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Hello from Chernobyl, or How does the Chupacabra look like?

Chupacabra ... The first part of this word ("chupa") translates as "suck," and the second ("kabra") - "goat." Is it really about a sucking goat? It's not so simple, friends! About this mysterious creature has long been composed of entire legends. People who know what the Chupacabra looks like, they say that these monsters are real descendants of nightmarish dreams!

But let's be realistic. Most of all from the invasion of the Chupacabra suffer domestic goats (hence the name). What does the Chupacabra look like and where did it come from? What is it - Mother Nature's whims or the results of unsuccessful genetic experiments? About everything in order.

Lack of evidence

All the existing hypotheses about the origin of the Chupacabra have long ago turned into legends. There are even rumors of werewolves and vampires! Some skeptics, who have learned what the Chupacabra looks like (the photo is most likely not the real one), is generally considered to be a native of ... Chernobyl! Friends, well, this is already frank nonsense, because the first time these creatures were seen in Puerto Rico in the middle of the last century. So, how it all began ...

The Legend of the Chupacabra

Secret materials

In the distant 1967, the head of the family of Puerto Rican farmers stated that his house goats and sheep had been slaughtered by a pack of wolves. During the examination of dead animals veterinarians had numerous questions. Even with an unaided eye one could see that it was not the wolves who tried. The wounds found on the cattle had nothing to do with those left by predators (particularly wolves). These injuries resembled neat incisions made by a surgical scalpel.

But that is not all! Veterinarians were struck by another: all the corpses were completely exsanguinated! The only thing that came to mind was that a vampire in a goatskin coat was on the farm. After a while, as they say, it raced ... From different parts of Latin America, there were reports from people who claimed that they had met this mysterious creature on their farm and would be able to accurately describe how the Chupacabra looks like! According to eyewitnesses, chupacabras are short, humanoid animals with a huge head and large black eyes. They have a strong physique and emit a terrible nauseating stench.

And the goats are dead, and the wolves are hungry!

Meanwhile, the death of livestock continued. In 2000, to find out what the Chupacabra looks like, it was not only Puerto Ricans, but also the Spaniards. Rumors began circulating that this creature could somehow reproduce in a phenomenal way, gradually spreading around the world ...

To date, in our country also recorded several cases of mysterious death of goats and sheep, as well as cows and turkeys. Villagers from the Orenburg region claim to have seen this creature. According to them, it looks like a fox and somehow jumps up and down when it moves.

Does anybody really know what the Chupacabra looks like?

The present and documented version of the attack on the sheep of some unknown zoology of the creature was recorded back in 1996, on May 3. On that day in a Mexican village called Puebla, an attack on livestock was committed. One single sheep survived, but her condition was so deplorable that the owners decided to finish her off, in order to save her from torment.

A doctor named Soledad de la Peña was conducting an autopsy of this sheep. As a result, there was documented any absence of any signs of rigor mortis, and complete exhaustion of all (even internal) organs was found! The doctor paid special attention to the absence of a regular swelling of the abdomen and the escape of intestinal gases. There were no signs of decomposition. She fixed two symmetrical holes, located on the skin in the chest area. The diameter of each of them was ... 7 centimeters!

Dr. Peña made an official statement in front of the television cameras. According to her, Chupacabra is a completely reasonable being, absolutely unknown to science today. She did not say anything else. The doctor advised her colleagues to leave all prejudices and not judge anything ahead of time. "We need to study all the circumstances of this mysterious case before boasting of a scientific discovery," she said.

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