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Analysis of the "History of a city" Saltykov-Shchedrin, the main idea and theme of the work

In order to make a correct analysis of the "History of one city" Saltykov-Shchedrin, you need not only to read this work, but also to thoroughly study it. Try to reveal the essence and meaning of what Mikhail Evgrafovich tried to convey to the reader. To do this, you need to analyze the plot and idea of the story. In addition, attention should be paid to the images of mayors. Like in many other works of the author, he gives them special attention, comparing with the common commoner.

Published work of the author

"The history of one city" - one of the famous works of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. It was published in Otechestvennye Zapiski, which caused a great interest in the novel. To have a clear idea of the work, you need to analyze it. So, the analysis of the "History of a city" Saltykov-Shchedrin. According to the genre is a novel, according to the style of writing - a historical chronicle.

The reader immediately gets acquainted with the unusual image of the author. This is the "last chronicler-chronicler". From the very beginning, ME Saltykov-Shchedrin made a small note, in which it was stated that everything was issued on the basis of original documents. Why was this done by the writer? To give credence to everything about what the narrative will be about. All additions and author's notes contribute to creating a historical truth in the work.

Reliability of the novel

Analysis of the "History of a city" Saltykov-Shchedrin is intended to indicate the history of writing, the use of means of expressiveness. And also the writer's skill in the ways of revealing the characters of literary images.

The preface reveals the author's intention to create the novel "The History of a City". What city was honored to be immortalized in a literary work? In the archives of the city of Glupov there were descriptions of all the important affairs of urban residents, the biographies of the city governors changing their posts. The novel contains the exact dates of that period, which is described in the work: from 1731 to 1826. A quotation from a poem known at the time of writing of G.R. Derzhavin. And the reader believes that. How else!

The author uses a specific name, tells about the events that took place in any city. ME Saltykov-Shchedrin traces the life of the city's chiefs in connection with the change in various temporal historical epochs. Each era changes people in power. They were reckless, they skillfully managed the treasury of the city, they were gallantly chivalrous. But no matter how they change their time, they govern and command ordinary people.

What is written in the analysis

Analysis of the "History of a city" Saltykov-Shchedrin Written, like any analysis of a work written in prose, according to a certain plan. In terms of the following characteristic features of the prose work: the history of the novel and story lines, composition and images, style, direction, genre. Sometimes the analysis-producing critic or observer from the reader's circle can add his attitude to the work.

Now you should refer to a specific work.

History of creation and the main idea of the work

Saltykov-Shchedrin long ago conceived his novel, he bore him for many years. His observations of the autocratic system have long sought the embodiment of literary works. The writer worked on the novel for more than ten years. More than once corrected and copied whole chapters of Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The main idea of the work is the view of the satirist on the history of Russian society. The main thing in the city is not gold and money-making, but deeds. Thus, the entire novel, The Story of a City, contains the theme of the satirical history of society. The writer as if predicted the death of the autocracy. This is felt in the decisions of the Foolovites, who do not want to live in a regime of despotism and humiliation.


The novel " The History of a City" has a special content, not similar and hitherto not described in any classic work. This is a socio-political satire on a society that is modern to the author, and in this state system there is a hostile power for the people. To describe the city of Glupov and his everyday life, the author takes a time gap of a hundred years. The history of the city changes with the change of the next power. Very briefly and schematically you can imagine the entire plot of the work in several sentences.

The first, about what the author tells, is the origin of people inhabiting the city. Long ago the tribe of the bastards managed to defeat all the neighbors. They are looking for the prince-ruler, instead of which the thief-governor is in power, for which he paid. This lasted very long, until the prince decided to go to Glupov himself. Next is a story about all the significant people of the city. When it comes to the governor Ugryum-Burcheev, the reader sees that the popular anger is growing. The expected explosion ends the work. Gone is Ugryum-Burcheev, a new period begins. There comes a time of change.

