HealthQuit Smoking

Plot from smoking

Rite. This word is rarely pronounced in modern society. With him, most often associated with a special ritual. Each person chooses for himself, to believe in rituals or not. However, the category of people who have devoted their entire lives to magic, witchcraft and various rituals, still exists. Undoubtedly, among them there is a huge number of ordinary scammers, who try to enrich themselves and become famous for the misfortune of other people. This is a priori wrong. In any case, there are special rites that are used to stop a person from drinking or smoking, using drugs.

In our country there are several magicians and clairvoyants who have confirmed their knowledge on the real examples. But even such people with supernatural abilities argue that a person can not be helped if he resists and does not seek to recover on his own. It is very important. To realize that you are sick and in need of specialized help is quite difficult. All methods based on rites, contradict to some extent science and even religion. But conspiracies are a very effective tool in the struggle for life and health. If a person does not believe in them, it is best to turn to more traditional methods.

Conspiracy against smoking can be used by a smoker or his close people, who are concerned about the health of the first. In the case where the smoker reads the smoker, he is called personal, in the second situation - a conspiracy in absentia. In any case, the ceremony should be conducted in such a way that everything conforms to the recommendations. This information is always indicated either in the text of a conspiracy or in general rules.

The plot can not be read on certain days of the year. These are Sundays or days of great religious holidays. In addition, this can include the time in which the person being involved is sick. The best days for reading a conspiracy by a woman are Friday, Wednesday and Saturday. If it is pronounced by a man - Thursday, Tuesday or Monday. As for the time of day, it is recommended to do it directly at sunrise or sunset. It is worth noting that before you read the conspiracy from smoking, you should say the prayer "Our Father". Any conspiracy requires silence, you need to read it in a half-whisper. In this case, a person turns directly to the east or to an open window and a window. The face should not have make-up, the head is always covered, the clothes of each participant of the process are simple in color and the very cut. Jewelery should be removed, you can leave only the cross. The main condition for reading a conspiracy against smoking and any other ailment is that the words of the text should in no case be swapped or altered. It is very important. A conspiracy in which the number of repetitions is not specified is read only once. And yet, "Amen" is not used in any conspiracy. It is better to say the word "true".

A plot from smoking is advised to spend in the first trimester on the waning moon. In addition, it is not effective for this type of conspiracy the tenth day. Below is one of the most famous and effective rites, which will help to relieve the smoker of his dependence.

Plot from smoking

At midnight, on the day of the waning moon over the sleeping man, a conspiracy of smoking is read. The one who reads it, should stand near the person being talked. The best place for a rite is the place behind the head of the sleeper. It is necessary to turn to the east. The words of the rite are as follows: "On the sea and the ocean, somewhere on the island of Buerane there is a big tower, and in it lives the devil. He stuffs his pipe with tobacco. Hey, you hear me, he's a tough guy. It's not for you to live here, it's not for you to smoke here, and you can not let the smoke go, it's not for your lungs to clog! " These words must be pronounced three times. It is worth noting that after each of them, you need to spit your left shoulder. If you read this particular plot, it will be very easy to quit smoking.

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