woman should not risk her health and have an abortion. In any case, this is a very serious issue, which in the family should be solved jointly by both halves. An unwanted pregnancy in a family can turn into a desirable one if peace, peace and mutual understanding reign in the family.

Yet most often the question "How to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy?" Ask young girls who are in a difficult situation and do not know who to turn to them. Pregnancy among adolescents is a common phenomenon, despite the propaganda of the frankness of parents and children in matters of sex education. It so happens that young girls and boys begin to have sex life, not having enough knowledge to ensure their safety. Lack of contraception, misconceptions about the occurrence of pregnancy - all this leads to serious problems that teenagers are not able to share with their parents. They feel that at home they are misunderstanding and disgrace, and not help. Therefore, resort to other sources that can help solve the problem of unwanted pregnancy.

First of all, you need to remember that the consequences of abortion can be very, very serious - up to infertility. One mistake can be worth the happiness of being a mother. At the same time, the appearance of children in the period when the woman is morally, psychologically, the child itself - does not often lead to positive results. Therefore, the only way out is to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Modern medicine offers a variety of ways to prevent it. Any gynecologist will give competent advice to any woman. The main thing is to take care of yourself and your health, because no one else can do it.

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