Composition construction

The composition has a fragmentary appearance, but its integrity from this is not violated. The plan of the work is simple and at the same time extremely complicated. It is easy to imagine in this form:

  • Acquaintance of the reader with the history of the inhabitants of the city of Glupov.
  • 22 ruler and their characteristics.
  • The mayor of Bruda and his organ in his head.
  • The struggle for power in the city.
  • Dvukurov in power.
  • Years of peace and hunger at Ferdyshchenko.
  • Activity of Basilisk Semyonovich Borodavkin.
  • Changes in the lifestyle of the city.
  • Depraved mores.
  • Ugryum-Burcheev.
  • Wartkin about obligations.
  • Mikaladze about the appearance of the ruler.
  • Benevolsky about kindness.

Separate episodes

Interesting is the "History of one city" by chapters. In the first chapter "From the publisher" is placed a story about the city, its history. The author himself admits that the plot is somewhat monotonous and contains a history of government of the city. There are four narrators, and the narrative is taken by each of them in turn.

The second chapter, "On the Roots of the Origin of the Foolovites", tells the story of the prehistoric period of tribal existence. Who was not at that time: guschschady and lukoydy, frogs and holovtyapy.

In the chapter "Organchik" there is a conversation about the management of the mayor named Brudasty. He is terse, his head is completely empty. Master Baibakov, at the request of the people, revealed the mystery of Bruda: he had a small musical instrument in his head. In Foolov comes the period of anarchy.

The next chapter is full of events and dynamism. It is called "The Legend of the Six Town-Leaders". From this moment, the moments of change of rulers come one after another: Dvokurov, who reigned for eight years, with the ruler of Ferdyshchenko, the people lived for six years joyfully and in abundance. The activity and activity of the next mayor of Borodavkin allowed the people of Stupov to learn what an abundance is. But all good things have a property once come to an end. So it happened with Glupov, when the captain of Scoundrels came to power.

The people of the city now see little good, no one is involved, although some rulers are trying to deal with legislation. What only did not survive the Foolovites: hunger, poverty, devastation. "The history of one city" by chapters gives a complete picture of the changes that took place in the city.

Images of heroes

Occupy a lot of place in the novel "The History of a City" mayors. Each of them has its own principles of government in the city. Each has a separate chapter in the work. To maintain the style of the chronicle narrative, the author uses a number of satirical artistic means: anachronism and fantasy, limited space and symbolic details. The novel reveals all the modern reality. For this, the author uses grotesque and hyperbole. Each of the mayors is vividly drawn by the author. The images turned out to be colorful, regardless of how their rule affected the life of the city. The categorical nature of Bruda, the reform of Dvokurov, the struggle for enlightenment of Borodavkin, greed and love of Ferdyshchenko, non-interference in any cases of Pimple and Ugyum-Burcheev with his idiocy.


The genre of the work is a satirical novel. It is a chronological review. It looks like a kind of original parody of the chronicle. Saltykov-Shchedrin's complete analysis of the "History of a City" is ready. It remains only to read the work again. The readers will have a new look at the novel by Mikhail Yevgrafovich Saltykov-Shchedrin.

The essence sometimes lies in the details

In the work "The Story of a City" an extract of any one is so good and bright, every little thing is in its place. Take at least a chapter "On the Roots of the Origin of the Foolovites." The excerpt is like a fairy tale. In the chapter there are many fictional characters, invented ridiculous names of tribes, which formed the basis of the city of Glupov. Elements of folklore will sound more than once from the lips of the heroes of the work, one of the bunglers sings the song "Do not make noise, mother green greybrew". The merits of the Foolovites look ridiculous: skillful eating of macaroni, trade, performance of obscene songs.

"The history of a city" is the peak of the creativity of the great Russian classic Saltykov-Shchedrin. This masterpiece brought the author the glory of the writer-satirist. This novel contains a hidden history of the whole of Russia. Saltykov-Shchedrin saw an unjust attitude toward the common people. He was very sensitive and saw the shortcomings of the Russian political system. Just like in the history of Russia, in the novel the tyrant and dictator come to replace the harmless ruler.

Epilogue of the story

The ending of the work in which the tyrannical town governor Ugryum-Burcheev perishes in the funnel of a tornado of popular anger is symbolic, but there is no certainty that a good ruler will come to power. Thus, there is no certainty and permanence in matters of power.

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